Doua geamantane pline-ochi (dintre care unul e atat de mare incat aproape ca m-ar putea 'gazdui') si un laptop obosit si suprasolicitat zilele astea sunt gata de plecare. Ah, da, si eu!
Am in fata nu mai putin de 12 ore de calatorie (caci singura mea optiune de a ajunge la timp la aeroport este un autocar la ora 19:30; mai tarziu ar fi fost prea tarziu) si speranta ca o sa gasesc o priza in Luton (care nu e la fel de 'dotat' precum Stansted), sa dau o utilitate celor aproximativ 5 ore pe care le am la dispozitie pana cand avionul decoleaza.
Ma bucur ca zilele astea vremea s-a mai incalzit un pic (cel putin in week-end-ul trecut), caci desi abia astept sa dau de caldura mare (40 de grade sa fie!), nu am luat in considerare faptul ca imi va fi probabil dificil sa ma acomodez la trecerea (destul de brusca, zic eu) de temperatura. Noroc ca aterizez 'dimineata pe racoare' in Bucuresti.
Stiu ca atunci cand ma voi uita ultima oara la casa, inainte sa plec, imi voi da seama ca o sa imi lipseasca un pic Anglia...Am lasat, pana la urma, un an din viata mea aici...Dar ce-i mai bun abia acum urmeaza!
Asadar, buh bye England!
The Long Way Home...
Two full trolleys (including a very large one, that could 'host' me also) and a tired and overworked laptop are ready to go. Oh, yeah, me too!
I am in for a 12-hours journey (my only option to get to the airport on time was a couch at 19:30; a later one would have been too late) and I am wishing for a plug in Luton (which is not as equipped as Stansted), to take advantage of the approximately 5 hours gap I have until the plane takes off.
I am really glad these days (well, at least the last week-end) were warmer, because although I'm really looking forward to searing weather back home (let there be 40 degrees!), I never took into consideration the fact that I might have a bit of an issue in adapting to the temperature. Luckily I'll be landing in Bucharest in the chilly morning.
I know that when I'll take the last look at my house I'll realise that I'm actually going to miss England a bit...After all, I've left here a year of my life...But the best is yet to come!
So, buh bye England!
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