Am fost in Birmingham la Targul de Craciun - Birmingham-Frankfurt Christmas Market - asa ca m-am simtit ca in Germania: Weihnachtsmarkt, Bratwurst, Glühwein, Weißbier, ja, ja, entchuldigung!, bitte schön, danke schön etc. Nu imi cereti sa va spun cum s-a terminat ziua (si noaptea) respectiva, caci dupa ce ne-am intors in Coventry am mers la o petrecere :D
Am mai terminat un eseu pentru cursul de International Organised Crime - daca doriti detalii despre crima organizata din Albania va rog sa ma contactati. Chiar credeam ca lucrarea asta va fi mai usoara decat cea de la International Terrorism, dar ne-am inselat cu totii: volumul de munca a fost mult mai mare. Trebuia sa alegem o organizatie criminala (chineza, albaneza, rusa etc), sa ii analizam originile, evolutia, modus operandi si mijloacele legale luate pt a o combate. Toate astea in 1500 de cuvinte!!! In fine, am facut-o si pe asta!
De voie, de nevoie, am iesit (din nou!) la cumparaturi, dar, ca de obicei, am facut afaceri bune: mi-am luat haine de sezon (speriata de ce mi s-a spus - ca in Romania este foarte frig) la reduceri (H&M este prietenul meu cel mai bun :P) si am descoperit un outlet foarte tare, de unde mi-am achizitionat ochelari de soare (caci trebuie sa ii inlocuiesc pe cei pierduti, nu?) Karl Lagerfeld cu 20 lire si, la acelasi pret, blugi Replay :D Ziceti voi ca nu ma pricep! :)
Am decis, intr-un final, ca imi voi petrecere Anul Nou la Alex si Gabel, in Danemarca, caci apoi cine stie cand mai am ocazia sa ii revad si, nah, o data-i Revelionul...O sa fie o perioada nebuna si foarte obositoare, dar sunt tanara, imi permit...
Momentan nu imi vin in minte alte lucruri demne de mentionat...Poate data viitoare!
Things I Haven't Mentioned Lately...
I've been to Birmingham to the Birmingham-Frankfurt Christmas Market so I felt like in Germany: Weihnachtsmarkt, Bratwurst, Glühwein, Weißbier, ja, ja, entchuldigung!, bitte schön, danke schön etc.Don't ask me how the day (and the night) has ended because we went to a party after we returned to Coventry :D
I finished another paper for the International Organised Crime lecture - if you want any details on the Albanian organised crime please contact me. We all thought that this assignment is easier than the on in International Terrorism, but we were all mistaken: the working volume was larger. We had to chose a criminal group (Chinese, Albanian, Russian etc), to analyse its origins, its evolution, its modus operandi and means to combat it. All these in 1500 words!!! Whateva, I've done it!
Whether I wanted or not, I had to go shopping (again), but, as usual, I've great deals: I bought this season's clothes (scared of the forecast from Romania) on sales (H&M is my best friend :P) and I've discovered a really cool outlet, where from I bought Karl Lagerfeld sunglasses (I have to replace the lost one, right?) with 20 pounds and, on same price, Replay jeans :D Man, I'm good!
I finally decided to spend the New Year's Eve at my brother's and his girlfriend, in Denmark, because I don't know when I'm going to see them next...It will be a crazy and exhausting period, but I'm young, I can afford it...
For the moment I can't think of any other things worth mentioning...Maybe next time!