Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Doamnelor, domnisoarelor si domnilor, dupa cum puteti observa, mie nu prea imi place sa scriu pe blog. Nu sunt nici foarte talentoasa la lucruri simple, in general, si simt ca scriu degeaba (atunci cand o fac). Prin urmare, blogul nu e updatat prea des. Dar cum pana si distinsul familion mi-a semnalat ca nu mai este la zi cu noutatile vietii mele, o sa recuperez acum. O sa aflati, deci, detalii pe care eu nu le gasesc importante la momentul respectiv, dar care acum mi se par semnificative, caci, de fapt, mare lucru nu mi se intampla.

Cu liniuta, ca asa-i frumos:
- In primul rand, nu am murit! Si in nici un caz de foame, chiar ma descurc rezonabil la capitolul 'in bucatarie', doar ca uneori imi lispeste inspiratia. Iar daca am slabit cumva, tind sa cred ca mersul la sala isi face efectul. Ma duc destul de des in ultima vreme, descopar noi aparate si e foarte distractiv. Pacat ca acum, in vacanta, programul e mai redus (iar duminica inchis).
- Si daca tot merg la sala, atunci era si cazul sa incep sa beau milkshake-uri, nu? Am descoperit intr-o zi, din joaca, ce bun e si de atunci beau cu regularitate. Eu il prepar cu banane, lapte (evident), miere, praf de cacao (gen Nesquick) si 2 cuburi de gheata! Yummy! Cred ca nu mai trebuie sa precizez ca va trebuie un blender sau shaker (eu am unul de cocktailuri, primit de ziua mea :D).
- Am luat permisul de munca (hai ca asta v-am mai spus) si, chiar azi, am primit acasa, Numarul de Asigurare Sociala (National Insurance Number - NIN). Acum astept sa primesc si un loc de munca! :)) Ma ambalasem mai mult decat necesar pt "interviul" de acum o saptamana (pt NIN): puteam sa ma fi dus si in pijamale, nimanui nu i-ar fi pasat...
- La mijlocul lui aprilie o sa mergem la Londra, la o Expozitie de produse si tehnologii pt combaterea terorismului (CounterTerror Expo 2010). Ne deplasam cu masina unui coleg, deci o sa fie misto, doar ca eticheta se cere a fi formala (asa ca o sa ne calcam camasile si o sa ne lustruim pantofii cu o seara inainte). Cam nasoala treaba asta, stiu, mai ales ca o sa stam vreo o ora si jumatate in masina si or sa ni se sifoneze hainele, iar apoi o sa luam metroul si o sa aratam ca niste corporatisti. Dar, nah, o sa avem o imagine a cum o sa aratam cand o sa avem noi joburile alea super tari pt care invatam acum! :P
- Am inceput niste cursuri de germana la universitate, initial m-am inscris la incepatori, dar era mult prea simplu (chiar si pt mine :D), asa ca am trecut la intermediari. Nici aici nu e mare chestie, nu invatam prea multa gramatica, dar macar auzim germana ("profa" e o nemtoaica si ea studenta aici), fara vreun accent specific, deci e usor de inteles. Plus ca asa mai cunosti lume noua...
- M-am uitat la niste filme misto in ultima vreme, pe care chiar o sa le recomand: "Satanas", un film columbian foarte violent, dupa un caz real (prietenul meu columbian, Daniel, spune ca el nu vizioneaza filme de-ale lor, ca e ca si cum s-ar uita la stiri); "Up", o poveste animata (Disney-Pixar) fooooarte frumoasa; "Die Welle"/"The Wave" sau cum sa instaurezi o dictatura in zilele noastre (dupa un experiment real); "25th hour", despre ultima zi de libertate a unui traficant de droguri, condamnat la 7 ani de inchisoare; "Into the Wild", bazat pe povestea reala a lui Christopher McCandless, care, dupa absolvire, decide sa traiasca in salbaticie; "Alfie", un film mai slabut, dar bun pentru o seara in care nu ai ce face. Da, stiu, nu prea sunt la curent cu noutatile cinematografice, am multe de recuperat. De aceea, dupa ce termin postarea asta o sa ma uit ori la "Trainspotting" ori la "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".
- Am decis sa nu mai vorbesc deloc cu polonezul de la mine din casa, Chris. Am incercat de vreo 3 ori sa discutam cu el (mai calm sau nu) si sa il dam pe brazda, dar se pare ca nu a mers. Este total nerespectuos cu noi, il rugam sa nu mai faca unele lucruri (gen trantitul usii la baie, facut curat in casa), el spune "OK", dar nu trece la fapte. Asa ca am hotarat nici "Buna" sa nu ii mai spun. Si vad ca am reusit, mai mult sau mai putin, sa ii intorc pe toti din casa impotriva lui :D Oops! Ma rog, cel putin l-am izolat :) Azi am trecut la faza a doua a ofensivei (ca sa nu credeti ca daca nu mai vorbesc/vorbim cu el s-a facut baiat cuminte - desi a avut cateva tentative, dar cu o floare nu se face primavara, nu?): am lipit niste afise prin casa, cu mesaje mai mult decat evidente (gen "Nu mai tranti, dom'le usa!"...cam asa ar suna in romana). Evident, le-am scris la calculator, caci deja toata lumea din casa imi recunoaste scrisul, asa ca am facut o treaba anonima, cica. Astept reactiile! >:)
- In alta ordine de idei, am fost la teatru acum cateva saptamani, la un piesa numita "The Dark Side of the Buffoon" ("Partea Intunecata a Bufonului"). Extraordinal cum 2 actori (frati!) pot face un asa spectacol, interpretand personaje atat de contrastante. Ca sa nu mai spun de rapiditatea cu care isi schimabu costumele si de elementele de teatru contemporan (proiectii video) inserate! Plus ca am intrat gratuit pt ca avem sub 26 de ani :D
- Am fixat (pana data viitoare cand ne razgandim) o data pt excursia din Sicilia: 8-15 iulie. Deci merg la mare si anul asta! hahahahaha Acum asteptam un raspuns din parte organizatiei pe care o vom vizita acolo si sper sa rezervam biletele de avion cat mai repede, ca sa fim sigur ca nu ne mai razgandim. Cum zicea si un coleg: "crima internationala DEZorganizata" :)
- Merg acum la un curs de "Human Rights in Europe", care a ajuns sa imi placa foarte mult, desi ma temeam la inceput ca nu voi face fata, caci e un modul de Drept si sunt alte cerinte (si necesita un limbaj adecvat). In principal dicutam pe baza Conventiei Europene a Drepturilor Omului si a articolelor sale, plus cazuri semnificative aduse in fata Curtii Europene a Drepturilor Omului, si e absolut uimitor ce interpretari se pot face!
- Intre timp, am mai terminat o lucrare, am aflat raspunsul la toate punctajele de pe primul semestru (punctaje bune si foarte bune, zic eu), asa ca am deja 50 de credite (doar nu credeati ca o sa pic, nu?). Acum urmeaza sa ma apuc de alte lucrari, caci asta e unul dintre motivele pentru care am decis sa nu vin acasa de Paste.
- Am tras concluzia ca nu exista notiunea de "primavara" in Anglia. Ne-a amagit vremea de cateva ori, dar in ultimele zile, fara exceptie, am avut parte de dimineti insorite (pana la maxim 2 p.m.), apoi ploaie. Nu am scapat niciodata fara o burnita, un dus scurt sau macar o mocaneasca...Iar azi a fost extrem de frig (mai ales ca e sfarsitul lui Martie)! Ce mai incalzire globala...
- Si daca tot vorbeam de Anglia, am descoperit de ce englezilor le place asa mult ceaiul. Nu pot sa va spun exact de ce, doar va sfatuiesc sa incepeti sa beti unul pe zi si va garantez ca nu o sa mai fie cale de intoarcere ;) Cu lapte, normal, si asezonat cu briose, croissant, biscuiti simpli sau scones. Va averizez ca va crea dependenta! Eu am acum in dulap ceai de vanilie si unul marocan, cu menta si spice (condimente), care e pe terminate, asa ca o sa cumpar altul...va fi probabil de caramel, pt variatie.
- Mi-am luat un demachiant nou, de la Neutrogena (ca tot mai am niste produse de care sunt multumita, de la aceeasi firma)...Si nu mi-am mai luat haine noi (doar 2 lucruri de care chiar am nevoie pt ceva FOARTE important) si planuiesc sa imi cumpar un balsam de par de la Tony &Guy, caci am ramas fara...Asta in cazul in care chiar voiati sa aflati TOT ce am mai facut in ultima vreme!

Cred ca nu mai am nimic de spus/scris, momentan, si sper sa nu va mai asteptati la alte noutati in urmatoarea luna! Glumesc, stiu ca mai trebuie sa scriu despre Manchester...
Gata, la film cu mine! Dar mai intai un ceai...



Ladies and Gents, as you can see, I don't really like blogging. I'm not too skilled with writing, generally speaking so this blog is not updated too often. But now even my family has complained that they don't know much about my life nowadays, therefore I'll make up for the lost time. I'll find out things that I don't find interesting when they happen, but later become significant, because, in fact, there isn't much going on in my life.

- Firstly, I'm not dead! And I didn't starve! If I lost some weight I tend to "blame" it on the gym, where I go quite often lately. I'm discovering new machines and it's fun! Too bad that now, during the Easter break, the opening times are reduced and it's closed on Sundays.
- Since I'm going to the gym I have started, out of fun, drinking milkshakes and now I'm having them regularly. I mix bananas, milk (evidently), honey, coco powder (like Nesquick) and 2 ice cubes. Yummy! You'll also need a blender or shaker (I use a cocktail shaker that I've received for my B-Day :D).
- I got my working permit (but I've mentioned that before) and today I received my National Insurance Number. Now I'm hoping to receive a job! :)) I got overly nervous for the "interview" for the NIN: I could've gone in my pyjamas, no one would've noticed...
- In mid April we'll be going to London, to the CounterTerror Expo 2010 (exhibiting counter-terrorist products and technologies). We'll be driving there (using a colleague's car) so I'm expecting it to be fun, but the dress code is business (so the night before we'll have to iron our shirts and polish our shoes). This kinda sucks, I know, especially considering that we have to literary sit down for about 1hr and a half so our clothes will crease and then we'll take the tube to the venue so we'll look like a bunch of corporate employees. But hey, at least we'll get a preview of how we've going to look like when we'll get those über-awesome jobs for which we're studying now! :P
- I started some German classes at the Uni, I initially signed up for beginners, but it was too easy 9even for me :D) so I swapped to intermediate. It's not big deal though, we aren't being taught too much grammar, but at least we get to hear German (the "teacher" is a German student at our Uni), without any specific accent, so it's easy to understand. Plus that you get to meet more people this way...
- I watched some great movies lately: "Satanas", an extremely violent Colombian movie, based on a real case (my Colombian friend, Daniel, says he doesn't watch national films, it's like watching the news to him); "Up",a veeeeery beautiful animated story (Disney-Pixar); "Die Welle"/"The Wave" or how to impose a dictatorship nowadays (based on a real experiment); "25th hour", about the last day of freedom of a drug dealer, condemned to 7 years of imprisonment; "Into the Wild", based on the real story of Christopher McCandless, who decides to life in the wilderness, after his graduation; "Alfie", a softer movie, but perfect for a I-don't-know-what-to-do-tonight evening. Yes, I know, I'm not too updated with movies, but I'm recovering, starting tonight, when I'll watch either "Trainspotting" either"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (after I'm done with this entry).
- I decided not to talk any more with my Polish housemate, Chris. We've tried, several times, to talk to him (nicely or not nicely) and to get him on the right path, but it didn't work. he's totally disrespectful to us, he always says "OK" when we ask him to do some stuff (like cleaning the house or not slamming the bathroom door), be we don't see any real actions. So I'm not even saying "Hello" to him. And somehow I managed to make the others act the same or at least we've isolated him :D Today I commenced the second phase of my offencive (don't you think that if I/we don't talk to him he's behaving now - although he had some attempts, but not enough): I pus some posters around the house containing some more than obvious messages (like "Stop banging the bloody door! Don't you know how to use the handle?"). Since everyone in the house is familiar to my handwriting, I printed the messages. Waiting for reactions now! >:)
- On the other hand, I went to the theatre a couple of weeks ago, to a play called "The Dark Side of the Buffoon". It's extraordinary how two actors (brothers!) cam make such a great show and swapping so contrasting characters . Not to mention their rapidity in changing the costumes and the inserted elements of contemporary theatre (video screenings) . We got in for free because we're under 26 :D
- We settled down the date for our trip to Sicily: 8th-15th of July (that's only we change our mind again). So I'm going to the seaside! hahahaha Now we're waiting for a confirmation from the organisation we are going to visit and hopefully we'll book the plane tickets. As one of my colleague said: "international DISorganised crime" :)
- Now I'm attending a lecture in "Human Rights in Europe" that i ended up likening a lot, although I was very afraid I won't cope with at the beginning, because it's a Law module and there are different requirements (and you must have a certain style). We are mainly discussing issues based on the European Convention of Human Rights and its articles, plus significant cases brought in front of the European Court of Human Rights and it's absolutely amazing what interpretations you can get!
- Meanwhile, I finished another paper, I found out the scores to all my modules of the 1st semester (good and very food scores, I'd say) so I already got 50 credits (you didn't think I'd fail, did you?). Now I should start working on the other assignments, this is one of the reasons I decided not to go home for Easter.
- I reached the conclusion that there is no such notion of "springtime" in England. The weather deceived us a few times, but for the past few days, no exception, we got sunny mornings (no later that 2p.m.) and then rain. We never got away with at least a hail or a quick shower...And today it was extremely cold, thinking that it's the end of March! So much for the global warming...
- Speaking of England, I found out why the English people like tea so much. I can't tell you exactly why, I can only advise you to start having one per day and I'll guarantee that there is no turning back ;) With milk, evidently, and muffins, croissants, crackers or scones. I'm warning you, it's addictive! I have a vanilla tea and one from Morocco, with mint and spice, but the latter is almost finished so I'll have to buy another one...It will be caramel!
- I bought a new make up remover, form Neutrogena (I have some other products from them and I'm quite satisfied)...And I didn't buy any new clothes (just 2 items that I really need for a very important thing) and I'm planning to purchase a new hair conditioner from Tony&Guy, as I have none left...This was just in case you really wanted to find out EVERYTHING about me lately!

Nothing to say/write for now and I hope you're not expecting news in the following month! Joking, I know that I've still have to write about my trip to Manchester...
OK, movie time! But first a cup of tea...