Monday, October 05, 2009

Fetele din Berlin

Pentru ca nu ati avut parte de nici o alta telegrama ori de alte vesti din partea mea, o sa ma revansez dandu-va mai multe detalii despre week-endul trecut.
Am plecat destul de odihnita de acasa, asta si pentru ca nu a trebuit sa merg la facultate prea devreme. Dar normal ca, in stilul care ma caracterizeaza, am ajuns pe ultima suta de metri la statia de autobuz, cred ca nu m-as fi simtit bine daca faceam altfel...Eh, si autocarul care m-a dus la Leicester a intarziat, asa ca nu a fost panica.
Acum am calatorit in East Midlands care, momentan, mi se pare ca are peisaje mult mai frumoase decat ceea ce am vazut in West Midlands, cel putin cat am calatorit de la Londra in Coventry. Ma rog, am mai si adormit in autocar atunci, deci nu trag inca o concluzie in acest sens.

Din Coventry catre Leicester

Leicester este un oras cam de marimea si populatia Coventry-ului, la o ora distanta. Atat cat am apucat sa vad din autocar mi s-a parut foarte interesant si cu siguranta merita o vizita de o zi (mai ales ca biletul costa 6 lire/calatorie). Ceea ce m-a socat foarte mult a fost cartierul prin care am trecut la iesirea din oras: era plin de indieni, iar pe bulevardul principal erau PESTE TOT (nu exagerez) magazine cu haine specifice (evident, foarte "sclipicioase").

Banuiesc ca este Catedrala din Leicester

Spre Loughborough (Lufbra de acum incolo), destinatia mea, am luat un autobuz local ce oprea in mai multe statii si astfel un drum de 20 km a durat cam o ora. Bine, era pe punctul sa dureze dublu, caci mai aveam putin si ieseam din Lufbra, inapoi spre Leicester, si eu tot nu coborasem din autobuz, caci nu a oprit in statia indicata pe traseul pe care l-am gasit pe internet (a virat la dreapta chiar inainte de centrul ca mi-as fi dat seama ca ala era centrul). Noroc ca soferul a fost foarte dragut (englez, nu?) si a tras pe stanga chiar inainte de iesirea din oras si mi-a explicat drumul.

Practic a trebuit sa merg cinci minute pe jos, in linie dreapta. Asta ca sa va imaginati cat de mic este orasul. Oricum, mi-a placut mai mult decat Coventry (o sa va povestes cu alta ocazie de ce nu imi place Coventry, din punct de vedere estetic), chiar daca este un oras foarte mic, in care (probabil) m-as fi plictisit si mai mult - practic, nu e nimic de vizitat (abia am facut cateva poze), ceva cu tenta istorica, asa cum ma atrage pe mine la un oras, dar nici nu era asta scopul calatoriei :)

Dupa cum probabil stiti deja, am mers acolo pt ca tocmai sosise Kaisa din Berlin, inainte de a zbura catre Tallin. Ea nu era informata de venirea mea acolo, stia doar ca urma sa ma viziteze in Coventry sambata. Asa ca banuiesc ca va puteti imagina fata ei placut suprinsa cand m-a vazut intrand pe usa cafenelei unde era la momentul respectiv!!! Cred ca e un lucru extrem de placut sa iti revezi prietenii intr-un mod atat de neasteptat :)

Totul a parut asa de natural: reintalnirea cu fetel din Berlin - Kaisa, Krissy (care a fost gazda perfecta) si Grace (ea a sosit un pic mai tarziu, trebuia si asta sa fie o supriza pt Kaisa, dar cineva a stricat-o din greseala...). Noaptea ce a urmat a fost si ea destul de naturala - am petrecut-o intr-un club, evident! :D Asta dupa ce am asteptat o ora la coada, nici nu cred ca va puteti imagina cata lume era, deoarece era Returners' Night sau ceva de genul, plus ca a mixat Calvin Harris (asta da britanic care arata bine!). Poate ca nu a fost 100% perfecta noapte, dar ma bucur ca am petrecut-o cu persoane dragi si asta conteaza in final.

A doua zi (sambata) urma sa mergem in Coventry, dar fetele (Kaisa si Krissy) urmau sa se intoarca in Lufbra in aceeasi seara, caci duminica la pranz Kaisa avea avion spre Tallin, iar biletele de autocar spre Londra era deja rezervate, dar nu din Coventry... Insa nu am reusit sa gasim nici o modalitate de a ajunge repede si ieftin in Coventry, caci planul era sa avem ceva mai mult de 2-3 ore la dispozitie ca sa facem un tur al orasului, ca fetele sa vada unde stau etc. Asa ca am decis ca eu sa mai raman inca o noapte in Lufbra, mai ales acum cand Kaisa ma reintalnise...

Kaisa trebuia sa plece din Lufbra a doua zi de dimineata (la ora 4 a.m.), asa ca am considerat ca e ma bine se plec si eu o data cu ea, macar am impartit acelasi taxi (caci nu era de mers pe jos la ora aia) pana la locul de unde trebuia sa luam fiecare autobuzul sau si sa nu o punem pe Krissy de doua ori pe drum (nu ne-ar fi lasat sa plecam singure, separat). Kaisa a mers spre Leicester, de unde a luat un autocar catre Londra, iar eu spre East Midlans Airport (care, apropo, e muuult mai aproape de Coventry decat Londra!), unde am asteptat cam o ora sa iau autocarul spre casa...

Am ajuns in Coventry pe la 08:30 dimineata, era pustiu prin oras (doar era duminica), doar o veverita s-a gasit sa traverseze strada la un moment dat :)

Am realizat ca mi-am luat "La revedere" de la Kaisa de 4 ori pana acum, asa ca nu mai este atat de dificil, mai ales ca de fiecare data se adauga mai mult optimism. Am inceput sa imi doresc sa mai spun asta curand, pt ca inseamna ca ne vom intalni din nou. Cred ca acum e randul meu sa merg in Tallin :)

Hai ca aproape ca am scris un roman si s-a facut tarziu, chiar si aici. Voi reveni curand cu noi postari, pentru ca sunt muuuuulte lucruri pe care trebuie sa vi le povestesc.

Noapte buna!


Berlin Girls

Because you didn't get a telegram or any other news of me, I'll make it up to you and I'll give you more details about the last week-end.
I had pretty much rest before leaving home, that's because I wasn't supposed to be at the Uni too early in the morning. But obviously that, in my own characteristic style, I reached the bus station at the eleventh hour, I think I wouldn't have felt alright otherwise....Eh, the couch to Leicester was also late, so there was no panic.
Now I travelled to East Midlands which, for the moment, seems to have more beautiful landscapes than what I've seen in West Midlands, at least from London to Coventry. Well, I've been sleeping then, so I won't draw any conclusions in this matter.

Leicester is a city similar to Coventry in terms of size and population, a hour away. As far as I got to see from the bus it looked very interesting and definitely is worth an one-day trip (especially since the ticket is 6 pounds/one way). What shocked me a lot was the neighbourhood that we've passed by before exiting the city: it was full of Indian people, and on the main street there were EVERYWHERE (I am not exaggerating) stores with specific clothes (obviously, very "sparkling" ones).

To Loughborough (Lufbra from now on), my destination, I took a local bus that stopped in many more stations and so a 20 km road took almost a hour. Well, it was about to last double, because I was very close exiting Lufbra, heading back to Leicester, and not getting off the bus, because it didn't stopped in the station showed on the routing that i found on the Internet (it has turned right just before the town centre...not that I would've realised which is the centre). Luckily the driver was very nice (English, right?) and he pulled over before the town boarder and the explained me the way.

Basically I was supposed to walk 5 minutes in straight line. This is to imagine how small is the town. Anyways, I liked it more than Coventry (I'll tell you some other time why I don't like Coventry, aesthetically talking), even if it a very tiny town, where I would have (probably) got more bored - practically there is nothing to visit (I barely took some photos), nothing historically, as I like to see when I'm travelling, but this was not the purpose of the journey :)

As you probably know by now, I went there because Kaisa had just arrived from Berlin, before going to Tallinn. She wasn't informed about my arrival there, she only knew that we would've met in Coventry on Saturday. So I assume that you can imagine her pleasantly surprised face when I entered the door of the coffee shop where she was at that time!!! I think is extremely nice to see your friends once more in such an unexpected way :)

Everything was so natural: the reunion with the Berlin girls - Kaisa, Krissy (the perfect hostess) and Grace (she came a lil later that day, although her arrival was supposed to be a surprise as well, but someone else spoilt by mistake...). The following night was also pretty natural - we spent it in a club, where else? :D That was after we queued for a hour, I don't even think you can imagine how many people were waiting, because it was Returners' Night or something like that, plus Calvin Harris mixing (now that's what I call a good-looking British guy!). Maybe it had not been 100% perfect, but I am so glad that I spent it with dear persons and that's what matters in the end.

The next day (Saturday) we should've travelled to Coventry, but the girls (Kaisa and Krissy) needed to go back to Lufbra that very evening, as Kaisa had a plane to Tallinn on Sunday and the couch tickets to London had been already booked, but not from Coventry...We couldn't find any way to get fast and cheap to Coventry, because the plan was to have more that 2-3 hours available to visit the city, my place etc. So we decided that I would stay another night in Lufbra, especially now that Kaisa had met me...

Kaisa was supposed to leave Lufbra the next day in the morning (4 a.m.), so we considered it would be better that i should go the same time as her, at least we've shared the same taxi to the place where we took the buses and not to force Krissy to go two times in the same spot (she wouldn't have let us to go alone, separately). Kaisa went to Leicester from where she took a couch to London and I went to East Midlands Airport (which, by the way, is waaaay closer to Coventry than London!), where I waited about a hour to take a couch home.

I arrived in Coventry at 08:30 in the morning, the city was empty (it was Sunday), just a squirrel decided to cross the street at some point :)

I realised that I said "Good-Bye" to Kaisa 4 times by now, so it's not very difficult anymore, especially that every time we add some more optimism. I started to wish to say this soon, because it would mean that we're going to meet again. I think now it's my turn to go to Tallinn :)

OK, I almost wrote a novel here and it's getting late, even here. I'll return soon with new post entries, since there are sooooo many things that I want to share with you.

Good night!

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