Sau s-a terminat cu "Bear with us for a moment", celebra expresie standard englezeasca, ce te poate scoate din minti daca nu esti din Albion, caci iti este servita aproape zilnic si care a fost folosita chiar si de Nick Clegg in ultima perioada (eu as traduce-o si adapta-o in "Aveti putintica rabdare").
Asadar, Dl. David Cameron ar trebui acum sa ii multumeasca frumos lui Nick Clegg, caci l-a facut cel mai tanar premier din 1812 pana acum. Nepopularul Gordon Brown si-a dat, intr-un final, demisia, caci nu ar fi reusit in veci sa formeze un guvern (si in nici un caz unul al partidelor mici, invinse - sau "coalitia curcubeului", cum a fost numita), si s-a retras inclusiv de la conducerea Partidului Laburist. 13 ani de guvernare laburista s-au incheiat. Iar Regina l-a invitat pe Cameron sa formeze guvernul, in coalitie cu liberal-democratii. Sa vedem cat va dura, caci britanicii au multe traditii, dar nu si pe cea a guvernelor de coalitie.
Si, cum v-am mai spus, situatia asta a unui hung parliament s-a mai intalnit in februarie '74, cand a fost cam acelasi scenariu, dar inversand situatia intre laburisti si conservatori, si cu diferenta notabila ca liberalii nu ar fi reusit sa sustina un guvern condus de nici unul din cele doua mari partide (datorita scorului strans pe care l-au obtinut), astfel ca s-au convocat din nou alegeri generale in octombrie a aceluiasi an.
Revenind in mai 2010, iata cum un personaj care a obtinut un rezultat dezamagitor a reusit sa joace un rol atat de important acum. Caci Nick Clegg este acum Vicepremier! Conservatorii au platit si ei un pret: au cazut de acord sa accepte reforma sistemului electoral, care a adus Regatul in situatia politica in care s-a aflat pana acum cateva ore si care defavorizeaza total partidele mici (caci promoveaza sistemul de doua partide). Plus ca au negociat asupra unor chestiuni legate de impozite.
Telefonul lui Cameron trebuie sa fi sunat, asadar, in seara asta mai mult decat oricand. Merkel chiar l-a invitat la Berlin cu proxima ocazie, desi conservatorii sunt cei mai sceptici dintre britanici - exista o minoritate semnificativa in partid care ar dori ca Marea Britanie sa se retraga din UE. Nu inteleg atunci de ce au batut de doua ori la portile Uniunii (ca sa li se deschida abia a treia oara)...Eh, las', ca nici Europa nu ii place prea tare pe conservatori...
Britain's got....Prime-Minister!
Or no more "Bear with us for a moment", the famous standard English expression that can drive you crazy if you aren't from the Albion (because you get to hear it everyday) and which has been used even by Nick Clegg during the last political events.
Therefore, Mr. David Cameron should nicely thank to Nick Clegg for making him the youngest Prime-Minister since 1812. The unpopular Gordon Brown had to finally resign, as he would never have managed to form a government (definitely not one of small defeated parties - a "rainbow coalition", how it had been called) and he stepped down form the leadership pf the Labour Party. 13 years of Labour governance came to an end. The Queen invited Cameron to form the government, in a coalition with the liberal-democrats. Let's see how much will it last - the British have many traditions, but certainly not one of coalition governments.
And, as I previously mentioned, this situation of a hung parliament resulted in February '74, when there was a similar scenario, but with a reverse situation between labour and Tories and with the notable difference that the Lib-Dems weren't able to support a government led by one of the two main parties (due to the very tight scores they had obtained) and thus there were held new general elections later that year, in October.
Back to May 2010, we can see how a character who has obtained a very disappointing result managed to play such a significant role. Nick Clegg is the Deputy Prime Minister now! The Tories had to pay a price: they agreed to accept the reform of the electoral system, the one which brought the United Kingdom in the political situation it had been until a few hours ago and which puts at a disadvantage the smaller parties (promoting the two-party system). Plus, they have negotiated on some tax issues.
Cameron's phone must have rung more than ever tonight. Merkel even invited him to Berlin with the earliest occasion, although the conservatives are the most euro-sceptics of the Britons - there is an important minority in the party that would like Britain to step back from the EU. I don't understand then why did they bother to knock twice at the Union's door (they've been answered the third time)...Oh, well, it's OK, Europe doesn't like the Tories too much either...
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