Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mai voiam sa spun ceva...

....inca dinainte sa plec la Berlin, dar acum nu prea mai conteaza. Ideea era ca imi luasem bilete pt calatoriile pe care le-am facut deja, incepusera sa plece colegii mei de casa, in final ramasesem doar eu cu Sonali, apoi Nicoleta s-a mutat aici temporar, Sonali a plecat si ea, acum si Nicoleta este acasa, in vacanta, asa ca sunt singura prin casa de aproape 2 saptamani. Dar intr-o saptamana parasesc si eu Anglia definitiv (ma rog, sper sa ma intorc in noiembrie, pt absolvire) si zau ca abia astept! E foarte plictisitor aici, orasul este pustiu, au ramas doar africanii, asiaticii si cei care isi scriu dizertatiile. Vremea este foarte naspa, au fost zile in care nu am vazut soarele de loc (doar in ultimul timp a inceput sa fie insorit, si doar cateva ore la pranz), ceea ce ma deprima total, plus ca urasc sa fie singura si nu vreau sa ma salbaticesc. Dar, mai presus de toate, abia astept sa fiu acasa, cu tot ce insemana 'acasa', caci nu am mai ajuns in Bucuresti anul asta (stiu ca la un moment dat voi regreta ca am spus asta). Sper sa termin si dizertatia pana atunci, e multa munca, dar notele (impropriu spus, caci primesc procente) pe care le-am luat pana acum chiar mi-au dat impulsuri ca pot sa fac si treaba asta cu bine.

Pe de alta parte, am (de mult) o camera in Berlin, in Neukölln, o zona care se anunta a fi foarte mult in trend (desi nu inteleg de ce, e un cartier de imigranti turci, in principal). E foarte aproape de o statie de tren (S Sönnenallee), pe Ring, si la aproximativ 40 de minute de locul unde o sa lucrez (cam asa erau toate apartamentele pe care le-am vazut). Cladirea e in stil vechi, foarte frumoasa si complet renovata (imi place mult cum arata holul de la intrare), la fel cum este si apartamentul, iar camera este mare, de aproximativ 21 mp, am chiar si balcon si, cel mai important, este mobilata (inclusiv pat dublu si canapea)! O sa stau cu doi germani, un tip si o tipa si cred ca o sa ne intelegem bine. Desi nu asta a fost prima mea optiune, am acceptat-o inainte sa aflu raspunsul de la cei pe care ii preferam si a fost mai bine asa, pt ca aceia mi-au raspuns negativ. Oricum, doar locatia facea diferenta si in final sunt foarte multumita de alegere!

Momentan, asa cum spuneam, sunt foarte ocupata cu dizertatia, asa ca este destul de probabil ca asta sa fie ultima mea postare din Anglia. Pare putin trist (chiar e), mai ales ca am petrecut aproape un an aici si imi dau seama ca nu las multe in urma (nici macar nu o sa fac vreo petrecere de bun ramas), dar sunt foarte entuziasmata de ceea ce o sa urmeze si gandul asta ma alimenteaza acum...


I Wanted to Say Something More...

...before I was heading to Berlin, but it's purposeless to enlarge upon that now. The idea was that I had booked my tickets for the journeys that I have already made, at that point my housemates were starting to leave, so it was just me and Sonali for a while, then Nicoleta temporally moved in, then Sonali left too and now Nicoleta is home, for holidays, therefore I am alone for almost 2 weeks. But in about a week I'll leave England for good (well, I hope I can return in November for the graduation ceremony) and I'm really looking forward to that! It's very boring here, the city is quite empty, there are only Africans, Asians and those writing their dissertations. The weather sucks big time, there were days when I haven't even seen the sun (only lately it started to be a bit sunny, but only for a couple of hours at noon), which depresses me a lot. Plus, I really hate being alone and I don't want to become totally savage here. But above all, I am really excited to go home, with all that 'home' means to me, because I haven't been to Bucharest this year at all (I know later I'll regret saying this). I hope I can finish my dissertation by then, it's a lot of work to do, but the marks (well, the scores) that I've got lately are really giving me a boost to think I can pull this off.

On the other hand, I already have a room in Berlin, in Neukölln, in an area which it's said to be 'the next best thing' (although I really can't understand why, it's a neighbourhood of immigrants, mainly Turkish). It's very close to a train station (S Sönnenallee), on the Ring, and approximately 40 mins away form the place where I'll be interning (it was kind of the same distance for all the apartments I have seen). It's an old-style building, very beautiful and completely renovated (I totally love the entrance), and so is the apartment. The room is big, about 21 sqm, I even have a balcony of my own and, most important, it's furnished (including a double bed and a sofa)! I'll be living with two Germans, a guy and a girl and I reckon we'll get along well. Although this wasn't my first option, I've accepted it even before I received an answer from the one I preferred, and it was better this way, because those guys gave me a negative answer. Anyway, it was just the location that made the difference and in the end I am really happy with my choice!

At the moment, as I was saying, I am very busy with my dissertation, so quite likely this might be my last entry while in England (and most probably it's the last one I'm taking time to translate). It seems a bit sad (it really is), especially since I've spend almost a year here and I realise that it's not much I'm leaving behind (I won't even organise a farewell party), but I am totally excited about what's coming up next for me and this though offers me a lot of comfort right now...

3 comentarii:

Matei T. said...

lol, cartier de turci - ai grija; in Viena alea is cartierele cele mai periculoase

ma enerveaza ca ma chinuisem sa aduc Austria pe primul loc la flag counter si acum am intrat din Romania si s-a dus Austria in ma-sa :P

Oana said...

In Berlin e relativ in regula cu turcii (probleme ar fi fost probabil daca era un cartier de neo-nazisti), iar zona in care o sa stau e chiar OK.

Nu te chinui, se pare ca Anglia a luat-o inainte :P Dar nu inteleg cum de imi apar atatea vizite din Austria (banuind ca tu esti singurul care intra de acolo). Ai cumva IP dinamic?

Matei T. said...

Tocmai ca nu am, deci foarte ciudat. Aci in Romania am dinamic. Poate ai niste admiratori secreti prin Austria :P

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