Monday, September 28, 2009

A inceput scoala (?)

Partea buna e ca orasul s-a animat extrem de mult. Peste tot o groaza de studenti azi si banuiesc ca asa va fi si de acum incolo (sper!).
Partea proasta e ca m-am trezit la 07:30 ca sa ajung la facultate pe la 09:30, cand puteam sa merg direct la 11:00. Dar cine ar fi stiut? M-am panicat un pic cand am aflat ca am fost prima persoana care si-a ridicat pachetul introductiv pentru masterul meu (ma gandeam sa nu fiu si singura), dar pana la urma am umplut o sala (cred ca suntem cam 30 in program). Totusi, la un master din aceeasi arie (Diplomacy, Law and Global Change) erau doar 2 studenti!!! Trist!
Am vazut, in mare, care imi sunt colegii si profesorii (unul e un italian care vorbeste engleza ceva mai bine decat cel din fimluletul de pe Youtube "Italian guy goes to Malta" :D), dar o sa ii reintalnesc abia pe 21 octombrie, caci sunt studenti internationali care nu au reusit sa obtina viza la timp si au hotarat sa nu inceapa fara ei. Pe langa asta, o sa am cursuri doar miercurea (zi plina) si probabil va trebui sa merg si joia 2 ore, daca imi aleg modulul Case Study: Analysing Primary Sources (chiar aveam in plan sa iau si cursul asta). Ca sa nu irosim total perioada asta (desi in mod clar vom recupera timpul pierdut - saptamana asta oricum e introductiva), ne vor fi comunicate, pe Blackboard, niste sarcini pentru primele intalniri.
Asadar, a inceput scoala?
Eh, imi pastrez optimismul: o sa am timp sa lucrez (sper ca voi gasi ceva ok), sa merg la biblioteca fara sa fiu conditionata de orele de la cursuri si, evident, sa umblu hai-hui (se aude, Danemarca? :P).
Cel mai mult imi pare rau ca, datorita situatiei create, nu voi reusi sa ma mai vad cu noii colegi prea curand. Mai ales ca nu toti stau in Coventry: vreo 2 pakistanezi sunt din Birmingham, 2 tipi lucreaza la Politie in Londra etc, deci vor veni doar miercurea in oras (au ales masterul asta pentru ca nu prea exista ceva asemanator la alte universitati). Vom vedea...Am impresia ca este si un roman in programul asta: pe MOODLE (o aplicatie asemanatoare Blackboard-ului) am vazut un nume romanesc printre cei online la momentul respectiv si banuiesc ca imi apar doar cei inscrisi la masterul asta. Desi azi, cand ne-am prezentat, nu am auzit pe altcineva (in afara de mine) spunand ceva de Romania. Oricum, stiti voi cum spun eu - romani pot sa intalnesc si in Romania.
Ca tot vorbeam de romani, categoric nu sunt singura de aici, am mai auzit cativa discutand pe strada, iar tipa care ne-a explicat cum functioneaza aplicatiile online era tot romanca.

Per total, a fost o zi buna: am vazut cum sta treaba la facultate, mi-am cunoscut colegii si m-am mai plimbat putin prin oras. Deocamdata prin aceleasi locuri, abia de miercuri incolo (un an intreg :D) voi avea mai mult timp de explorat dupa-amiaza, caci saptamana asta diminetile imi vor fi ocupate cu diverse activitati si intalniri introductive.

Acum probabil merg sa ma culc, maine o iau de la capat cu trezitul devreme. V-am pupat!


School has started (?)

The good part is that the city has enliven a lot. Many students anywhere today and I assume it will be like this from now on (I hope!).
The bad thing is that I woke up at 07:30 to reach the Uni around 09:30, when I could've been there at 11:00. But who could've known? I panicked a bit when I found out that I was the first person to pick up the introductory packet for my master (I was thinking that I might be the only one), but in the end we filled up a class (I think we are about 30 persons for this programme). Anyhow, for another master in the same field (Diplomacy, Law and Global Change) there were only 2 students!!! Sad!
I've seen, broadly, my colleagues and my professors (one of them is an Italian who speaks English just a bit better that the one of the Youtube movie called "Italian guy goes to Malta" :D), but I shall meet them again only on the 21st of October, because there are some international students who couldn't get the visa on time and they've decided not to start without them. Furthermore, I'll only have classes on Wednesday (full day) and probably I might need to go on Thursday as well, for 2 hours, if I choose the module Case Study: Analysing Primary Sources (I was actually planning to opt for this). In order not to completely waist this period(obviously we shall recover these two weeks - this week is an introductory one anyways), the professors will communicate us some assignments for the first meetings.
So, has the school started?
Well, I'm staying optimistic: I'll have time to work (hope I'll find something ok), to go to the library without depending on the school timetable and, obviously, to wander around (can you hear me, Denmark? :P).
The thing that I regret the most is the fact that, due to these circumstances, I won't be able to meet my new colleagues anytime soon. Especially since not all of them live in Coventry: 2 Pakistani are from Birmingham, 2 guys work for the Police in London etc (they've chosen this MA because there isn't something quite similar in other Unies). We'll see..I have the feeling that there is a Romanian in this programme: on MOODLE (an application similar to Blackboard) I saw a Romanian name among the online students and I suppose that I can only see a list of those who're attending the same MA as I am. Although today, when we presented ourselves, I haven't heard someone else (except me) saying something about Romania. Anyways, you know what I say - I can meet Romanians in Romania.
Speaking of Romanians, I am definitely not the only one here, I've heard some talking on the street and the girl who explained us how the online applications work was also Romanian.

Generally, it was a good day: I've seen how things work in the Uni, I've meet my colleagues and I've walked around the city a bit. For the moment around the same places, only from Wednesday on (a whole year :D) I'll have more time to explore during the afternoon, because this week I'll be busy during the mornings, with different introductory activities and meetings.

Now I shall probably go to bed, tomorrow I'll start over waking up early. Kisses!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

O privire pe 131 Humber Avenue

Cred ca asta e cel mai simplu lucru pe care pot sa vi-l povestesc momentan: unde stau.
In mare este vorba de o casa pe un deal cam asa de abrupt (deci pot sa spun adio planurilor mele de a imi cumpara o bicicleta :D):

Casa in sine e trasa la xerox dupa celelate de pe strada. Nu ca m-ar deranja asta in vreun fel, imi place cum arata cartierul in general. Am uitat sa va spun ca, din cate stiu, este vorba de un cartier studentesc si asa si arata - am vazut numai tineri prin jur.

Nu o sa va plictisesc cu poze din bucatarie si living (arata foarte bine, ca de altfel toata casa, nu va ingrijorati), ci trec direct la camera mea, aflata la primul etaj (dupa ce am fost in Spania vara trecuta am realizat ca nu voi putea trai niciodat ala parter):

Casa are 6 dormitoare (2 mai mari la parter si 4 mai mici la etaj). Probabil ca eu am ales camera cea mai mica, dar sunt foarte multumita, caci era singura cu parchet (si stiti cat de comoda sunt cand vine vorba de facut curat). Insa este extrem de frumoasa si mi-a placut mult ca totul este in tonuri de bej, deci practic pot sa o personalizez cum vreau (sper deosebire de celelalte dormitoare care se axeaza pe albastru sau verde). A trebuit sa ii mai aduc ceva "imbunatatiri" de genul perna, pilota, lampa (traisca IKEA!) si sunt in cautarea unui covoras deosebit. In rest, nu cred ca voi mai avea nevoie de atlceva.
Momentan, impart locuinta cu un tip din Franta (Guillaume), unul din Polonia (Chris) si chiar azi a mai sosit o tipa din Franta (Fiona). Cum francezii nu prea le au cu engleza, sunt foarte incantata de faptul ca pot sa conversez in spaniola cu Guillaume. Cred ca si el este la fel de fericit :D

Probabil ca data viitoare va voi povesti despre primul meu contact cu viata de noapte din Coventry. Dar nu promit nimic!


A peek on 131 Humber Avenue

I think that this is the most simple thing that I can tell you about right now: the place where I live.
Broadly, it's a house on a quite dip hill (so I can say "Bye-bye" to my plans of buying a bike :D).

The house itself is a "photocopy" of the other buildings on the street. Not that this would bother me at all, I like the way the neighbourhood looks like. I forgot to tell you that, as far as I know, this is a student neighbourhood and this is exactly how it seems - I've seen only youngsters around.

I won't bore you with photos of the kitchen and the living room (they look really nice, as the rest of the house, don't you worry about that), so I'll just show you my room, on the first floor (after my last time in Spain I have realised that I shall never be able to live on the ground floor).

The house has 6 bedrooms (2 bigger ones on the ground floor and 4 smaller ones upstairs). I've probably picked the smallest, but I am really happy with it and it was the only one who has a wooden floor (and you know how lazy I am when it comes to cleaning). But it's extremely beautiful and I liked a lot the fact that everything is nude-toned, so I can basically personalise it the way I want to (in comparison to the other rooms, which are blue or green-themed). I had to make some "improvements" like pillow, quilt, lamp (long live IKEA!) and I'm still searching for a special carpet. Otherwise, I don't think I shall be needing something else.
For the moment, I am sharing the house with a guy from France (Guillaume), one from Poland (Chris) and today a French girl arrived (Fiona). As the French people don't speak English that well (no offence!), I am delighted to chat in Spanish with Guillaume. I think he is very happy as well :D

Probably next time I shall tell you about my first contact with the night life here in Coventry. But that's not a promise!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Telegrama I

Am ajuns. Stop! De doua zile. Stop! Nu foarte frig. Stop! Nu foarte cald. Stop! Casa si camera super. Stop! Pe deal. Stop! Doar doi colegi de casa momentan. Stop! Oameni politicosi pana acum. Stop! Luni zi introductiva la facultate. Stop! Inca ma hotarasc daca imi place sau nu orasul. Stop! Pe curand. Stop!


Telegram I

I arrived. Stop! Two days ago. Stop! Not too cold. Stop! Not too warm. Stop! Super house and room. Stop! On a hill. Stop! Just two housemates yet. Stop! Generally polite people. Stop! Introductory day on Monday. Stop! I am still deciding if I like or not the city. Stop! Bye. Stop!