...o sa va povestesc putin cum mi-am petrecut ultima perioada, caci apoi iar raman in urma cu postarile.
Am luat, intr-adevar, masa afara in week-endul de dupa Paste, mai tarziu decat planificasem initial, caci eu am fost la sala (unde am aflat de tragedia poloneza...cred ca sunt singura persoana care se uita la BBC cand alearga), iar Sonali si Anuj s-au trezit tarziu. Am pregatit din nou tortilla de patatas si tzatziki, iar Sonali a facut ceva asemanataor cu pita noastra romaneasca, numita 'Aaloo Prantha', dar mai complicat, caci a adaugat si cartofi (evident ca a fost si mai consistenta). Am mai incercat alta specialitate indiana, ceva care tradus ar fi "muratura dulce", practic un gem de fructe (mango in cazul asta), dar mai picant.
Dupa cum vedeti, chiar daca nu prea mai era soare, noi tot am facut putin pe snobii :)
Ah, am uitat sa va spun ca dupa Paste, luni, am avut o surpriza mai putin placuta - am ramas fara curent! Pe la vreo 12 noaptea, deci ne-am speriat putin (plus ca nu ni s-a intamplat pana acum), mai ales ca eram doar eu si Sonali. Noroc ca avem generator de urgenta, asa ca am avut lumina pe hol, la parter si la etaj...
Ce altceva important as mai avea de spus? Ah, da! Tot intr-o zi de luni, dar pe 12, am avut interviul pt programul leonardo (pt care am aplicat in ianuarie), interviu pe care trebuia de fapt sa il am pe 30 martie, dar a fost anulat in ultimul moment pentru ca persoana care trebuia sa ma intervieveze s-a imbolnavit. Despre ce e vorba? Pai, despre un internship la Berlin! Da, inapoi la Berlin! Si am trecut interviul (care a fost mai mult o formalitate), deci acum am inceput sa imi caut deja camera acolo si in curand imi voi rezerva si bilete de avion, probabil pt sfarsitul lui iunie. Internshipul ar trebui sa inceapa in octombrie (caci asa am specificat ca sunt disponibila), dar trebuie sa merg sa vad apartamente, nu? Cred ca asta a fost cel mai bine pastrat secret de-al meu pana acum...Yey! Ma intorc la Berlin! (chiar acum port tricoul cu "I <3> Berlin", ce coincidenta frumoasa...)
Apoi miercuri am fost la Londra la expozitia de Counter-Terrorism de care va spuneam. M-am trezit la 5 dimineata ca sa plecam la 7 din Coventry!!! Am ajuns relativ repede in capitala, am lasat masina intr-o parcare si am luat metroul (ce bine ca m-am incaltat in balerini!) si la destinatie, am constata ca TOATA lumea din metrou mergea in acelasi loc ca si noi. Asa ca am stat la coada aproximativ o ora si chiar a fost mai frig decat ma asteptam, dar noroc ca am colegi de treaba si nu a fost asa de rau. Chiar faceam misto - daca vreun grup terorist s-ar fi gandit sa lanseze un atac, in Londra in mod special, eradicau toata miscarea asta anti-terosista dintr-o suflare... :D
Sa nu imi cereti poze, nu a fost timp si nici cazul, doar i-am imortalizat pe acesti pseudo-hipioti-fosti-punkeri, genul ala de oameni care nu sunt in stare sa aiba o slujba decenta, dar care cred ca stiu ce e mai bine in politica externa (si in afacerile statului in gereral):
Inauntru - mai mult tehnologii, chestii nu tocmai feminine :) Au fost si cateva standuri ale unor publicatii, companii de recrutare, am vorbit cu cineva de la standul NATO, am auzit romana vorbindu-se langa mine....chestii d-astea banale! M-am simtit foarte tanara si in minoritate, mai ales cat stateam la coada afara (caci inauntru lumea s-a amestecat si chiar nu mai conta), caci in principal erau numai barbati, si in nici un caz de varsta apropiata. Oare se simt amenintati de noua generatie care vine din urma? :D Nu paream chiar singurii studenti de acolo, asa ca uite ca exista interes din mai multe parti...Una peste alta, am avut o prima incursiune in lumea in care speram sa profesam, intr-un fel sau altul...
Un moment asemanator a fost acum cateva saptamani, cand BBC Radio a organizat o dezbatere la noi in universitate, pe tema "Afganistan - prezentam adevarul?". Nu s-a pliat exact pe ceea ce am facut pana acum, a fost mai mult o perspectiva jurnalistica, dar per total a fost interesant, mai ales ca am vazut cum se face o transmisie live :)
Simt ca ar mai fi ceva de spus/scris, dar acum ma grabesc putin...am venit de la facultate, am depus o lucrare (as putea lucra drept consultant pe probleme de reglementare a companiilor private de securitate, pentru Sierra Leone) si nu am dormit foarte mult aseara. Iar acum tocmai am primit o invitatie de la prietenii din Albany Road, la o bautura si niste carnati nemtesti. Nu pot sa nu o onorez, dar nici nu voi sta mult, caci maine de dimineata merg la Londra. Fiona, colega mea de casa, se intoarce in Anglia si cum ajunge devreme (cu trenul), vrea sa petreaca o zi in Londra, asa ca m-a intrebat daca nu as fi interesata. Bineinteles ca sunt! Mai ales ca nu prea am ocazii sa merg la Londra, iar cu Fiona pot spune ca am "compatibilitate turistica" (si nu mi se intampla des sa gasesc astfel de persoane).
Acum chiar trebuie sa plec!
PS: Va imaginati ca daca veneam acasa de Paste, eram inca acolo? Ce inspirata sunt, ca si de Craciun, cand la fix am plecat din Anglia/Romania!
On The Rush...
...I'll tell you a bit how my last weeks have been, cuz later it will be more difficult to catch up...
We have, indeed, had lunch in the backyard the first week-end after Easter, a bit later than planned, because i was at the gym in the noon (where I found out about the Polish tragedy...I think I'm the only person watching BBC while running), and Sonali and Anuj woke up late. I made again a tortilla and tzatziki, and Sonali prepared something similar to the Romanian pita, called 'Aaloo Prantha', but more complicated - she added potatoes too (so it was more filling). I tried another Indian speciality, "sweet pickle", a kind of fruit jam (mango in this case), but spicier.
As you can see in the photos, even though it wasn't that sunny any more, we still played snobbish a bit :)
I forgot to mention that on the Easter Monday we had a not-so-pleasant surprise - we had a power cut! It was around midnight so it was a bit scary (especially since it has not happened before), plus that it was just me and Sonali. Luckily we have an emergency generator so we had light on the hallway, upstairs and downstairs...
What else it there to tell? Oh, yeah! On another Monday, the 12th, I had my interview for the Leonardo programme (for which I have applied in January), that I was actually supposed to have on the 30th of March, but it got cancelled due to staff sickness. So what does it mean? It means an internship in Berlin! Yes, back to Berlin! And I passed the interview (it was rather a formality), so now I started looking for a room there and soon I'll be booking a flight there, probably for the end of June. My placement should start in October (I said I'm available then), but I still have to go and view apartments, right?I think this has been the best keep secret that I've ever had until now...Yey! I'm going back to Berlin!!! (by the time I was righting the post in Romanian I was wearing my "I <3 Berlin" tee, what a nice coincidence...)
Then, the following Wednesday, I went to London to that Counter-Terror Expo that I kept telling you about. I woke up at 5 a.m. to leave Coventry at 7!!! We arrived in London quite rapidly, we left the car in a parking lot and took the tube (I'm so glad that I wore my flats!) and at our destination (Olympia Hall) we realised that EVERYONE for the tube was going to the same place as we were. So we queued for about an hour and it was much colder than I expected, but I'm lucky to have nice colleagues and it wasn't that bad. We were actually joking - if a terrorist group had though of another attack, on London particularly, they would have eradicated the whole counter-terror movement in the blink of an eye...:D Don't ask for pictures, there was no time or the proper occasion, by I did captured those pseudo-hippies-ex-punkers (in the photo above), those type of persons that aren't able to have a proper jib, but who think that they know what's best for foreign affairs (or state politics, generally speaking). At the entrance I had another surprise: my name was not on the list, although I have had registered at least 2 weeks in advance! The lady behind the computer seemed overwhelmed by the situation so a supervisor intervened (he was quite irritated). He asked for a "business card or a photo ID", beacuse how were they supposed to know I'm the person I'm claiming to be (although I gave them my passport, the most important document a person can have in the UK!!!). Normally you weren't able to register on the sport, but I think this is what happened in the end. I explained them that I wouldn't have come all the way from Coventry without a certainty...Whateva, we got it done, lucky I followed the advice of one of my colleagues and made business cards! Inside loads of technologies, not that feminine stuff! :) There were some stands of publications, recruitment companies, I spoke to someone at the NATO stand, I've heard Romanian spoken right next to me...just the usual stuff! I felt quite young and in minority, especially while queueing outside (inside people got mixed up and it really didn't matter). There were mostly men and definitely not a close age. I wonder, do there people feel threaten by the new generation coming up next? :D We didn't seem quite the only students over there, so there is interest in this field...All in all, I had a great first experience in the domain we are hoping to work, one way or another...
A similar moment was a few weeks ago, when BBC Radio 4 organised a debate in our Uni, "Afghanistan - are we embedding the truth?". It wasn't that appropriate to what I'm studying, rather a journalistic approach, but it was very interesting and I saw how a live transmission is made :)
I feel there is something more to tell/write about, but I was in the hurry by the time I was writing the initial post...I was just coming back from the Uni, I submitted a paper (I could work as a consultant on issues of regulating the private security and military companies in Sierra Leone) and therefore I have had not slept too much the previous night. And by the time I was typing I got an invitation form my friends in Albany Rd, to have some drinks and German sausages. I couldn't have said no, but I tried not to stay long - the next day (yesterday) I was supposed to go to London. Fiona, one of my housemates, was coming back from France (by train!) and she was thinking of spending a day in London so she asked me if I would be interested in. Of course I was! Especially since don't get too many occasions of visiting the city and I can say I have a "touristic compatibility" with Fiona (and that doesn't happen with every person I know).
Soon I'll tell you all about my trip to London!
PS: Can you imagine that I would have still be home if I had come there for the Easter break? I'm very fortunate and make good decisions, like Christmas time, when I left England/Romania just on time!