Stiti filmele alea americane in care tot ce s-ar putea intampla rau chiar se intampla? Ei bine, asa s-ar putea rezuma prima mea zi de 'munca' in Berlin. M-am trezit la timp (si chiar fara ajutorul alarmei) si am facut totul 'ca la carte', dar se pare ca nu a fost suficient. Am plecat in graba, convinsa ca sunt in intarziere (caci fiecare ceas pe care il am arata alta ora) si cand eram aproape de statia de S-Bahn, am vazut trenul venind, asa ca am incercat sa fug, in speranta ca o sa il prind. Am incercat, am spus, caci un balerin mi-a scapat din piciorul drept (pe modelul 'Cenusareasa'), asta pe langa faptul ca dresul meu de pe piciorul stang a inceput sa alunece (probabil ca banda adeziva nu se mai lipea de piele) si a facut asta in permanenta pe tot parcursul drumului. Cum spuneam, nu am reusit sa prind trenul, dar abia cand am ajuns in statie mi-am dat seama ca oricum am ajuns cu 10 minute mai devreme si ca practic am pierdut un tren pe care nici nu trebuia sa il iau. Dar bucuria nu mi-a fost prea mare, caci trenul de la 11:10 a fost anulat, iar urmatorul a venit mult mai tarziu (cam in 20 de minute). Iar in urmatorul tren in care m-am urcat dupa ce am schimbat S-ul cu U-ul niste lautari romani (de fapt, o romanca si un roman) cantau "Ionel, Ionelule". Minunat! SAU NU! Macar am avut timp sa ma ocup de dres, dar doar pe termen scurt, caci m-a chinuit pe toata durata calatoriei, asa ca inainte de a ajunge la 'birou' a trebuit sa fac o 'escala' la un magazin si sa imi cumpar o alta pereche, dar din pacate nu am avut si timp sa o inlocuiesc.
Macar la ICD totul a fost in regula, am avut parte de o scurta inductie, apoi am stat de vorba si cu directorul institutului (pare OK, dar vorbeste foarte repede), numai ca asta s-a cam intamplat in timpul pauzei de masa, asa ca nu am reusit decat sa imi iau ceva de mancare de la un supermarket de jos, dar nu sa si mananc. Insa am putut sa imi rezolv problema cu dresurile :)
In rest, nu s-a mai intamplat nimic notabil la 'serviciu', doar in drum spre casa, la vreo 10 metri distanta de bloc iar am avut probleme cu dresurile (perechea noua!), dar am grabit pasul si am ajuns in scara si m-am bucurat enorm ca ziua se terminase.
Prima saptamana de munca a trecut fara prea multe evenimente iesite din comun. Am intalnit multa lume la ICD, toti tineri si foarte OK, am si iesit impreuna de vreo doua ori pana acum si cred ca totul o sa fie in regula din punctul asta de vedere, desi majoritatea sunt aici pentru 3 luni, deci lumea tot vine si pleaca la ICD. Momentan sarcinile mele nu sunt foarte complexe, amd facut baze de data in a doua zi de lucru, apoi am inceput sa sun la facultati din Romania, ca sa ii invit pe studenti si profesori la evenimentul pe care il organizam in noiembrie. Surprinzator, toti (si aici includ mai ales secretarele) au fost foarte deschisi, probabil pentru ca ii sun sin Berlin si nu se asteptau la o astfel de atentie. Acum trebuie doar sa ma obisnuiesc cu rutina trezitului de dimineata, mai ales ca e mult de lucru si nu mai facem ture (dimineata sau dupa-amiaza), asa ca in majoritatea zilelor merg de la 09:30- la 17:30. Partea buna e ca ajung nesperat de repede la birou, mai ales daca stau sa ma gandesc ca schimb mijlocul de transport de doua ori si strabat aproape jumatate din centrul orasului (iar cei care au fost in Berlin stiu ca asta inseamna mult).
In curand o sa va prezint si camera mea, dar momentan e inca putina dezorganizare aici, pur si simplu nu am avut prea mult timp ori chef sa aduc lucrurile la normal, dar lucrez la asta. Si pentru ca blogul nu a mai fost in sfera mea de interes de ceva vreme, va anunt ca nu o sa pun poze si nici nu o sa scriu nimic despre perioada petrecuta in Bucuresti ori calatoria in Danemarca (ambele au fost minunate), caci o sa vedeti fotografiile in cateva zile pe Facebook, iar pentru detalii ma puteti contacta in privat! :)
Worse Than In A Movie!
Do you know those American movies in which everything that can go actually goes wrong? Well, this is the easiest way to sum up my first day of work in Berlin. I woke up on time, even without the help of the alarm clock and I did everything by the book, but it wasn't enough. I left in a hurry, convinced that I'm late (I wasn't in fact), so I tried to run, but I dropped one of my shoes ("Cinderella"style) and one of my hold-ups kept on getting lower and lower. I didn't manage to catch the train, but when I arrived in the station I realised that I was 10 minutes earlier anyways, so I had practically missed a train that I wasn't even supposed to get on. My joy soon faded though, because the 11:10 train (THE train) was cancelled and the next one came much later. After I finally got on a train and later swapped it, I came across to some Romanian singers, playing a very famous Romanian song on the accordion. Great! NOT! The only good thing about this whole messed up situation was that I had the time to take care of the hold-up, which bothered me the entire trip, but on the way to the office I had to stop to a shop and buy another pair, although I didn't also have the time to change.
At the ICD everything was fine, I went through a short induction, then I had a meeting with the director of the institute (he seems ok, but he speaks SO fast), just that this happened during the lunch break, so I only got the chance to grab something to eat, but not to eat it as well. But I managed to swap the hold-ups! Other than that, nothing really interesting happened...On my way home, about 10 meters away from my block I had another problem with the new hold-ups, but I rushed and entered the stairway, very happy that my day was finally off.
The first week of work passed without any unusual events, I've met a lot of nice people at the ICD, all very young-ish, we went out for a couple of times so I believe I'll have a nice company, just that most of my colleagues are there for 3 months.I don't have any demanding tasks, I did some databasing on my second day of work, then I started calling Universities in Romania and invite students and professors to an event taking place in November. Surprisingly, the secretaries were all very opened, probably because I was calling from Berlin and they were not expecting such kind of attention.
My biggest issue right now is getting used to the morning routine, especially since now there is a higher working volume, so I have to go from 09:30 til 17:30 every day. Luckily it doesn't take that long to get to the office, considering that I have to swap trains twice and I have to cross almost half a city centre (those who have been to Berlin know how much does that mean).
I'll introduce you to my room soon, but I was pretty busy and lazy later. Admittedly, I didn't focus too much on the blog lately, and so I won't be posting any previous photos, from my period in Bucharest or from the trip to Denmark, you'll probably see them on Facebook. For further details you can always contact me in private! :)
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