Am fost in Birmingham la Targul de Craciun - Birmingham-Frankfurt Christmas Market - asa ca m-am simtit ca in Germania: Weihnachtsmarkt, Bratwurst, Glühwein, Weißbier, ja, ja, entchuldigung!, bitte schön, danke schön etc. Nu imi cereti sa va spun cum s-a terminat ziua (si noaptea) respectiva, caci dupa ce ne-am intors in Coventry am mers la o petrecere :D

Birmigham-ul chiar este foarte frumos impodobit de sarbatori, spre deosebire de Coventry

Cu Sabrina, una dintre prietenele mele germance de aici

Cu Matthias, alt german de aici

Am mai terminat un eseu pentru cursul de International Organised Crime - daca doriti detalii despre crima organizata din Albania va rog sa ma contactati. Chiar credeam ca lucrarea asta va fi mai usoara decat cea de la International Terrorism, dar ne-am inselat cu totii: volumul de munca a fost mult mai mare. Trebuia sa alegem o organizatie criminala (chineza, albaneza, rusa etc), sa ii analizam originile, evolutia, modus operandi si mijloacele legale luate pt a o combate. Toate astea in 1500 de cuvinte!!! In fine, am facut-o si pe asta!

De voie, de nevoie, am iesit (din nou!) la cumparaturi, dar, ca de obicei, am facut afaceri bune: mi-am luat haine de sezon (speriata de ce mi s-a spus - ca in Romania este foarte frig) la reduceri (H&M este prietenul meu cel mai bun :P) si am descoperit un outlet foarte tare, de unde mi-am achizitionat ochelari de soare (caci trebuie sa ii inlocuiesc pe cei pierduti, nu?) Karl Lagerfeld cu 20 lire si, la acelasi pret, blugi Replay :D Ziceti voi ca nu ma pricep! :)

Am decis, intr-un final, ca imi voi petrecere Anul Nou la Alex si Gabel, in Danemarca, caci apoi cine stie cand mai am ocazia sa ii revad si, nah, o data-i Revelionul...O sa fie o perioada nebuna si foarte obositoare, dar sunt tanara, imi permit...

Momentan nu imi vin in minte alte lucruri demne de mentionat...Poate data viitoare!


Things I Haven't Mentioned Lately...

I've been to Birmingham to the Birmingham-Frankfurt Christmas Market so I felt like in Germany: Weihnachtsmarkt, Bratwurst, Glühwein, Weißbier, ja, ja, entchuldigung!, bitte schön, danke schön etc.Don't ask me how the day (and the night) has ended because we went to a party after we returned to Coventry :D

I finished another paper for the International Organised Crime lecture - if you want any details on the Albanian organised crime please contact me. We all thought that this assignment is easier than the on in International Terrorism, but we were all mistaken: the working volume was larger. We had to chose a criminal group (Chinese, Albanian, Russian etc), to analyse its origins, its evolution, its modus operandi and means to combat it. All these in 1500 words!!! Whateva, I've done it!

Whether I wanted or not, I had to go shopping (again), but, as usual, I've great deals: I bought this season's clothes (scared of the forecast from Romania) on sales (H&M is my best friend :P) and I've discovered a really cool outlet, where from I bought Karl Lagerfeld sunglasses (I have to replace the lost one, right?) with 20 pounds and, on same price, Replay jeans :D Man, I'm good!

I finally decided to spend the New Year's Eve at my brother's and his girlfriend, in Denmark, because I don't know when I'm going to see them next...It will be a crazy and exhausting period, but I'm young, I can afford it...

For the moment I can't think of any other things worth mentioning...Maybe next time!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Stiu ca nu m-am ocupat prea mult de blog in ultimul timp, desi incerc sa il actualizez cat de des pot (in functie si de "ajutorul" primit de la conexiunea de Internet). Insa banuiesc ca va dati seama ca scrierea unei postari necesita ceva efort si timp (mai ales ca am decis sa am un blog bilingv).

Totusi, nu inteleg cum eu pot sa imi aloc cateva momente, in medie cam o data pe saptamana, sa va pun la curent cu viata mea (caci asta este rostul acestui blog, nu?), iar unii dintre voi nu se intereseaza prea tare (tinzand catre "deloc") de reciprocitatea acestei relatii...

Nu vorbesc aici de a)FAMILIE, caci Skype-ul si telefoanele mobile ne tin in permanenta conectati. Si nici de b)ANUMITI PRIETENI (nu voi face nominalizari) care ma contacteaza pe messenger sau e-mail. Cateodata chiar simt ca ei nu beneficiaza de suficienta atentie din partea mea si incerc pe cat posibil sa imbunatatesc acest aspect.

Este vorba de c)ANUMITE PERSOANE care, la fel ca anul trecut, cand am plecat la Berlin, imi dadeau asigurari ca vom comunica prin mijloace variate, ca vom tine legatura, chiar si la distanta. Si tot ca si anul trecut, lucrul asta nu s-a intamplat. Ba, din contra, existau unele persoane care obisnuiau sa imi corespondeze, dar care nu au mai facut asta acum.

Ei bine, am decis ca anul asta sa NU ma mai prefac...Sa nu mai zambesc fals cand ne vedem, sa nu mai mint ca totul e ca inainte. Mai exact, am decis ca NU voi informa persoanele din categoria c) in legatura cu perioada in care voi fi in Bucuresti cu ocazia Craciunului si NU ma voi intalni cu ele.

Probabil ca o sa va dati seama si singuri in ce grupa va incardati (stiu ca suna urat "categorie" si "grupa", dar vreau sa fiu inteleasa)....


Anul trecut am ales sa trimit e-mailuri "kilometrice", catre un anumit nr de persoane. Cu toate astea, au existat nemultumiri si in legatura cu aspectul asta, chiar daca am incercat, pe cat posibil, sa raspund SI mesajelor individuale. Acum am considerat (asa cum v-am anuntat printr-un e-mail trimis cand am ajuns aici, in septembrie) ca un blog este o solutie mai eficienta, din 2 motive:

- pot sa evit eventualele subiectivisme (toata lumea vede aceleasi informatii)

- este mai simplu de accesat de catre familia mea (in comparatie cu un e-mail), desi, cum spuneam, cu ea comunic constant prin alte mijloace si, in ceea ce o priveste, vreau sa cred ca ii fac o placere tatei, care este bucuros sa vada ca scriu ceva nou si amuzant (altfel, stie ce fac dinainte sa postez ceva). Deci, din punct de vedere practic, blogul asta este adresat VOUA, pentru voi dau atatea detalii.

Inteleg ca nu sunt singura care merge la facultate, inteleg ca unele persoane mai si lucreaza, dar, totusi, au trecut aproape 3 luni de cand am plecat de acasa...Si, din nou, cum de alte persoane imi pot acorda, constant, cateva minute din timpul lor? Nu astept neparat comentarii, desi vad ca zilnic am intre 3-5 vizitatori care nu "spun" nimic. Daca ati incercat sa ma contactati pe messenger si ati vazut ca nu raspund, puteati trimite un e-mail - sunt mereu bucuroasa sa primesc vesti din tara! Caci nu e ca si cum ne-am cunoaste de ieri, de azi, ca sa spunem ca nu ne pasa...O relatie, de orice fel, nu functioneaza doar intr-o singura directie...

Va rog, nu imi trimiteti e-mail-uri acum. Decizia mea este clara si intra in vigoare de acum. Poate va voi da o sansa sa va "reabilitati" pentru primavara, cand, probabil, voi veni din nou in Bucuresti :)



This post expresses my dissatisfaction regarding the manner some of my Romanian contacts decided to approach out relationship. I am sorry, but I do not feel comfortable translating it.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Votat! SAU NU!

Argumentele (valabile pentru ambele tururi de scrutin) sunt destul de simple:

1. "N-ai cu cine" vorba reclamei. Caci nu e vorba despre a alege "raul cel mai mic", ci despre a vota un individ in ale carui idei si program crezi cu adevarat. Nu o sa fie bine, indiferent de rezultat, dar macar sa ai mandria de a spune apoi ca tu nu ai votat asa ceva.

2. Principele Radu
de Hohenzollern-Veringen s-a retras de mult din cursa.

3. Realizez ca a ajuns sa imi pese prea putin de soarta Romaniei, mai ales ca nu imi imaginez si nu imi doresc un viitor acolo. Si, in fond, de ce mi-ar pasa de o tara in care oamenii sunt blamati cand organizeaza o greva (lucru perfect constitutional), precum cea a METROREX-ului de acum cateva saptamani, pentru a-si cere drepturile (si ele constitutionale)? Dar nu ne gandim la conditiile in care lucreaza acei oameni, la faptul ca o calatorie cu metroul in Bucuresti este una dintre cele mai ieftine din Europa. Iar daca maine s-ar cere majorarea cartelei cu 50%, toata lumea s-ar revolta, desi poate ca banii aia intr-adevar ar aduce o imbunatarire in acest sector (calatoritul cu metroul). Dar nu, romanii pleaca din start cu o atitudine negativa (la fel cum se intampla si cu votul alb) - "astia sigur ne fura". Iar acesta este cel mai simplu exemplu....
Mai lecturez din cand in cand presa romaneasca (online) si ma ingrozesc de ce vad in comentariile cititorilor diverselor articole (de politica interna sau externa): cata ignoranta si prostie. Suntem (da, si eu, caci m-am nascut romanca) un popor de indivizi ce stiu doar sa ii acuze pe ceilalti si sa caute scuze pentru nereusitele personale. Ei bine, eu nu am de gand sa accept asa ceva si nu vreau sa caut sau sa aduc o "schimbare" pentru Romania, caci nu merita. Asta sa o faca cei care vor sa se complaca! (evident, nu vorbesc aici de cei trecuti de o anumita varsta, cei care nu au anumite posibilitati - in termeni de lb straine, cunostinte PC, fexibilitate etc -, ci de cei mai tineri)

4. Nu exista sectie de votare in Coventry.

5. Acum 2 saptamani a plouat prea tare intreaga dupa-amiaza, iar azi m-am trezit prea tarziu pentru a merge in Birmingham sa votez.

Stiu ca tocmai eu sunt cea care promoveaza acest mecanism al democratiei (care in ultima vreme tinde sa se transforme in simplul vot alb, in opinia mea), chiar acum, la 20 de la caderea regimurilor comuniste in Europa (stiti voi...redobandirea liberatilor), dar, la un moment dat, simt ca fac prea mult zgomot pentru nimic...
Cum spuneam, noi, romanii, ne gasim mereu scuze...


I Voted! NOT!

The arguments (valid for both voting rounds) are pretty simple:

1. "There's no one to deal with", as a Romanian advertisement says (I'm sorry fro the poor translation of the expression). It's not about choosing "the less worse thing", but about voting an individual in whose ideas and programme you truly believe in. It won't be OK, regardless the final result, but at least you can have the pride of stating that you didn't vote for it.

Prince Radu of Hohenzollern-Veringen steeped out of the race for Presidency long time ago.

3. I realise that I reached that point where I care to little about Romania, especially since I can't and I don't want to imagine myself a future there. In the end, why would I care about a country where people are blamed when they organise a strike (a perfectly constitutional thing), like the one METROREX (the Romanian Subway Company) had a few weeks ago, demanding their right (also constitutional)? But we never get to think about the conditions in which those people work, about the fact the a subway trip in Bucharest is one of the cheapest in Europe. And if tomorrow someone would demand increasing the fare by 50% everyone would protest, even though those money might actually bring an improvement in this area (travelling by tube). But wait, Romanians always have this negative attitude (likewise with the blank vote) - "they are trying to cheat on us". And this is the easiest example...
From time to time I lecture the Romanian press (online) and I'm terrified when I see the comments of some readers of various articles (of either foreign or domestic policy): a lot of ignorance and stupidity. We are (yes, me too, because I was born as a Romanian) a nation of individuals who only know how to blame the others and to seek excuses for their personal failures. Well, I do not intend to accept such case and I don't want to look for or to bring a "change" for Romania, because it's not worthed. This should be done by those who are contented in this kind of situation! (obviously, I'm not talking about those who passed by a certain age, those who lack certain possibilities - in terms of foreign languages, PC skills, flexibility etc -, I'm referring to youngsters)

4. There is no constituency in Coventry.

5. Two weeks ago it rained too much the whole after-noon and today I woke up too late to go to Birmingham to vote.

I know I used to be the one promoting this mechanism of democracy (which lately tends to transform itself in the simple blank vote, in my opinion), just now, 20 years after the fall of the communist regimes in Europe (you know...getting back liberties), but, at some point, I feel I'm causing much ado about nothing...
As I was saying, we, the Romanian, always find ourselves excuses...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jucandu-ma de-a gazda...

Cum va spuneam in postul anterior, am avut placerea sa fac un pic pe gazda. Un pic la modul propriu! Pentru ca Alina a ales a stea doar o noapte la mine (acum regreta asta, stiu! :P), dar chiar si asa, am fost extrem de bucuroasa sa o am aici.

Am recuperat-o din statia de autobuz, ne-am plimbat putin prin oras, mi-a parut rau ca nu am luat camera cu mine (ma bazam pe a ei, dar se pare ca nu are baterii "loiale"), am trecut pe acasa sa isi lase bagajul, apoi am pornit din nou spre centru.

Evident, Catedrala a fost prima destinatie si chiar am intrat in Turnul celei vechi. WOW! Am urcat o groaza de trepte, din alea inguste "spiralate" (exista, totusi, o zona de refugiu pe la jumatatea drumului) si am ajuns la nu-mai-stiu-cati metri altitudine, de unde puteam vedea aproximativ Coventry-ul si imprejurimile. Am putut merge de jur imprejurul Turnului, la fel ca in Domul din Berlin (evident, Turnul este mai mic si nu iti ia 10 minute sa il inconjori, ca la Dom, ci doar vreo 2 :D). Gabelu, sper ca te bucuri ca nu ai ales sa urci in Turn! La coborare a fost mai usor, dar tot aveam frica sa nu cumva sa ma rostogolesc (sau Alina peste mine) :)

Am mai hoinarit putin prin oras, prin zona medievala, unde am stat de vorba la un caffee latte/o ciocolata calda intr-una din cele mai placute localuri din oras, apoi am poposit din nou acasa, la o portie de carbonara (varianta Oana). Trebuia sa mai avem grija si de aspectul asta, caci mai tarziu aveam planificata o iesire in oras. Nu o sa va povestesc, totusi, despre experienta noastra legata de umflatul saltelei...Asta ramane informatie clasificata!
Iar daca va intrebati cum am avut timp de atatea lucruri, o sa va lamuresc acum: Alina a ajuns in Coventry la ora 12.

Mancat, aranjat, plecat in oras! Normal, in Phoenix (via caminul unor prieteni francezi), unde era extrem de multa lume, ca in fiecare vineri seara, de altfel. Am putut astfel observa ca Alina si-a pierdut antrenamentul (sau a imbatranit, nu pot preciza exact :P). Nu am stat prea mult in bar, eram amandoua destul de obosite, iar Alina avea a doua zi un autobuz relativ devreme si mai voiam sa vizitam si noua Catedrala pana sa plece.

Asa ca am fost destul de matinale sambata, ne-am trezit pe la 9 (incredibil, nu?), am luat micul dejun si am avut timp sa vedem ceea ce ne propusesem (nu-i asa, Alina, ca ai fi regretat daca nu intram?), plus sa facem niste cumparaturi, suveniruri & cadouri (de fapt, doar Alina a facut asta, eu inca nu :D).

Iata, deci, ca intr-o zi (mai mult sa mai putin) poti vizita cam tot ce e important in Coventry. Atat de mic este (centrul) :)

Acum pot doar sa sper ca am fost o gazda buna, ca Alina s-a simtit bine si ca va duce vestea acasa, in Romania, ca Oana stie sa gateasca si ca nu moare de foame :D

Playing Hostess...

As I've been telling you in my previous post, I had the pleasure to be a hostess for a little while. Literally! Because Alina chose to stay over just one night (she regrets it now, I know! :P), but even so, I was thrilled to have her here.
I picked her up from the bus stop, we walked a bit around the city, I felt sorry I didn't take my camera (I was counting on hers, but it seems she doesn't have "faithful" batteries), so we passed by my place for Alina to leave her luggage and then we went back to the city centre.

Obviously, the Cathedral was the first destination and we even went to the Tower of the old one. WOW! We ascended many narrow "spiralled" steps (there is a refuge zone, though) and we ended up I-don't-know-how-many-meters above, from where we were able to see approximately the whole Coventry and the surroundings. We could walk around the Tower, like at the Berliner Dom (naturally, the Tower is not that wide and it doesn't take you 10 minutes to bypass it, but only 2 :D). Gabelu, be glad you didn't choose to go up into the Tower! getting down was easier, but I was still afraid that I might roll down the stairs (or Alina over me) :)
We wandered around the city a bit more, through the medieval area, where we had a chat over a caffee latte/hot chocolate in one of the cosiest places downtown, then we went home again, to eat some carbonara (Oana's version). We had to take care of this aspect too, as we planned to go out later. I won't tell you, though, about our experience on inflating the mattress. This remains classified information!
And in case you wonder how come we had so much time to do so many thing, I'll clear it up now: Alina arrived in Coventry at 12 o'clock.

Eating, getting ready, going out! In Phoenix (via the student hall of our French friends), naturally, where it was extremely crowded, as every Friday evening actually. I was able to notice that Alina has lost her practise (or she's getting old, I can't really tell :P). We didn't spend a lot of time in the bar, we both were pretty tired and Alina had a quite early coach the next day and, furthermore, we wanted to visit the New Cathedral.

So on Saturday morning we were bright and early, we woke up around 9 (incredible, right?), we had breakfast and time to see what we had planned (you would have regretted not entering the New Cathedral, wouldn't you Alina?), plus some shopping, souvenirs and presents (just Alina did this actually).
As you can see, during one day (more or less) you can visit everything that's important around Coventry. It's that small (the city centre) :)

Now I can only hope that I've been a good hostess, that Alina had a great time and that she'd spread the news home, in Romania, that Oana knows how to cook and she's not starving :D

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pe Scurt

O sa fac o recapitulare rapida a celor mai importante lucruri din ultima vreme:

- in seara zilei in care m-am intors de la Berlin a ars o masina pe strada noastra. Panica initiala - pt ca era pe partea noastra si vedeam doar refexia flacarilor in gemurilor caselor de vis-a-vis, deci nu stiam daca arde o casa sau o masina - s-a transformat apoi intr-un amuzament general. Dupa ce am indraznit sa iesim afara, unde deja toata strada se stransese "ca la urs", am inceput sa filmam si sa facem diverse glume, pana cand pompierii si politia ne-au spus sa intram in casa. Oricum, banuim ca nu a fost un accident, ci o reglare de conturi ceva - Chris, polonezul, care are camera inspre strada, a auzit mai intai o lovitura, apoi a vazut niste persoane fugind. Dar nu avem cum sa probam varianta asta sau sa aflam rezultatul final al anchetei legale. Iata dovada:

- mi-am recuperat vocea, relativ usor (nu am mai vorbit asa des saptamana trecuta, a fost foarte greu sa fac asta), dar inca mai tusesc, desi nu a fost (si nici nu e) vorba de vreo raceala.

- week-endul trecut am fost la o petrecere intr-un club de aici si am fost tare suprprisa de ce muzica misto au bagat (techno & electro), aproape la fel de tare ca in Berlin...aproape! :D

- am terminat si am predat prima lucrare pentru cursul de International Terrorism! Tema a fost destul de interesanta: trebuia sa citim 3 articole si apoi sa decidem ce consideram ca este mai periculos acum - Al-Qaeda Central sau grass-roots terrorism (terrorismul la nivel local). Am facut destula cercetare si am vazut ca nu e asa dificil sa scrii ceva (relativ) original si sa vii cu idei si argumente bune (repet, trebuie sa citesti mai multe materiale!). Nu stiu totusi exact la ce rezultat sa ma astept, mai ales ca nu prea mi se pare ca as avea un limbaj prea academic, ci mai degraba lucrarea mea mi s-a parut potrivita pentru presa...Nu am idee exact cand voi afla punctajul obtinut, dar am inteles ca aici nu e ca in Romania, nu curge cu 9 si 10 (nici nu e aceeasi scala) ca m-as fi asteptat la altceva...Oricum, am aflat ca daca faci prea multa cercetare in domeniul terorismului (de exemplu: sa te uiti la multe filmulete pe Youtube cu mesaje ale teroristilor) esti localizat si s-ar putea sa iti bata cineva la usa! :)) La cat am cautat noi zilele astea pe net...:D

- am primit si eu, in sfarsit, o vizita din Romania, a Alinei Smigun! Asteptam momentul asta inca din Berlin hahahahaha. Caci atunci cand ai mei au venit "sa ma recupereze" din Germania nu se pune (era obligatoriu sa vina) si nici cand au venit Alex si Gabel m-au vizitat de ziua mea (au calatorit din Danemarca, nu?). Dar despre asta o sa va povestesc in alt post...

- nu am fost sa votez, in final. O sa scriu despre asta in curand, tot pe scurt...

Am incheiat transmisiunea!



I'll do a quick recap of the most important things that happened lately:

- in the evening I came back from Berlin a car burned on our street. The initial panic - it was on our side of street and we were able to see just the flames reflected into the windows of the houses across the street, so we couldn't tell if it was a car or a house - turned into a general entertainment. After we dared to go outside (all the neighbours where already there) we started filming and making jokes, until the Firemen and the Police told us to get inside. Anyways, we suspect it wasn't just an accident, but a gang thing - Chris, the Polish guy whose room is in the front of the house, heard first a stroke and then saw some persons running away. But we can't know if our version stands or not nor to find out the result of the legal investigation. However, you can see the proof above.

- I got my voice back, quite easy (I didn't speak so much last week, it has been pretty difficult to do that), but I still have a cough, though there wasn't (and isn't) any sign of flu.

- last week-end we've been to a party in a club downtown and I've been so surprised of the great music they had (techno & electro), almost as good as in Berlin...almost! :D

- I finished and submitted my first assignment for the International Terrorism lecture! The theme was interesting: we had to read 3 articles and decide what do we consider is more dangerous nowadays - Al-Qaeda central or the grass-roots terrorism. I did some research and I've seen it's not that difficult to write something original (more or less) or to come with good ideas and arguments (I repeat, you have to read as many sources as you can!). I still don't know what score I should expect, especially since I don't think I have a too academic writing style, rather my paper seems more appropriate for press...I have no idea when I'll find out the result, but I understood that here it's not like in Romania, to get only 9s and 10s (it's not even the same grading system)...not i would've expecting it any other way...However, I heard that if you do too much research regarding terrorism (for e.g.: watching too many movies on Youtube concerning messages of terrorists) you are being tracked and someone might know on your door! :)) And we did quite a research these days...:D

- I finally got a visit from Romania, of Alina Smigun! I have been waiting for this moment since i was in Berlin hahahahhahaha. Because when my family came to "pick me up" from Germany doesn't count (it was a must) and also when Alex and Gabel visited me on my B-Day (they travelled from Denmark, didn't they?). But I'll tell you more about this in a future post...

- I didn't go voting in the end. I'll write about this soon, briefly as well...

Transmission ending!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sa incercam!

Nu obisnuiesc sa transmit mai departe mesaje de tipul celor umanitare pentru ca de cele mai multe ori nu sunt convinsa ca intr-adevar este vorba de o cauza reala. Insa in situatia de fata stiu ca lucrurile sunt "pe bune" asa ca incerc, cumva, sa dau mai departe un strigat de ajutor. Sper sa nu fie prea tarziu...

Buna mea prietena, Gaby, mi-a spus despre povestea Cosminei Paun, care la 14 ani sufera de Leucemie Acuta Mieloblastica M1. Pe site-ul puteti afla mai multe informatii despre acest caz si, de asemenea, puteti suna la nr. de telefon afisate pentru a dona 2 euro.
In plus, pe data de 28 noiembrie, la ora 19:00 va fi organizat un concert caritabil, sustinut de Alina Manole, A.G.Weinberg si dansatori de tango. Vor fi si concursuri, premii, licitatii si bere pe gratis + afterparty, totul la Jewish Comunity Centre (JCC), pe Str. Popa Soare nr 18. Intrarea costa 20 de RON.

Puteti da mai departe mesajul sau, mai bine, mergeti acolo!



For my foreign friends, this is a humanitarian call, in order to save a 14-years old girl's life. I do not consider it makes any point in translating it...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

20 Jahre Mauerfall

Acum un an eram in Stockholm, inspirand aerul celui mai nordic punct in care am ajuns pana in momentul de fata. Anul asta, in aceeasi perioada, eram in Berlin, inspirand aerul unui loc pe care il cunosc si il iubesc atat de mult...

Nu o sa va dau detalii multe despre drumul pana acolo: am plecat pe la ora 13:00 din Coventry, avionul meu decola pe la 18:45, am avut senzatia ca o sa il pierd pt ca la ora 18:15 anuntau deja ultimul apel (dar nici macar nu deschisesera poarta de imbarcare, asa ca am stat la o coada foarte lunga). Am fost atat de emotionata si nerabdatoare in privinta calatoriei per ansamblu, dar cand am ajuns in Berlin totul mi s-a parut atat de natural...Mai putin faptul ca mi-a luat o ora si jumatate sa ajung in casa lui Daniel (pt un drum de aproximativ 45 minute), caci BVG-ul a inceput lucrari de reparatie, iar traficul dinspre Schönefeld a fost dat peste cap (practic, fiecare statie era ultima statie, asa ca trebuia sa cobor si astept trenul ce venea pe cealalta linie).
Ce-i drept, a trebuit sa o astept si pe Lidia in Schönhauser Allee, caci ea nu stia drumul si nu aveam timp sa ma duc la Daniel si sa ma intorc la statia de S+U-Bahn sa o recuperez...

Telefonul a inceput sa sune destul de repede - prieteni ramasi/sositi in Berlin. Am cunoscut-o si pe mama lui Daniel, o persoana deosebita, iar in scurt timp m-am reintalnit cu Tamara si Jesus! A fost incredibil! dar, din nou, atat de normal...Pana si atunci cand Daniel ne-a deschis usa mi s-a parut ca nu ne mai vazusem de o saptamana, nu de 4 luni...Poate ca asta inseamna prietenia...

Am stat de vorba, am primit complimente pentru accentul imbunatatit (pe bune?) pe care il am acum in engleza, ne-am pregatit si dusi am fost in club! Am ajuns mai tarziu decat ne prospusesem (oricum plecarea a fost pe la ora 01 00) pentru ca am mai asteptat niste persoane pe care le cunosteam. Am reusit sa imi pierd vocea in seara aia - am ales unul din putinele cluburi din Berlin unde fumatul este permis - dar atmosfera a fost super, ca intotdeauna. Nu am reusit sa vedem rasaritul, asa cum ne obisnuisem, caci soarele acum se iveste mai tarziu, dar ce sentiment de satisfactie am avut cand am ajuns "acasa" pe la 06:00... :)

Doua fete cu flori in par :)

A doua zi ne-am trezit destul de tarziu, cum era de asteptat, iar dupa o masa copioasa (si ieftina!) la un restaurant indian, am fost in Mauerpark, unde inca se tinea Karaoke. Desi spuneam ca as fi vrut sa cant si eu ceva, parca melodia pe care as fi ales-o nu se potrivea cu tema (neoficiala) saptamanii - Libertatea. Asa ca ma pastrez pentru data viitoare :) Insa nu m-am putut abtine sa imi iau ceva din Flohmarkt: o (alta) brosa original DDR si o bratara überlcool :D

Dupa ce ne-am intalnit, din nou, cu Tamara, Jesus si cativa alti prieteni, ne-am indreptat catre centru, spre Poarta Brandenburgului, de urma sa cooptam alte persoane - Eva (din Republica Ceha) si Celine (din Franta). Pe ele le-am cunoscut tot in Berlin, dar cand am mers in iulie (caci au fost Erasmus in al doilea semestru) si nu am avut ocazia sa ne apropiem foarte mult atunci. Insa acum sunt foarte incantata ca am avut ocazia sa le cunosc mai bine si sa imi confirm opinia: sunt doua persoane extraordinare!

Am mancat apoi din nou, pentru a doua oara in aceeasi zi intr-un restaurant indian (cred ca dezvolt o pasiune pt astfel de mancare).

Eva si Celine (de la stanga la dreapta)

Brosa mea original DDR

Cum zilele si noptile sunt lungi in Berlin, am mers, mai tarziu, in casa unor prieteni (pe care ii stiu din Schlachtensee, de anul trecut), sa (mai) bem ceva...Ne-am intors in casa lui Daniel mai tarziu decat planuisem, caci am pierdut un tramvai...

Luni a fost ziua cea mare: Festivalul Libertatii - Fest der Freiheit! Pentru ca ne-am intalnit pe la ora 16:00 in Potsdamer Platz, am putut sa ne plimbam in voie pe langa Domino, pana sa se aglomereze, cel putin pana in fata Portii Brandenburgice (desi Dominoul mergea mai departe). Am vazut doar o parte din cele 1000 piese, pictate de diversi artisti din diferite tari...Nu cred ca as putea sa aleg o bucata ca fiind preferata - toate aveau o semnificatie atat de importanta, toate transmiteau un mesaj atat de puternic...

Erau si ingeri pe cladiri...

Noi ne-am pozitionat pe partea celalata a Portii, unde au pe la ora 19:00 au inceput festivitatile, printr-un concert de muzica simfonica. Un concert exclusivist, doar pentru inaltii oficiali, as putea spune, pentru ca noi, publicul, nu puteam auzim mai nimic (in ciuda sistemelor de sunet amplasate acolo). Asa ca, la un moment dat, toti am incepout sa scandam "Lauter, lauter" ("mai tare, mai tare") - fara succes, insa. Boxele au inceput sa functioneze abia dupa finalul concertului, cand a inceput transmiterea televizata.

O multime de lideri politici - o Angela Merkel drept gazda (alaturi de Klaus Wowereit, primarul Berlinului), un Mihail Gorbaciov care a facut istoriA, un Lech Walesa memorabil, o Hillary Clinton mult aclamata, un Gordon Brown foarte serios, un Nicolas Sarkozy intens huiduit, un Silvio Berlusconi care a adormit la un moment dat, un Traian Basescu in spatele lui Gordon Brown...

Cei mai importanti dintre oaspeti (si gazde) au tinut discursuri, desi mi se pare ca reactia publicului nu a fost proportionala cu evenimentul in sine. Lumea tinde sa uite semnificatia caderii Zidului si a anumitor nume, aducand in scena unele personaje pe care le transforma automat in eroi, desi inca mai au multe de dovedit. Mai exact, Hillary Clinton a fost primita cu mai mult entuziasm decat Gorbaciov, desi parca nu ea a fost cea care a "deshis" portile Europei de Est prin anumite reforme la finalul anilor '80. Nu mai spun de intampinarea mesajulului presedintelui american Barack Obama - acelasi Obama care a fost laureat recent cu Premiul Nobel pentru Pace (?), probabil pacea lui sufleteasca, alta n-am vazut in politica lui externa - parca ar fi fost al doilea JFK in Berlin.
Pe de alta parte, Sarkozy a stranit reactii negative, desi clar nu era momentul. Mai ales in contextul in care declara ca a luat parte la evenimentele de acum 20 de ani (ma rog, asta e versiunea lui, in presa s-a nascut o intreaga controversa...). Inteleg ca poate Franta nu trece prin cea mai buna perioada a istoriei sale recente (dar care stat se afla intr-o pozitie excelenta acum?), insa seara era dedicata berlinezilor, libertatii, unitatii etc, nu unor francezi nemultumiti de presedintele lor. Eu i-as fi invitat politicos sa il astepte pe Sarkozy pe aeroport in Paris si sa il huiduie acolo, nu in Berlin!

Au fost invitate sa ia cuvantul si diferite personalitati ale miscarii de dizidenta est-germane, s-a amintit de momentul Leipzig - 9 Octombrie, s-a cantat din nou (Jon Bon Jovi, Paul Van Dyke, Adoro), s-a mentionat de efortul de atunci al celorlalte state comuniste (numele Romaniei nu a fost pronuntat nici macar o data, desi a avut cea mai sangeroasa revolutie anti-comunista a anului 1989...) si, evident, Dominoul:

Am reusit sa pun cap la cap cateva dintre filmarile pe care le-am facut in timpul daramarilor succesive ale bucatilor de Domino

Nu imi pot gasi cuvinte care sa exprime ceea ce am simtit pe toata durata festivitatilor...Poate ca pentru turistii veniti din Vestul Europei nu a fost decat un motiv in plus de a vizita Berlinul. Dar pentru mine - o persoana nascuta intr-o tara comunista si crescuta intr-un stat fost-comunist, o persoana care a studiat Razboiul Rece si stie ca Berlinul reprezinta Alfa si Omega a acestei sumbre perioade (totusi, cea mai interesanta din istoria umanitatii, in opinia mea), o persoana care apreciaza curajul unor oameni care vor o schimbare - evenimentul a avut o alta semnificatie. Si sunt mandra de mine ca am fost acolo, precum o piesa din marele domino...


Noaptea am terminat-o cu mancare thailandeza si cu luat "ramas bun" - de fapt, "La revedere" este expresia cea mai potrivita. Am dormit putin (din nou), asa ca de dimineata - zborul era la 09:30 - am fost tare ametita la aeroport: scapam in continuu pasaportul din mana (noroc ca peste tot sunt persoane din din Servicul de Securitate al aeroportului si mi-au atras atentia), dar, pana la urma, am reusit sa imi pierd/uit ochelarii de soare in avion...Nu va mirati ca ii aveam cu mine, in Anglia era soare cand am plecat, plus ca la miile de metri altitudine la care zboara avioanele automat dai de soare si ai nevoie de ei. Am sunat si am lasat un mesaj la departamentul de Obiecte Pierdute, dar nu am primit nici un raspuns (nici nu cred ca mai am vreo sansa de acum incolo). Asta e..macar o sa am ce face in Bucuresti, cand vin acasa - sa imi caut rame pt o noua pereche!


Am lasat mai mult sau mai putin voit o pauza pana sa scriu despre calatoria la Berlin. Am fost si putin ocupata, dar am si vrut sa imi sedimentez gandurile. Nu stiu cat de mult am reusit si nu stiu cat de mult va puteti voi da seama de asta - oricum, nu am planuit niciodata ca prin (sau in) acest blog sa imi transpun sentimentele online. Astea raman pentru mine sau sunt impartasite in discutii directe, blogul ramane strict pe rol de jurnal (in sensul clasic al cuvantului).
Insa mi-am dat seama acum ca "primesc" fiecare desprindere de Berlin cu mai multa usurinta, devine un gest firesc, pentru ca realizez ca pot(aproape) oricand sa calatoresc acolo, nu e un lucru imposibil. Nu mai exista atata tristete cand avionul paraseste spatiul aerian german, ci doar mai mult optimism: ma voi intoarce acolo, candva, poate pentru totdeauna (sper ca, in timp, alt oras sa nu ma "corupa" si sa imi schimbe visul), dar pana atunci am alte prioritati si locuri de bifat...
Intre timp, aproape in fiecare noapte visez ca sunt la Berlin, uneori retraind momentele in care imi iau ramas bun de la prietenii pe care i-am cunoscut acolo (chiar aseara am visat ca o imbratisam pe Elena), dar dimineata cred ca ma trezesc, intr-o oarecare masura, cu zambetul pe buze - nu este asa greu sa mentii legatura cu persoanele dragi, care au lasat o amprenta asupra unor momente frumoase ale vietii tale...

Chiar si la 20 de ani de la caderea sa, Zidul Berlinului inca mai aduce oamenii impreuna! :)


20 Jahre Mauerfall

A year ago I was in Stockholm, breathing the aer of the northernmost point I have ever been to by now. This year, during the same period, I was in Berlin, breathing the air of a place I know and love so much...

I won't give you too many details of the trip there: I left Coventry at 13:00, my plane was taking off at 18:45, I had the feeling that I'm going to lose it because at 18:45 they were already giving the final call (even though they didn't open the gate so I had to queue). I was so nervous and excited about this trip, but when I reached Berlin everything seemed so natural...Except the fact that it took me an hour and a half to get to Daniel's place (for a 45 minutes road), because the BVG started maintenance work and the traffic towards Schönefeld has been blown away (basically every stop was a final stop so I had to get off and wait for the train on the other line). I also had to wait for Lidia in Schönhauser Allee, as she didn't know the way and i had no time to go to Daniel's place and back to the S+U-Bahn station to pick her up...

The phone started ringing pretty early - friends who stayed/came to Berlin. I've met Daniel's mother, a lovely person, and shortly I met again Tamara and Jesus! It was unbelievable! But again so normal...Even when Daniel opened the door for us it was like I haven't seen him for a week, not 4 months...Maybe this is what friendship means...

We started chatting, I received compliments for my improved English accent (really?), we got ready and down the clubs we went! We arrived later than we planned (anyways we left home around 01:00) because we had to wit for some more people we knew. I managed to lose my voice that night - we went for one of the few Berliner clubs where smoking is allowed - but the vibe was high, as always. We didn't catch the sunrise, like we were used to, as now the sun comes up later, but I had a great satisfaction coming "home" around 06:00...:)

The next day we woke up pretty late, as expected, and after a delicious (and cheap!) meal in an Indian restaurant we went to Mauerpark, where they were still having Karaoke. Although I said I would like to sing something, I felt like my song wasn't appropriate to the (unofficial) theme of the week - Freedom. So I'm saving myself for the next time :) But I couldn't help myself and buy something from the Flohmarkt: (another) original DDR brooch and an überlcool cuff :D

After we've met again with Tamara, Jesus and some more friends, we headed to the city centre, to Brandenburger Gate, where we were supposed to pick up some more people - Eva (Czech Republic) and Celine (France). I've met them in Berlin, but in July (they where Erasmus for the second semester) and I didn't get the chance to become closer then. But now I am thrilled that I had the opportunity to get to know them better and I must say: they are two extraordinary persons!

We ate again Indian food, for the second time in the same day (I think I'm developing a passion for these dishes).
The days and nights are long in Berlin so later we went to some of our friends' place (I know them from Schlachtensee) to have some (more) drinks...We came back to Daniel's place later then we planned because we lost a tram...

Monday was the big day: Festival of Freedom - Fest der Freiheit!Because we've gathered around 16:00, in Potsdamer Platz, we were able to walk along the Domino before it got crowded, at least until we reached the Brandenburger Gate (though the Domino was going further). I've seen just a part of the 1000 pieces, painted by different artist from various countries...I don't believe I could pick one as favourite - they all had an important significance, they were all sending such a strong message...

We settled on the other side of the Gate, where the festivities begun around 19:00. First there was a classic music concert, an exclusive one, I may say, just for the officials, since we, the public, weren't able to hear something. So at some point we started to chant "Lauter, lauter" ("louder, louder") - unsuccessfully though. The speakers started working only after the concert finished, when the TV broadcast commenced.

Many political leaders - Angela Merkel as a hostess (along with Klaus Wowereit, the mayor of Berlin), Mihail Gorbachev, the man who made THE history, Lech Walesa, memorable, Hillary Clinton so much acclaimed, Gordon Brown very grave, Nicolas Sarkozy intensely hissed, Silvio Berlusconi falling asleep, Traian Basescu behind Gordon Brown...

The most important guests (and hosts) held their speeches, although I believe that the public reaction was not proportional to the event. The world seems to forget the meaning of the Fall of the Wall, bringing into light some characters and automatically transforming them into heroes, even if they still have to deliver. Precisely, Hillary Clinton has been greeted with more enthusiasm than Gorbachev, although I remember that it wasn't her the person to "open" the gates of Europe through some reforms at the end of the '80s. I should mention the welcoming of American President Barack Obama's message - the same Obama who recently received the Nobel Prize for Peace (?), probably for his inner peace, otherwise I haven't seen any in his foreign policy -as if he was the second JFK in Berlin.
On the other hand, Sarkozy aroused negative reaction, even if it was the proper moment. Especially considering that he stated that he took part of the events 20 years ago (well, this is his version, in the media there is a big controversy...). I understand that maybe France is not in its best period of the recent history (but which country is in an excellent position now?), but the evening was dedicated to Berliners, to freedom, to unity etc, not to some discontented French people. I would've politely invited them to wait for Sarkozy on the airport in Paris and boo him there, not in Berlin!

Some personalities of the dissident movement of Est-Germany had the opportunity to say some word, the 9th October-Leipzig moment has been remembered, then again some music (Jon Bon Jovi, Paul Van Dyke, Adoro), they mentioned the effort of the other communist states (Romania's name has not once been pronounced, though we had the bloodiest anti-communist revolution of 1989) and, obviously, the Domino.

I have no words to describe what I felt throughout the entire festivities...Maybe that for the tourists from the Western Europe this was just an extra reason to visit Berlin. But for me - a person born in a communist country and raised in an ex-communist state, a person who has studied the Cold War and who knows that Berlin is the Alfa and Omega of this period bleak period (nonetheless, the most interesting in the human kind history, in my opinion), a person who appreciates the courage of those who seek for a change - the even had a different meaning. And I am so proud of myself for being there, as a piece of the big domino...


The night ended with some Thai food and with "good byes" - actually "see you soon", this should be the proper expression. I slept just a bit (again), so in the morning - my flight was at 09:30 - I was so dizzy in the airport: I just kept on dropping my passport (lucky the security personnel of the airport is always there), but I still manage to lose/forget my sunglasses in the airplane...Don't get to surprised that I had them, it was sunny in England when I left, plus that you definitely need them when the plane is high above the skies. I left a message to the Department of Lost and Found, but I didn't get any answer (and I don't think I have any more chances from now on). least I'll have something to do in Bucharest, when I'll go home - to search for frames for a new pair!


I took a break, more or less on purpose, before writing about my trip to Berlin. I've been a bit busy lately, but I also wanted to clear my thoughts. I don't know to which degree I actually managed to do this or if you can tell - however, I never planned to put my feelings online. These are for myself or to be shared in face to face conversations, the blog is strictly a journal.

But now I came to realise that I "receive" more easily every detach from Berlin, it becomes a natural gesture, because I know that I can travel there (almost) anytime, it's not impossible. There's not so much sorrow when the plane leave the German airspace, rather more optimism: I WILL go back there sometime, maybe for ever (I hope that, by then, another city will not "corrupt" me and change my dream), but till then I have so many thing to do and places to see...

Meanwhile, I dream about Berlin almost every night, sometime living again the moments when I'm saying good bye to the friends that I've met them (last might I dreamt I was giving a hug to Elena), but in the morning I wake up somehow smiling - it's not so hard to keep in touch with dear persons, the ones who left a mark on great moment of your life...

20 years later after its fall, the Berlin Wall still bring people together! :)

Thursday, November 05, 2009

22 de Ani si 10 Zile...

In ultima vreme nu am fost prea mult prezenta prin intermediul blogului, dar am avut motive destul de intemeiate. O sa incerc, pe scurt (desi presimt ca iar o sa scriu un post de un km), sa rezum ultimele doua saptamani.

PETRECEREA a fost fenomenala. Pregatirile le-am terminat pe ultima suta de metri, am primit si ceva ajutor de la colegii mei de casa, deci am avut suficient timp cat sa ma si aranjez. Cativa invitati au fost extrem de punctuali, asa ca i-am primit in papuci pentru ca nu apucasem inca sa imi pun cizmele (asta era practic ultimul "retus" pe care il mai aveam de facut). Am fost putin stresata pt ca nu stiam daca Alex si Gabel mai ajungeau sau nu in noaptea respectiva in Anglia, apoi, dupa ce am aflat ca da, nu mai stiam cand...Bine ca au venit, pentru ca la cat de ametita am fost (nu de la bautura, ci din cauza statutului de gazda), nu am pus tortul intr-un loc sigur si mi-a fost mancat de "forte misterioase", asa ca am avut nevoie de un bucatar priceput care sa incropeasca repede ceva din materiile prime de care dispuneam. In fine, multa lume, muzica, galagie mare in interior, fara ploaie afara (chiar ma temeam de asta) - ce sa mai , mi-am castigat popularitatea in Coventry! Am primit numai comentarii pozitive dupa petrecere, inclusiv de la invitati cu care m-am intalnit pe strada.
Iar a doua zi, dupa ce ne-am trezit ca oamenii, am reusit sa facem casa mai curata decat a fost vreodata - am scos chiar si o guma de mestecat ce se lipise de covorul din sufragerie. In rest, nimic nu s-a spart, nimic nu s-a furat (ne temeam un pic de asta pt ca nu putem sa ne incuiem camerele pe exterior, dar eu oricum aveam laptopul jos, deci ar fi fost chiar evidenta o evenuala lipsa a lui :D), nimeni nu s-a batut, nimanui nu i-a fost rau etc.

Dupa toata curatenia, i-am scos pe "musafiri" in ORAS, le-am aratat aproape tot ce era de vazut in Coventry (nah, intr-o zi nu ai ce face...). Am intrat astfel si eu pt prima data in noua Catedrala, construita chiar langa ramasitele celei bombardate in Al Doilea Razboi Mondial (in mod similar cu Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirchen, in Berlin). Cred ca Alex s-a simtit fooooarte bine, caci a facut o groaza de poze (pe care le vedeti voi acum pe blog), dar sa nu cumva sa va asteptati sa il vedeti si pe el in vreuna (sau pe noi, fetele)...

Seara am organizat o cina pt toti cei din casa. Ma rog, Alex si Gabel au gatit ca, nah, d`aia era ziua mea (poate am uitat sa precizez, dar dupa mine ziua mea a durat cam o saptamana anul asta :D)!

A doua zi, luni, ne-am trezit de dimineata si ne-am indreptat spre STONEHENGE, locul unde am decis sa mergem, pentru ca Alex si Gabel nu sunt mari fani ai castelelor sau obiectivelor de genul asta. Am inchiriat o masina asa ca Alex a avut sarcina de a conduce pe partea dreapata (nu pare asa de dificil, doar in oars trebuie sa fi mai atant). Bine ca am luat si un GPS, asta ne-a scutit de mult efort si probleme de orientare! Am prins si ceva aglomeratie pe drum, deci nu numai in Romania se circula bara-la-bara la un moment dat (pe un segment incomparabil redus, totusi)...

Nu stiu daca sunt multe chestii de zis despre Stonehenge - e intr-o zona de pasune, pe un mic deal, la intersectia a doua drumuri. Poate ca nu e chiar asa de mare cum mi-am imaginat, in nici un caz impresionant (cum poate ma impresioneaza arhitectura nu-stiu-carui castel), dar, in orice caz, interesant...Planurile de viitore legate de acest monument includ construirea unui tunel pentru a inchide drumurile care trec pe acolo - mi se pae necesar, caci intr-adevar nu poti contempla Stonehenge-ul sau imprejurimile cand auzi zgomotul masinilor (desi e un fel de drum local, cu 1-2 benzi pe sens, este foarte aglomerat, dar nu stiu din ce cauza, unde duce).
Ca mai toata lumea, am luat ghiduri audio, asa ca am aflat cate ceva despre posibilele metode prin care a fost ridicat complexul, despre legendele lui etc. In final, la Stonehenge ajungi sa pierzi mai mult timp decat ti-ai planificat initial, e destul de captivant. Si arata cam asa:

La intoarcere aveam deja planuit sa oprim si vreo 2 ore in OXFORD. WOW! Ce oras! Desi are jumatate din populatia Coventry-ului estu cu muuult mai vibrant. Pare, totusi ceva mai mare (poate pt ca in Coventry eu nu cunosc decat centrul, care e destul de mic, cum poate am mai spus), are si un castel, arhitectura extrem de frumoasa. In centru (banuiesc ca era centrul) era plin de studenti, probabil ca oricum procentajul de studenti este foarte ridicat. Ne-am oprit sa si mancam ceva intr-un local foarte misto, in care eu mai fusesem cand le-am vizitat pe fete in Luftbra. Insa nu am reusit sa inteleg care e toata faza cu Universitatea asta, cum de e atat de bine cotata cand toti stateau in baruri. Poate ca acolo or fi biblotecile in Oxford...
Ce pot sa spun, totusi...Oxford-ul este un oras super, cu siguranta ai nevoie mai mult de doua ore sa il explorezi, minim o zi cred. Am fost extrem de incantati cu totii!

Ma bucur ca am avut inspiratia sa propun traseul Coventry-Stonehenge-Oxford-Coventry (in ordinea asta), caci a fost o zi foarte buna, chiar si vremea a fost de partea noastra!

Cum marti a fost cu adevarat ZIUA MEA, am decis sa fie relaxanta asa ca ne-am plimbat prin oras, am facut niste cumparaturi, mi-am luat o camera foto noua (cea veche chiar nu isi mai facea treaba bine), am mancat o prajitura asa cum a vrut Alex, dar pe banca, nu in cofetarie (i-am tot spus ca pe aici nu prea am vazut cofetarii, eu cunosc mai mult baruri). Apoi ne-am intors acasa, am mancat pizza, iar seara am iesit cu totii (insemnand si colegii mei de casa) la o bere Guiness. Chiar ne-am simtit bine!

Cu ocazia asta o sa si multumesc tuturor celor care si-au amintit de ziua mea si care mi-au transmis urari si felicitari, indiferent prin ce mijloace!

Sa continuam...Miercuri eu am mers la cursuri, iar Alex si Gabel in Birmingham, la verisoara ei, caci nu avea rost sa mai piarda o zi aici, nu mai era nimic de vazut, iar eu oricum nu as fi putut sta cu ei, plus ca Birmingham-ul chiar merita vizitat (este, in fond, al doilea oras ca marime din UK).
Nu imi mai amintesc ce am facut joia si vinerea urmatoare, sunt date mult prea indepartate in timp si spatiu :) Probabil ca nimic interesant. Ah, da! Am fost CERUTA DE NEVASTA vineri! De catre nigerianul de care v-am spus in postul anterior. Nu, nu e amuzant! L-am intalnit intamplator pe strada, cand am iesit din Jaguar Building, era intuneric si nu prea ne-am recunoscut reciproc prima data. Mai bine nu reactionam cand m-a strigat...A inceput cu faze de genul: mi-am dat seama ca esti o persoana inteligenta si frumoasa de cand te-am vazut (ma vazuse doar o singura data inainte!!!), as vrea sa te scot in oras, ca intr-un cuplu (aici eu am bagat celebra fraza: sa vedem ce spune prietenul meu), cred ca esti fata potrivita pt mine si as vrea sa te iau de sotie si sa te duc in Nigeria sa te cunoasca familia mea. A ajuns si sa imi explice niste obiceiuri de-ale lor care se practica in momentul in care iti duci viitoare familie in tribul natal - de genul mama lui iti da haine traditionale, te invata sa gastesti chestii specifice, apoi tu trebuie sa gatesti pt familia lui (Nu zau? Eu abia gatesc pt familia mea!!!). Incerca sa ma ia de mana si cu vrajeli gen "dupa ce o sa ma cunosti mai bine o sa vrei si tu sa te casatoresti cu mine".
Am incercat sa fiu cat mai politicoasa, dar se pare ca diplomatia mea a fost interpretata gresit ori nu am folosit tactica buna - trebuia sa merg mai mult in ofensiva, decat defensiva...acum stiu...

In fine...sambata a fost HALLOWEEN-ul, va imaginati ce nebuie pe aici, din moment ce lumea iesea costumata pe strazi, seara, inca de la inceputul saptamanii. La ziua mea am primit o invitatie la o petrecere in casa unor germani, asa ca pe la 22:30, toata casa (plus cativa "asociati") s-a urcat in taxiuri si dusi am fost! Petrecerea incepuse ceva mai devreme (persoanele importante se lasa asteptate! :D), multa lume, multe costume. Eu am fost Zana Cea Corupta si am aratat cam asa:

Mi-a placut mult petrecerea, chiar a iesit cum mi-am imaginat, evident, nu mai bine decat a mea :D Mai nasol duminica - s-a stricat total vremea, a inceput sa bata vantul cu putere si sa ploua..Tocmai de asta am petrecut-o in casa, ba dormind, ba citind...Ba ignorand telefoanele tipului din Nigeria..Ma suna cand dormeam! Si stiti ca nu raspund la telefon cand dorm, decat in foarte putine cazuri. M-a deranjat si mai tare ca a utilizat nr lui, un alt nr si un ID ascuns... L-am sunat cand m-am trezit si am avut o discutie destul de...neutra, sa spun asa. Voia sa ma invite la o petrecere, dar am refuzat politicos, folosind scuza ca abia m-am trezit.
Dar a doua zi (luni) m-a sunat din nou, foarte de dimineata (nu era nici macar ora 9). Iar eu din nou nu am raspuns si l-am sunat cand m-am trezit si cand am avut o alta discutie normala. Insa la 2 minute dupa ce am inchis m-a sunat sa ma intrebe de ce nu vreau sa ies cu el, pt ca e negru (eu si rasismul, baba si mitraliera)? A inceput sa debiteze tampenii gen: eu vreau 3 copii si doresc sa fi mama copiilor mei (surpriza, eu vreau doar 2!), esti o persoana unica (fiecare e unic in felul sau, iar eu sunt doar diferita fata de ce a intalnit el pana atunci), daca maine te-ai desparti de prietenul tau ai iesi cu mine?
A incercat chiar sa ma verifice de cat timp sunt cu asa-zisul prieten...Am inceput si eu ofensiva: a venit in Europa ca sa invete ori ca sa isi gaseasca nevasta? Ar fi normal sa ies si cu "prietenul meu" si cu el in acelasi timp? De ce insita cand vede ca avem perspective diferite asupra a ceea ce vrem de la viata?
Intr-un final, am reusit sa il conving sa isi vada de viata lui si am terminat conversatia, nu inainte de a imi ura succes in relatia mea si de a ma asigura ca ma iubeste. Mare e gradina Domnului!
Sa nu credeti ca nu a mai dat nici un semn - marti dimineata iar m-a sunat, dar nu am raspuns si nici nu l-am mai apelat apoi. Iar data viitoare cand va mai face asta ii voi spune sa nu ma mai caute, chiar nu ma voi intalni cu el, nici macar intr-un cerc comun de prieteni (nici nu exista asta, spre norocul meu). Ma voi rezuma sa ii spun "Buna" daca ne vom intersecta la facultate, la un curs comun. Iar daca subit dispar, tata, te rog trimite recuperatorii pe urmele mele in Nigeria! Sau cum spunea Chris, unul din colegii mei de casa, trebuia sa ii spun, pt a rezolva problema, ca prietenul meu e din Uganda si daca nu se potoleste, tribul lui va invada Nigeria! Super tare, frate!

Miercuri, slava Domnului, nu a venit la cursul asta comun, asa ca am avut si eu parte de o zi normala...Toate bune la facultate, discutam despre chestii interesante, mai putin la cursul despre Metode de Cercetare, care mi se pare destul de plictisitor, caci nu facem nimic legat de studiile noastre. Dar daca trebe, trebe...
In continuare se anunta o perioada misto: o sa vedem niste filme, o sa avem invitati care or sa ne vorbeasca pe diverse subiecte, la sfarsitul lui martie mergem in Sicilia. Am inceput sa imi caut un loc pt practica, in Anglia si nu numai, incerc sa gasesc si niste idei pt dizertatie, dar incerc sa ma concentrez acum pe lucrarile pe care trebuie sa le fac pentru perioada urmatoare...

Una peste alta, maine plec la Berlin, abia astept! O sa ma reintalnesc cu Daniel, Lidia, Tamara si alte cateva persoane. O sa avem parte de multe evenimente, trebuie doar sa ne hotaram cam ce vrem sa vedem, caci timpul este limitat. Numai ca am inteles ca e destul de frig acolo (a si nins putin acum cateva zile), iar eu am doar un bagaj de mana...Dar ma voi descurca - fix acum un an mergeam la Stockholm, cu aceeasi geanta!

In mod cert nu voi mai avea timp sa scriu ceva pana plec, asa ca ne "citim" de marti incolo!
V-am pupat!


22 Years And 10 Days

(To my Romanian readers please read the English version as well, there are some thing that happened at the party and that I couldn't write in Romanian for objective reasons)

Lately I haven't been too much around through my blog, but I had quite good reasons for my absence. I'll try, briefly (though I have this feeling that I'll write a kilometre long post), to resume the last 2 weeks.

THE PARTY was fantastic! I finished the preparations in the last minute, I had some house from one of my housemates, so I had enough time to get myself ready. Some guests have been pretty punctual, so I welcomed them in my slippers. I was a bit stresses out since I didn't know if Alex and Gabel where coming or not to England anymore and after I found out the will, I didn't know when...It was great they came, I was so dizzy (not because of the alcohol, but due to my hostess status) that I didn't put the B-Day cake in a safe place and some "mysterious forces" ate it. So I needed a good chef to make something really quick and with the things that I had. Anyways, a lot of people, music, noise outside, no rain (I was afraid of that). The neighbours started to complain really soon after the party started (though I had talked to them in advanced) so they called the Noise Abatement Department from the City Council, who further called the Police. But both of the authorities saw that there was absolutely no problem with the music, it was just the people talking in the back yard. After some of my guests left, they were waiting for a cab in the front of my house, they made some more noise, so other neighbours called again the Police. I found out about this the next morning, when I had a discussion with my landlord. As you can imagine, he has received several calls from my next door neighbours and even though at the beginning he was pretty calm and relaxed, a few days after he became very irritated because of the outcome of the party. He was convinced that I've destroyed the house (well, it was just the new living room carpet that had some chewing gum on it) but he didn't believe me that everything is fine nor want to come and check it out himself...English people!

In the end, the neighbours have moved out the next week-end (I'm pretty sure that not because of the party) and I gained my popularity in Coventry! I received only positive feed-back after the party, including guests that I've met on the street.

The next day we managed to clean the house better than it was before. I got out the chewing gum from the living room carpet, but otherwise nothing got broken or stolen 9we were a bit afraid of this because we can't lock out rooms on the outside, but I had my laptop downstairs so I would've felt its absence :D), no one got into a fight, no one got sick etc.

After all the cleaning procedure I took my other "guest" DOWNTOWN, I've shown them almost everything that there is to see in Coventry (you can do its tour in one day). I entered for the first time in the new Cathedral, built right next to the one bombed in the World War II (similar to the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche in Berlin). I think Alex felt reaaaaally good there because he made loads of photos (that you are able to see now on my blog), but don't imagine that you'll see him in any of these (or us, the girls)...In the evening we organised a dinner for everyone in the house. Well, Alex and Gabel actually cooked, it was my B-Day (maybe I forgot to mention, but my B-Day lasted about a week this year :D)!

The next day, on Monday, we woke up early and headed to STONEHENGE, the place where we decided to go, since Alex and Gabel are not too found of castles or other similar sightseeing. We've rented a car so Alex had the task of driving on the right side of the road (it doesn't seem that difficult, just that you have to be more careful in the city). We've also rented a GSP which kind of speared us of a lot of effort and orientation problems. There was some heavy traffic, like generally in Romania (but on a smaller segment though)...

I don't know if there's much to say about Stonehenge - it's in the middle of a grassland, on a low hill, at a crossroad. Perhaps it's not as big as I imagined, in any manner it's not impressive (as impressive as the architecture of a castle), but, anyhow, very interesting. The future plans for it include closing the roads that pass by there - it seems necessarily, you can't contemplate Stonehenge or the surroundings when you hear the noise of the cars (although it's kind of a local road, 1-2 lanes, it's pretty crowded).

Like everyone, we took audio guides, so we found out a bit about the probable building methods, about the legends etc. At Stonehenge you end up losing more time than initially planned, it's very captivating.

On our way back we stopped in OXFORD for about 2 hours. WOW! What a city! Though it has only half of the population of Coventry it's certainty more vibrant. It's seems, though, a bit bigger than it (maybe because I know only the city centre in Coventry, which is small enough, as I said before). it has a castle, really beautiful architecture. The centre was full of students, probably the students percentage is very high. We ate something in a cool place, where I had been before, when I visited the girls in Luftbra. I didn't quite manage to understand what's all this thing with the Oxford University though...It's so high ranked, but everyone is hanging out in bars...Maybe that's where they have the libraries in Oxford...

Anyways, Oxford is a great city, you definitely need more than 2 hours to explore it, minimum one day, I'd say. We were all delighted! I'm glad that i came with the idea of the Coventry-Stonehenge-Oxford-Coventry itinerary, it has been a great day, even the weather has been on our side!

Since on Tuesday it was really MY B-DAY, I decided to make it quite relaxing so we've walked around the city, we did some shopping, I bought myself a new camera (the old one wasn't able to do its job well), we ate some cakes as Alex wanted, but on a bench, not in a pastry shop (I told him that I haven't seen too many shops of this kind here, I mainly know the bars). Then we came back home, we ate some pizzas and in the evening we (us and my housemates) went out for a drink, a Guinness. We really enjoyed it!

I'll take this opportunity and thank to all those who remembered my B-Day and who sent their wishes and greeting, no matter the channels!!!

On Wednesday I went to the Uni and Alex and Gabel to Birmingham, to her cousin, since it was useless for them to waist another day here, there was nothing left to see and I couldn't have stayed with them anyways. Plus, Birmingham is a nice city, it's worthed a visit (after all, it's the second largest city in the UK).

I don't remember exactly what I've done on Thursday and Friday, these days are too far away in space and time :) Probably nothing interesting. Ah, yes! I'VE BEEN PROPOSED on Friday! By the Nigerian guy that I've mentioned in a previous post. No, it's not funny! I've bumped into him o n the street, when I exited Jaguar Building, it was dark and we didn't recognised each other in the first place. I shouldn't have reacted when he called...He started saying thing like: I realised you are an intelligent and beautiful person from the very first moment (he had seen me just once before!), I'd like to take you out, as a couple (I served him the famous phrase: let's see what my boyfriend thinks about this), I think you are the perfect girls for me and I want to marry you and take you to Nigeria to meet my family. He told me about some local customs when you bring you future wife in your native tribe - his mother will give you traditional clothes, she teaches you how to cook specific meals and then you have to cook for the whole family (Really? I barely cook for my family!!!). He tried to take my hand, saying stuff like "after you'll get to know me better you'll also want to marry me".
I tried to be as polite as possible, but it seems that my diplomacy has been misinterpreted or I haven't used the right technique - I should've gone more into offensive, rather than I know...

Whateva...on Saturday we had Halloween, so you can imagine the craziness here, some people started to dress up since the beginning of the week. At my B-Day party I received an invitation to a party in the house of some German people, so around 22:30, the whole house (plus some "associated persons") got into cabs and gone we were! The party had already started, many persons, many costumes - I was the Corrupted Fairy! I really enjoyed the party, it ended up as I imagined it, not as good as mine, obviously! :D

On Sunday it was pretty bad - the weather got worse, it was a terrible wind and it started raining. This is the reason why I've spent it inside, reading and sleeping...And ignoring the phone calls of the Nigerian guy. He was calling when I was sleeping! And you know I don't pick up the phone when I sleep, only in a few cases. I was really bothered by the fact that he used his number, another number and a hidden ID...I called him when I woke up and we had a pretty neutral conversation, let's say...He wanted to invite me to a party, but I declined, saying that I had just woken up. But the next day (on Monday), he rang again, really early in the morning (it wasn't even 9). I didn't answered again and I called back after I woke up and we had another normal chat. But 2 minutes after I hang up he rang asking why I don't want to date him, is it because he's black? He started saying stupid stuff like: I want 3 children and I want you to be the mother of my children (surprise, I only want 2 children!), you're an unique person (everyone is unique in its own way, I'm just different from what he met by now), if tomorrow you'd broke up with your boyfriend, would you come to me?

He even tried to check me out for how long I'm in a relationship...That's when I started the offensive: did he come to Europe to study or to find himself a wife? Would it be normal to go out with him and with my "boyfriend" in the same time? Why is he insisting when he sees that we have different perspectives on life? Finally, I managed to convince him to go on with his life and I ended the conversation, not before he wishes me good luck with my relationship and reassuring me that he loves me.

Don't you think he didn't try to contact me again - on Tuesday morning he called again, but I didn't answer or ring him back. And the next time he'll do this I'll tell him to stop calling me, I won't date him, not even with friends around (thanks God that we don't have common friends!). I'll just say "Hello" if I see him at the Uni, at a common lecture. And if I suddenly disappear, dad, please send the trackers in Nigeria!
Or as Chris, one of my housemates, said, I should've told him that I have a boyfriend from Uganda and if he doesn't stop calling me his tribe will invade Nigeria!!! Cool, huh? On Wednesday he didn't show up at this common lecture, so I had a normal day...

Every thing's fine at the Uni, we discuss about interesting things, except on the course on Research Methods, which is a bit boring to me, it's not topic-related. But if we have to do it, we'll do it...

Next I predict a cool period: seeing some movies, have some guest speakers, going to Sicily at the end of March. I started to find some opportunities for my placement, in England and abroad, I'm trying to find some ideas for my dissertation topic, but now I'd better focus on the papers that I have to do for the following period...

Tomorrow I'm going to Berlin, I can't wait! I'll meet again Daniel, Lidia, Tamara and some more people, There'll be many events, we just have to decide what we want to see, the time is short. I understood it's pretty cold there (it even snowed a bit few days ago) and I'm only taking a hand luggage...But I'll be fine - a year ago I was going to Stockholm, carrying the same bag!

I'll definitely won't have tine to write something else until I go, so we'll "read" each other from Tuesday on!