Da, m-am imbatat! Asta pe langa faptul ca am pregatit un tort si am facut un pic pe gazda (testand capacitatea camerei mele, caci nu avem sufragerie). Dar partea cea mai trista e ca asta s-a intamplat chiar daca am baut o cafea tare (acum doi ani, cand eram in Berlin, obisnuiam sa beau palinca pe rol de aperitiv) inainte de inceperea 'festivitatilor', care au constat in cateva bauturi la mine acasa, urmate de o iesire in club. Cu parere de rau, nu pot sa imi amintesc daca am ajuns, intr-un final, in clubul in care voiam sa mergem, Mittwoch (caci si-a schimbat locatia intre timp) sau intr-unul oarecare. Si, pe bune, chiar nu eram atata de turmentata miercuri seara (desi foarte obosita), insa mi se intampla uneori sa nu imi pot aminti multe detalii a doua zi.
Ah, si da, nu am luat degeaba 'Merit' pentru Master, dupa cum spuneam Daniel m-a invitat la el acasa, iar Kaisa era acolo, intr-un fel de vizita de serviciu (foarte bine sincronizata, de altfel), exact asa cum banuiam! Instinctele mele detective nu ma inseala niciodata! :) Am mancat foundue cu branza si strudel de mere, am baut vin (Busuioaca de Bohotin chiar) si a fost, intr-adevar, ca in vremurile bune...
Numai ca nu prea am reusit sa dorm pe cat ar fi trebuit in perioada asta. Miercuri noapte, spre exemplu, am poposit acasa la Mihai (ca sa nu mai astept un autobuz care nu stiam exact cand/daca vine), care a fost un gentleman si mi-a oferit patul lui, iar el a dormit pe canapea in sufragerie. Joi dimineata, insa, noroc cu Mihai ca s-a trezit la 09:15 (si pe mine, in consecinta), caci la 09:30 trebuia sa fiu la birou. Bine ca s-au inventat telefoanele mobile! Chiar daca Mihai avea zi libera joi, nici el nu a stat prea bine la capitolul managementul timpului, caci tot la 09:30 trebuia sa fie la aeroport, sa o ia pe Nicoleta, venita in vizita din Anglia...
Si tot joi am avut petrecerea de Halloween la ICD si se pare ca startea de mahmureala m-a inspirat grozav, caci am improvizat o tinuta foarte tare, dupa cum mi s-a spus: aveam deja o rochie neagra, am cumparat o bluza cu maneca lunga, tot neagra, pe care am purtat-o pe dedesubt, o esarfa neagra din dantela brodata si un suport (un bol mic) cu o lumanare. Am mai adaugat un machiaj negru "scurs" si am iesit o vaduva reusita! Cand nu radeam mi s-a spus ca era foarte inficosatoare. Maine avem de gand sa mergem intr-un club (luni e zi libera la munca) si sa serbam cum se cuvine Halloween-ul, asa ca o sa 'reproduc' tinuta, cu ceva imbunatariri sper.
Aseara am 'dezertat' de la orice activitati sociale si am adormit pe la ora 21:00, m-am trezit apoi in toiul noptii, dar am reusit sa adorm din nou in cateva ore, pana azi pe la pranz...Sper sa mai recuperez orele de somn pierdute zilele astea, caci week-end-ul viitor se anunta hardcore, dar nu precum miercurea si joia asta, cand macar am petrecut....
Guess What I Did On My Birthday?
Yes, I got drunk!!! And I also prepared a cake and tested the capacity of my room (because we don't have a living). But the saddest part is that this happened after having a strong coffee (two years before, when I was living in Berlin, I used to have palinca as a starter) before the 'festivities' began - which consisted of hosting some drinks in my place and then going out to a club. Unfortunately, I can't really remember if we reached the club where I wanted to go, Mittwoch (they changed the location) or just a random one. And really now, I wasn't that drunk then but it happens to me sometimes that I can't really remember some details the next day.
Oh, yeah, there is a reason for which I got a 'Merit' for my Master's degree: as I was saying, Daniel invited me over for dinner, and Kaisa was there (on a very well synchronised business trip), exactly how I was suspecting! My detective instincts do not fail me! :) We had cheese fondue and apple strudel, we had wine (a Romanian one) and it was like "in the good ol' days" indeed...
The only this is that I didn't manage to sleep as much as I should of have during these days. On Wednesday night, for instance, I slept in Mihai's place (otherwise I would have had to wait for a bus I don't know for how long), who was a true gentleman and offered me his bed and he slept in the living room. On Thursday morning, luckily Mihai woke up (and me also) at 09:15 and I was supposed to be in the office at 09:30! I am so glad someone invented cellphones! Even though Mihai had a day off, he was also supposed to be at the airport at 09:30, to pick up his girlfriend, Nicoleta, who came to visit from England...
On Thursday we also had the Halloween party at the ICD and it seems that my hangover stated has been of a great inspiration to me, because I improvised a very cool outfit (as I have been told): I had a black strapless dress, I bought a long sleeved blouse (black as well) which I wore underneath, a black lace shawl and a small candle thingie. I added some black 'crying' make up and I got a very spooky widow! When I wasn't laughing I have been told that I looked very creepy. Tomorrow we are planning on going to a club (we have Monday off) to properly celebrate Halloween, so I'll recreate the look, with some improvements I hope..
Last night I 'deserted' from any social activities and I fell asleep around 21:00, I woke up in the middle of the night, but I managed to get back to sleep in a couple of hours, until today, around noon...I hope to recover the sleeping hours that I lost these days, because next week-end will be hardcore, but not like this Wednesday and Thursday, when we at least partied....
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mult succes in blogging!
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