Friday, October 23, 2009

12 ore

As fi vrut sa va dau informatiile astea "la cald", dar dupa cum o sa vedeti in continuare, miercuri chiar nu mai eram in stare sa fac asta...

Am inceput ziua pe fuga, ca de obicei..Dormisem putin, pt ca voiam sa imi termin prima "tema" (era chiar ceva neimportant, puteam sa nu o fac, dar am zis sa nu incep cu stangul si cu obiceiuri proaste), plus ca nu reuseam sa adorm cu o noapte inainte (desi chiar nu era vorba de emotii). Am incercat sa iau un mic dejun cat mai consistent, stiam ca va urma o zi lunga. A fost si momentul primei cafele in noua mea casa, iar mirosul raspindit in bucatarie la deschiderea pungii mi-a amintit de diminetile cand obisnuiam sa imi beau cafeaua cu Kaisa si Lidia (mai putin cu Lidia, ea nu se trezea prea devreme in mod normal :D). Cred ca de fiecare data cand voi bea cafeaua dimineata, la micul dejun, imi voi aminti de acea perioada. Pur si simplu mireasma cafelei la ora 7-8 asta imi evoca...Cu ele am invatat sa beau cafeaua si atunci a devenit o obisnuinta (ce a urmat dupa intra in categoria "trebuie sa beau o cafea ca sa rezist azi")...
Se spune ca o zi buna incepe cu o cafea buna...Ma rog, nu intotdeauna - trebuie sa recunosc ca nu a fost cea mai buna cafea din viata mea, pentru ca mi-am amintit si am realizat destul de tarziu ca nu pusesem zahar. Se vede ca mi-am iesit din mana...

Am ajuns la timp la facultate, de fapt chiar mai devreme cu 5 minute, la fix cat sa imi scot la imprimanta "tema". Sala unde se tinea cursul, Research Methods, era plina la ora 09:00, pe multi chiar nu ii cunosteam, dar era vorba de tot departamantul de de Humanities and Social Science. Cursul e interesant, desi nu are nici o legatura cu subiectul studiilor noastre. Practic, te invata cum sa scrii o lucrare: cum sa te documentezi, cum sa faci referintele critice etc. Notarea se va face pe baza unei lucrari despre ce vrem noi din aria noastra curriculara (deci va fi folositoare), caci scopul evaluarii este sa observe daca stim sau nu sa facem o cercetare. Ma rog, nu prea stiu cum sa va explic, nici eu nu sunt tocmai lamurita acum, mi se pare cam abstract in anumite privinte.

A urmat o pauza de doua ore, in care am stat de vorba cu Mihai, romanul din program, si am facut un "schimb": ne-am povestit unul altuia ceea ce fiecare nu reusisem sa citim in totalitate (caci ne-am potrivit la chestia asta). Am descoperit o cantina mica (nici macar nu se numeste asa), unde am luat "pranzul" (era abia 12 si mancasem cu 4 ore inainte)...

Alt curs (International Terrorism), alta inghesuit vreo 20 de persoane intr-o sala cam mica (pentru data viitoare profesorul a vorbit pentru o alta camera). Am cam pierdut putin timp cu detaliile despre modul cum e structurat cursul, cum vom fi evaluati si altele, dar am discutat putin si despre topicul seminarului. Cam acelasi lucru s-a intamplat si la urmatorul curs, International Organised Crime, doar ca aici discutiile au fost ceva mai ample (pentru ca am avut mai mult timp la dispozitie). La un moment dat, profesorul (italianul de care v-am povestit deja) a adus in discutie traficul de persoane din Romania, iar eu am vrut sa il completez ca reteaua era mai mare, cu femei din Moldova si Ucraina, iar el probabil ca a inteles ca am fost ofensata de ceea ce spunea si nu mai stia cum sa dreaga situatia si se scuze intr-un fel...iar noi am inceput sa radem! :D

Am mai avut cateva momente de respiro, pe care l-am petrecut la o cafea in compania unui tip din Kenya, apoi am mers la receptia organizata pentru tot departamentul. La inceput toata lumea statea mai mult alaturi de cei care erau in acelasi master, abia spre final am inceput sa ne amestecam. Colegii mei s-au dat la fund si au plecat destul de repede (asta si pt ca majoritatea nu stau in Coventry, asa cum am mai spus), deci a trebuit sa ma multumesc cu persoanele ramase pe acolo hahahaha. Asa se face ca la un moment dat m-am trezit inconjurata numai de persoane de culoare (nu sunt rasista, stati linistiti, dar asta am constatat atunci), dar cel putin am socializat intens. Oricum, intr-un fel sau altul toti erau interesati de mine: unul, din Nigeria, vrea sa ma scoata in oras (o sa imi folosesc toate instrumentele diplomatice ca sa il refuz), altul, din Congo, isi face doctoratul pe tema serviciilor de inteligenta din noile democratii si a ales ca studiu de caz Congo si Romania! Chiar vrea ca la anul sa obtina bani de cercetare si sa mearga in Romania, dar pana atunci vrea sa obtina contacte (ce m-a nimerit! hahahaha).

Intr-un final, "gasca" s-a spart, asa ca dupa 12 ore am ajuns si eu acasa, culmea!, nu foarte obosita (desi am carat dupa mine toata ziua doua suporturi de curs foarte "serioase"). Acasa deja lumea (francezi, normal!) se stransese pentru bauturile premergatoare iesirii in club. Au vrut sa ma ia si pe mine, dar i-am refuzat politicos si oricum au inteles ca statusem foarte mult timp la facultate...

Pentru curiosii din voi, cam asta a fost prima mea zi de facultate! Acum ma pregatesc intens pentru petrecrea de maine seara, sper sa iasa bine, evident ca sunt foarte stresata, caci stiti ca mie imi place sa controlez orice detaliu :D Azi am primit din Romania si niste "materie prima" numai buna pentru petrecere. "Mirosisem" eu ceva cand am vorbit cu tata aseara...sincer, la toata experienta ta, tata, ma mir cum poti sa te desconspiri asa usor!!! hahahaha

Probabil ca zilele astea nu o sa am timp sa mai scriu ceva, stiti si voi foarte bine ce urmeaza: party, Alex si Gabel in Coventry, luni mergem la Stonehenge (da, da, ati citit bine! hai, recunoasteti, am idei geniale! :D), marti e cu adevarat ziua mea, miercuri iar la cursuri...Sper doar sa ma pot bucura cu adevarat de perioada ce vine...

Gata, va ajunge!


12 Hours

I wanted to provide you the following information as soon as possible, but you'll probably be able to see next why I couldn't do that on Wednesday..

I started my day in a rush, as usual...I slept a bit, because I wanted to finish my first assignment (nothing too important, I could've not done it, but I didn't want to get a bad habit since the beginning), plus that I couldn't manage to fall asleep the night before (and it wasn't because I was nervous). I tried to have a big breakfast, I knew what was coming ahead. It was the time of my first coffee in my new house and the smell that spread around the kitchen when I opened the bag reminded me of the mornings when I used to have my coffee with Kaisa and Lidia (less with Lidia, she never used to wake up too early normally :D). I think that every time I'll have a coffee at breakfast I'll remember those times. It's just what recalls the smell of coffee at 7-8 in the morning...With them I learnt how to drink a coffee and it had become a habit back then (what followed was just a "I-have-to-drink-a-coffee-if-I-want-to-resist-today" mood)...

It is said that a good day starts with a good coffee...Well, that's not always valid - I have to admit that this wasn't the best coffee that I've ever had, because I realised pretty late that the sugar was missing. I noticed then that I'm losing my habit...

I got on time at Uni, even 5 minutes earlier, just perfect to print my assignment. The classroom was quite full at 09:00, but this course, Research Methods, is designated to all the students of the department of Humanities and Social Science. The course seems interesting, although is not topic-related. Basically, we are being thought how to write a paper: how to do the research, how to do the reference etc. The assessment consists of a paper about anything in our field (so it will be useful), since the aim of this is to observe if we can or cannot do a research. Well, I can't really explain more, it's not too clear for me either, it seems a bit abstract in some aspects.

After that we had a 2 hours brake, when I've chatted with Mihai, the Romanian guy, and we made an "exchange": we told each other what the other didn't get to read (we "matched"). I also discovered a small canteen (it's not called like that), where we had "lunch" (it was only 12 o'clock and I had eaten 4 hours before that).

Another course (International Terrorism), another building...we all (about 20 persons) crammed in a small room (for the next time the professor already arranged to have another room). We've lost some time because the professor had to fill us with details about the structure of the course, the assessment method and some other stuff, but he got to talk a bit about the topic itself. Kinda the same thing happened at the next course, International Organised Crime, just that now the discussion have been a bit broader (we had more time). At a certain moment, the professor (the Italian that I've already talked about) pointed the human traffic from Romania and I wanted to expand the idea telling that the network was actually bigger, including women from Moldova and Ukraine, but I assume he felt he was offending me by what he was saying and he was trying to make it up and to apologise...and we started laughing! :D

We still had some spare moments after this and I spent them in the company of a guy from Kenya, the we went to the reception organised for the whole department. At the beginning, everyone stayed among the familiar ones, only later we started to mingle. My colleagues left pretty early (because most of them don't actually live in Coventry, as I mentioned). so I had to switch to those who still remained there. So at a certain point I got surrounded by black people (I'm not racist, don't get me wrong, it's just what I realised that moment), but at least I socialised intensively. However, one way or another, they were all interested in me: a guy from Nigeria wants to take me out (I'll use my full diplomatic instruments to refuse him) and another one, from Congo, is doing his Phd on Intelligence Services in the new democracies, opting for Congo and Romania as case studies! He even wants to get some funding in order to go to Romania to do some research, but until then he needs to find some contacts (he got me wright on this one! hahahaha).

In the end, everyone started to leave so i got home after 12 hours and, strangely, not that tired (though I had been caring all day two heavy handbooks). At home there was a lot of people (French, obviously!) already, having the warm-up drinks. They wanted me to join them in the club, but I refused in a polite manner and they understood that I've been to the Uni for a long time...

So for your inner curiosity, this has been my first day of lectures! Now I'm getting ready for the party tomorrow night, I hope it ends up well, I am a bit stressed out, of course, you know I'm a bit of a control-freak :D Today I got from Romania some "raw materials" just perfect for the party. I actually "sniffed" something when talking to dad last night...honestly, with all your experience, dad, I wonder how can you betray yourself that easily!!! hahahaha

Probably that the next days I won't have time to post something new, you know very well what's coming up: party, Alex and Gabel in Coventry, on Monday we are going to Stonehenge (yes, you've read well! C'mon, admit it, I have brilliant ideas! :D), on Tuesday it's my real B-Day, On Wednesday I've got courses again...I just hope I'll be able to truly enjoy all the up-coming moments...

OK, that's enough for you now!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ce mai zi!

Initial planuisem sa scriu despre cu totul altceva, dar cum imprevizibilul s-a produs, va voi povesti despre cum a decurs ziua de ieri.
Inceputul a fost destul de banal: trezirea, micul-dejun, dus, spalat rufe, citit. Apoi am hotarat sa merg sa iau suportul de curs de la biroul unui profesor, asa ca am ajuns acolo pe la ora 15 (trebuia sa merg dupa 14 oricum) si m-am ales cu o ditamai culegere de texte si articole, pentru tot semestrul.

Cum aveam deja o lista pregatita cu ceea ce imi propusesem sa fac ieri (pe unde sa merg si ce sa cumpar), m-am indreptat catre Nat West, banca la care am cont aici. Trebuia sa imi activez cardul si sa le spun ca am o problema cu Online Banking-ul. Am reusit doar sa imi activez cardul si am mers spre un bancomat de-al lor, sa retrag bani de pe contul din Romania si sa ii pun pe cel britanic. Asa imi va fi mai usor sa platesc chiria, sa fac cumparaturi, sa retrag bani fara comision etc, ma gandeam eu.

Scot o suma considerabila de bani si fac, din nou, aceeasi operatiune, pt aceeasi suma de bani. Bancomatul imi arat un mesaj de genul "Tranzactia este in efectuare", apoi "Va rugam sa luati cardul. Banii dvs sunt in curs de numarare". Ia banii si cardul de unde nu-s!!! Bancomatul piuia, cardul nu iesea, banii nu se iveau, pasarile ciripeau, copacii inverzeau, viata e frumoasa...SAU NU!!!

Normal ca m-am panicat, l-am rugat pe un domn, care tocmai isi terminase tranzactia la bancomatul de langa mine, sa ma ajute, pentru ca nu puteam pleca de langa aparat. Pana s-a intors, deja bancomatul era "Out of Service", deci nivelul de panica crescuse considerabil. Insa domnul acela m-a asigurat ca daca aparatul nu mai functioneaza este imposibil ca cineva sa aiba acces la cardul si/sau banii mei, asa ca am intrat "linistita" in banca.
La ghiseu de informatii am primit ajutor imediat, desi initial una din doamnele de acolo mi-a spus ca problema trebuie rezolvata cu banca din Romania, insa altcineva mi-a spus ca ma va ajuta si asa a si fost: m-a intrebat ce card este si mi-a cerut un document de identificare. In doua minute am primit cardul inapoi, cu asigurari ca tranzactia nu a fost procesata.

Nu stiam daca sa respir usurata sau sa imi fac griji incontinuare. Voiam sa ies mai repede din banca pierdusem deja prea mult timp si chiar nu mai doream sa mai stau acolo. Dar trebuia sa imi pun pe cardul Nat West banii pe care apucasem sa ii retrag, asta daca nu voiam sa ma plimb prin oras cu o groaza de lire. Macar aici totul a fost usor, in regula si destul de rapid...

Cum mai imi ramasesera o groaza de lucruri de facut, parea ca urmeaza sa ploua (iar hainele mele erau la uscat afara) si se facuse deja ora 16 (iar majoritatea magazinelor de aici inchid la 17:30), am accelerat putin cursa prin locatii, am cumparat cam tot ceea ce imi propusesem si ceva in plus: o superba pereche de cizme :D

M-am tot uitat in diverse magazine pt cizme sau botine: in Primark erau destul de ieftine, dar nu aveau nr meu; in alta parte aveau modele prea batranesti; in Dorothy Perkins vazusem modele interesante atat pt cizme, cat si pt botine, din piele, la preturi rezonabile; in Bhs cam la fel; in Next chiar am probat niste botine, din imitatie de piele, cu 10 lire mai ieftine decat cele din Dorothy Perkins. Ma hotarasem deja sa nu mai lungesc treaba (mai ales ca suportul de curs si lenjeria de pat abia cumparata atarnau foarte greu) si sa iau o perechea gri de cizme vazuta la Dorothy P. - nu era chiar ceea ce cautam, dar erau frumusele si m-am gandit ca 65 lire pt niste cizme din piele nu ar fi o investitie proasta.

Insa chiar inainte sa intru in magazin, am zarit un altul vizavi, exclusiv de incaltari si mi-am spus: "De ce nu?". Cand am pasit acolo am vazut-o: perechea mult visata, stil cowboy, DAR pe negru. Chiar nu voiam cizme negre (ori maro), eram mai degraba orientata catre gri sau alta culoare care sa dea alt aspect tinutelor mele. Plus ca perechea asta era 90 lire, chiar depasea cu mult orice buget auto-impus. Am mai aruncat niste priviri prin magazin si asa am descoperit coltul cu REDUCERI! :D Si, de la ceva distanta, am zarit ceva albastru (ultima mea obsesie in materie de culori). Ghiciti ce era? Aceleasi pereche de cizme negre, dar pe albastru! O minunatie! Chiar a fost dragoste la prima vedere!!! Si la prima vedere a pretului, evident: de la 120 lire, erau reduse la 60!

Cizme stil cowyboy + albastru + piele + 50% reducere = 60 lire mai putin in contul meu.

Dar cred ca este cea mai buna investitie pe care am facut-o in ultima vreme. Serios! Imi venea sa plec direct incaltata cu ele, doar ca nu aveam nici un fel de sosete sau ciorapi. Le-am scos, totusi, la o plimbare prin oras aseara :D Asta dupa ce am mai cumparat niste lucruri esentiale pentru petrecerea de sambata (gen pahare, farfurii, servetele) , m-am intors acasa si am mancat...

Iar cand ma uit acum pe geam si vad cum ploua marunt, imi confirm ca a fost si o buna sincronizare.

Totul e bine cand se termina cu bine! Relativ - mai trebuie sa rezolv problema cu Internet Banking-ul de la Banca Transilvania, caci se pare ca nu numai mie imi da erori...Urmeaza o saptamana plina pt mine: incep cursurile maine, trebuie sa organizez petrecerea, ma vad cu Alex si Gabel, trebuie sa imi organizez bine timpul ca sa ma pot pregati si pt facultate saptamana viitoare. Va fi coplesitor din mai multe puncte de vedere, dar este vorba de lucruri care imi plac (revederi, vizite, petreceri, terorism :P), asa ca sigur voi face fata! ;)

Acum ma intorc la citit!
V-am pupat!


Hell of a day!

Initially I was planning to write about something else, but unpredictable things have happened so I shall tell you about my day of yesterday.
The beginning has been pretty common: waking up, breakfast, shower, doing laundry, reading. Then I have decided to pick up the handbook for a lecture so I arrived at a professor's office around 15 o'clock (I was supposed to go after 14 o'clock anyways) and I got a really big book full of texts and articles, for the whole semester.

Since I already had a to-do list (where to go and what to buy), I went first to Nat west, the bank where I've opened an account. I needed to activate my debit card and to tell them that I'm experiencing some problems with the Online Banking service. I only managed to activate my card and I went to an ATM, to withdraw money from my Romanian account and to put them into my English one. It would be easier to pay the rent, to shop, to withdraw money without paying any fees etc, I thought.

So I withdrew a considerable amount of money and I was doing, again, the same thing, for the same sum. The cashmashine displayed a message like "Ongoing transaction", then "Please remove your card. Your money are being counted". But no card and no money!!! The ATM was beeping, the card wasn't out, the money were invisible, the birds were singing, the trees were blooming, life is beautiful...NOT!!!

I started panicking, I asked a gentleman for help, who had just finished his transaction at the machine right next to me, because I couldn't leave the ATM. Until he had returned the machine was already "Out of Service", so the panic level had increased considerably. But that gentleman assured me that if the machine doesn't work anymore it's impossible for anyone to gain access to my card and/or money, so I was able to enter "relaxed" in the bank.
At the information point I received help immediately, although initially one of the ladies told me that the problem must be cleared with my Romanian bank, but someone else said she will help me and so it was: she asked me what type of card is it and she required a photo ID of mine. In 2 minutes I got my card back, with reassurance that the transaction has not been processed.

I didn't know if I was supposed breathed easy or still worrying. I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible - I'd lost too much time and I didn't wanted to be there anymore. But I had to put on my account the money that I already had if I didn't want to go around the city with that big amount. At least that time everything went well, easy and quick...

As I still had to do loads of things, it seemed that it was about to start raining (and my clothes were drying outside) and it was already 16 o'clock (and most of the stores here close at 17:30), I speeded it up the race through the shops, I mainly bought all I had on my list and even something more: a superb pair of boots :D

I've been looking through several shops for boots or ankle boots: in Primark they were pretty cheap, but not my size; somewhere else they were too old-fashioned; In Dorothy Perkins I've seen interesting ones (both boots and booties), made out of leather, with reasonable prices; in Bhs pretty much the same; I even tried some booties in Next, they weren't leather, and 10 pounds cheaper then the ones in Dorothy Perkins. I had already decided to cut it short (especially since the bed sheets and the handbook were pretty heavy) and to but the grey leather boots that I've seen in Dorothy P. - it wasn't quite what I was searching for, but nice and I thought that 65 pounds for some leather boots it's not such a bad idea.

But right before entering the shop I saw another one right across the street, an exclusively shoe store and I've said to myself: "Why not?". When I stepped in there I saw it: the most-wanted pair of boots, cowboy style, BUT in black. I really didn't want black boots (or brown), I was actually decided to go with grey or any other colour that would give a twist to my outfits. Plus that this pair was 90 pounds, a bit to much for my budget. So I was looking around the store when i saw the SALES corner! :D And, from a distance, I saw something blue (my latest obsession when it comes to colours). Guess what it was? The same black boots, but in blue! A miracle! It was love at first sight!!! And the first sight of the price, obviously: they were 60 pounds, instead of 120!

Cowboy boots + blue + leather + 50% off = 60 pounds less in my account.

But I think it's one of the best investments that I've made recently. Seriously! I wanted to go home wearing them, just that I didn't have any socks or tights. But I took them for a walk later that evening :D After I bought some more essential stuff for my party (like glasses, plates, towels), I went home and ate...

And now that I look outside and I see a soft rain, I confirm to myself that it was perfect timing.

All's well that ends well! Not quite - I still have to figure it out the problem with the Internet Banking from Banca Transilvania, because it seems I'm not the only one experiencing these issues...Now I can foresee a busy week: I'm starting the classes tomorrow, I have to organise the party, I'll get to see Alex and Gaby, I must organise my time in order to be prepared for the courses next week. It will be overwhelming in several aspects, but it's about things I like (meeting people, sightseeing, parties, terrorism :P), so I shall surely survive it! ;)

Now back to reading!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nimic nou pe Frontul de Vest

Nu s-a intamplat nimic prea interesant zilele astea, nici nu ar fi avut cand sa se intample. La inceputul saptamanii am mai rezolvat niste lucruri administrative, cum ar fi sa ma inregistrez la Serviciul Medical (asa ca pot sa ma imbolnavesc linistita). 50% din casa este racita, nu a inceput de la mine insa, si vad ca se raspandeste si la cei care doar vin in vizita (va invit pe aici, nu plecati cu mana goala, garantat!).

Abia astept sa incep si eu cursurile (stiu ca in cateva saptamani o sa regret ca am spus asta), dar vreau sa ma simt si eu studenta, ca restul lumii, plus sa ma intalnesc mai des cu ai mei colegi. Marti abia am mai interactionat cu ei (chiar au fost niste fete noi), caci am urmarit impreuna, la facultate, filmul "Munich". Trebuie sa recunosc ca este una din cele mai bune productii pe care le-am vazut, cel putin in ultima vreme. Destul de dur, dar cu multa esenta, chiar daca in mare parte este fictiune. Mi-a ridicat multe semne de intrebare pentru ca nu l-am vazut doar ca pe o simpla pelicula, ci din perspectiva terorismului si contra-terorismului.

Oricum, primii pasi spre viata de masteranda, in sensul clasic al cuvanului, i-am facut deja, caci mi-am cumparat o carte, "Inside Terrorism" si am descoperit mai multe titluri interesante la libraria din fata bibliotecii. Astept, totusi, unele recomandari de la profesori pana sa mai fac alte achizitii.

Daca stau sa ma gandesc, ultimele doua zile (ieri si azi) au fost destul de productive...Am facut niste cumparaturi, caci am descoperit ca un Lidl este destul de aproape de casa noastre (15 minute de mers pe jos), asa ca am umplut un raft cu dulciuri pe care le stiu din Germania; apoi am aflat ca Alex si Gabel vor veni sa ma viziteze mai devreme decat stiam, trebuia sa fie o supriza, dar s-a dat tata de gol (serios acum, chiar nu ai invatat nimic din experienta Berlin, tata? :P). Pentru mine nu e nici o problema ca totul e public (imi plac lucrurile transparente hahahaha), mai ales ca vor sosi la timp pt petrecerea de ziua mea. Asa ca acum am doua lucruri importante de organizat: petrecerea si traseul pt "danezi".

Si azi am facut lucruri notabile - am comandat o saltea pt ei si pt viitorul meu oaspete, Alina; am primit, in sfarsit, comanda de la Yves Rocher (am inteles ca a sosit la 07:30 de dimineata, astia nu au somn!!!) si, mai ales, cardul bancar de la Nat West(era cam ridicol cand primeam o groaza de alte chestii de la banca si nu aveam cardul inca), plus vederea din cel mai vechi oras al vikingilor :) Ma rog, daca era dupa mine, nici acum nu af fi descoperit toate lucrurile care mi-au fost livrate azi, desi chiar ma uitam dupa corespondenta noua si nu am observat o ditamai cutie si toate plicurile, cu toate ca erau sub nasul meu :D

Probabil ca nu v-am spus pana acum, dar Pauline mi-a solicitat (mie si lui Sonali, de fapt) sfatul in bucatarie...mai exact m-a rugat ca data viitoare cand gatesc ceva sa o chem sa vada cum se procedeaza, caci vrea sa treaca de stadiul de paste. Este destul de ciudat, caci acum un an abia descopeream tehnica fiertului orezului, iar acum cei care ma vad gatind spun ca fac asta foarte bine...Degeaba le spun ca eu nu stiu sa gatesc, ei insista ca ma descurc foarte bine. Prespun ca acum condimentele fac diferenta :)

O sa cobor acum in bucatarie, sa ii mai "impresionez" un pic pe francezi, dar nu inainte sa va multumesc tuturor celor care imi cititi blogul! Imi pare foarte rau ca nu am mereu timp sa vorbesc cu unii prieteni si prin alte mijloace de comunicare (gen Skype), dar am fost foarte impresionata cand Tamara mi-a spus ca imi urmareste postarile. MULTUMESC!

V-am pupat pe tooooti!!!

PS: Puteti comenta oricand, daca simtiti nevoia ;)


All Quiet on the Western Front

Nothing interesting really happened these days, not that there has been any time for new things. At the beginning of the week I took care of some administrative stuff, like registering at the Medical Care Service (so now I can get sick easily). 50% of the people in the house is sick, I didn't start it though, but I can see it's spreading around to the ones who are visiting us (so you are invited here, I can guarantee you won't leave the house empty handed!).

I can't wait to start the classes (I know I shall regret saying this in a few weeks), but i want to feel I am a student, like the rest of the people, plus that I want to meet my colleagues more often. I've only interacted with them on Tuesday (I actually got to see new faces), when we watched together at the Uni the movie "Munich". I have to admit that this is one of the best production I have seen, at least recently. Pretty tough, but with a lot of gist, even if it's mostly a fiction. It has raised a lot of questions because i haven't watched it only as a movie, but I approached it from the terrorism and counter-terrorism perspective.

However, I took the first steps towards my Postgraduate life (in the classic sense of the world) and I have bought a book, "Inside Terrorism" and i have discovered a lot of other challenging titles in the book store in front of the library. Still, I would like to wait for some recommendations coming from our professors, before making other purchase.

If I get to think about it, the last two days (yesterday and today) have been quite productive...I did some shopping as we discovered a Lidl pretty close to our house (15 mins walk), so one shelf is full of sweets that I used to buy in Germany; then I found out that Alex and Gabel are actually coming to visit me earlier than I expected, it was supposed to be a surprise, but dad spilled the beans (really now, haven't you learnt anything from the Berlin experience, dad? :P). I have no problem with the fact that everything is public now (I like transparent business hahahaha), especially since they'll be here right on time for my B-Day party. So now I have to organise two important events: my party and the trip for the "Danish" ones.

And today I did some noticeable things - I ordered an air mattress for my future guest, Alina, I finally received my Yves Rocher products (I understood that they arrived at 07:30 in the morning, these people have no sleep!!!) and, more important, my Nat West card (it was quite ridiculous that I was receiving loads of other stuff from the bank without having my card), plus the postcard from the oldest city of the viking people :) Well, if it were after me, I wouldn't have noticed all these stuff until now, even if I was actually searching for new mail and I didn't notice a big box a lots of envelopes right in front of me :D

Probably I didn't tell you this until now, but Pauline asked me (me and Sonali, in fact) advices in the kitchen...precisely, she asked me to call her next time I shall cook something so she'll be able to see the process (she wants to go further than cooking pasta). It's pretty weird because a year ago I was just discovering the technique of boiling the rice and now the people who see me cooking tell me that I do it very well...In vain I try to tell them that I don't know hoe to cook in fact, they insist on saying that I do a good job. I assume that now the spices make the difference :)

I'll go downstairs now, to "impress" the French people a bit more, but not before I thank you, all the readers of my blog! I am really sorry that I don't always have the time to talk to some of my friends using other communication means (like Skype), but I was so impressed when Tamara said that she follows all my posts. THANK YOU!

Kisses to everyoooooone!!!!

PS: Feel free to comment ;)

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Ultima data am promis ca o sa va mai povestesc unele lucruri, asa ca o sa incerc sa fac asta acum...Sper sa transmit esentialul si sa nu uit ceva important:

- Casa s-a populat in intregime. Locuiesc cu trei francezi (1 tip, Guillaume, si 2 tipe, Pauline si Fiona), 1 polonez (Chris) si o indianca (Sonali). Ma bucur ca ne intelegem foarte bine, cel putin pana acum si, chiar daca doar eu si Sonali suntem la Master (ceilalti sunt inca la ciclul de licenta), diferenta de varsta nu prea se simte.

- In Coventry francezii sunt precum spaniolii in Berlin - multi! Si se cam cunosc intre ei. Asa ca de multe ori ajung sa imi petrec timpul cu francezi, nu ma deranjeaza, sunt foarte de treaba, desi nu e aceeasi poveste ca si cu spaniolii. Adica nu ii inteleg prea mult, deci ar trebui sa ma reapuc de franceza.

- Insa ei, francezii, au instituit o regula: daca cineva vorbeste franceza si nu engleza in casa, trebuie sa plateasca (circa 10 sau 20 penny, in functie de statut - daca locuiesc in casa sau nu :P), intr-o cutie pe care am amenajat-o special. Evident ca a doua zi au regretat chestia asta! Si, mai rau, nu se tin de ea...Ma rog, e pierderea lor ca nu isi practica engleza, desi chiar fac eforturi uneori(iar Pauline incurajeaza mult vorbitul englezei)...

- Am vrut sa iau cateva cursuri de lb straine aici (in plus fata de cele din programul de Master), in speta germana si franceza (pt ca spaniola imi este mai simplu sa o invat singura), insa de pare ca acest lucru nu este accesibil studentilor de la Master. Mi se pare o prostie asta, mai ales ca la zilele de orientare, toti cei care ne-au tinut discursuri au spus ca trebuie sa profitam de perioada asta si se ne dezvoltam pe mai multe planuri (voluntariat, invatarea unei lb straine blabla). E adevarat ca pot oricand avea acces la biblioteca de la Centrul de Lb Straine si la toate facilitatile de acest gen, dar chiar nu se compara cu o lectie oferita de un profesor, mai ales in cazul germanei...

- Joi am fost la o intalnire informala (intr-o cafenea) cu unii dintre profesori si colegi si am descoperit ca exista totusi in roman care face acelasi masterat ca si mine. Este din Galati, dar a terminat anul trecut SNSPA-ul in Bucuresti. In plus, sta chiar foarte aproape de mine (daca vrea sa ajunga acasa pe o scurtatura trebuie sa treaca pe strada mea) si mi-a vandut un pont: sa zbor cu Aer Lingus pe ruta Londra - Bucuresti, caci e mult mai ieftin decat Blue Air (am verificat pe site, chiar asa e; acum astept sa aflu cand luam vacanta - este de vreo 3 saptmani, din cate stiu - sa pot sa imi rezerv biletul).

- Apropo de romani, cred ca aici sunt mai multi decat am estimat eu intital, pt ca multa lume imi spune ca mai stie pe altcineva din Romania ori ca a mai intalnit un roman/ca etc.

- Nu stiu daca v-am spus, dar aici magazinele sunt foarte departe. Sunt cateva minimarket-uri pe la colturile strazilor din zona, numai bune cand ai nevoie de o paine sau lapte, dar sunt in general mai scumpe. Insa putem sa luam un autobuz chiar de la coltul strazii si sa ajungem la Tesco, un hypermarket, dupa o calatorie de 30 de minute, ce-i drept (si asta doar dus)! Iar apoi, la intoarcere, ne rupem mainile, normal, mai ales daca nu vrem sa facem drumul asta prea des! :P A fost foarte foarte amuzanta faza cand am vrut sa mergem in Tesco, eu, Sonali, Guillaume si Valentin (prietenul lui, tot francez), ne-am asezat in statie, asteptand autobuzul, iar, deodata, baietii au traversat strada spunand ca de fapt trebuie sa luam autobuzul de vizavi. Noi, fetele, mirate, o tineam pe a noastra, ca suntem in statia buna. Apoi ne-am dat seama ca ASTA E ANGLIA si ca totul e pe dos!!! Baietii erau suparati ca autobuzul trecuse cu 3 minute inainte (desi l-am fi vazut), insa le-am spus ca nu sunt mereu punctuale mijloacele de transport, ghiciti de ce - pentru ca ASTA E ANGLIA! hahahahaha (o sa va povestesc intr-un alt episod cum sta treaba cu ASTA E ANGLIA!).

- Am descoperit magazine unde poti cumpara o groaza de lucruri (pt casa, mancare, rechizite etc) cu 1 lira sau cu 99 pence (in functie de magazin). Deci aici nu e problema de preturi (evident, e un pic mai scump decat la noi sau in Germania, dar nu exagerat), ci doar de proximitate. Si cand te gandesti ca eu nu mai stiam cum sa imi indes capsatorul, pixurile etc in bagaj...

- Am aflat deja cum functioneaza lucrurile pe la facultate si la biblioteca (printatul, imprumutatul cartilor) si, zau, sunt asa fericita ca sunt in Anglia (nu in Olanda, Germania etc) si ca, practic, nu am nici o problema de comunicare. Asa ca deja am ceva de citit, dar trebuie sa returnez cartea luni (probabil ca o sa fac o prelungire de termen). Oricum, un profesor ne-a recomandat sa o cumparam, asa ca probabil voi face o comanda pe, am vazut ca e mai ieftina si chiar am reducere cu un card de la Uniunea Studentilor! ;)

- Cum am primit pachetul de acasa (miercuri) sunt foarte fericita ca Manishtushu este si el in Anglia, plus o rezerva de palinca! Multumesc, tati! Asa seara de miercuri a inceput cu bautura romaneasca si s-a terminat cu paste gatite la 03:30 a.m.! Iar la mijloc a fost o "portie" de club (in sfarsit am gasit unul mai pe gustul meu, rock'n'roll, fara popareala si muzica prea comerciala), unde am cunoscut, pt prima data, doi tipi nascuti si crescuti in Coventry! Tot atunci am cunoscut si un tip din Estonia, Teet, mi-am "exersat" estona si, culmea!, el mai stie o romanca pe care tot Oana o cheama...

- Am facut curat in camera vineri si sunt tare bucuroasa ca eu am parchet si nu mocheta (asa ca nu trebuie sa car aspiratorul pe scari) si in casa, dar de acum va trebui sa fixam o impartire a sarcinilor pt zonele comune. Curatenia asta a picat la fix, caci in aceeasi zi a sosit proprietarul (vizita anuntata, ca de obicei), mi-a pus un fel de cuier de interiorul usii si mi-a reparat zavorul (nu mergea pana acum) si sper sa revina curand sa unga usa, caci face un zgomot oribil cand apas pe maner. Ma gandeam ca as avea nevoie de o mica piesa de mobilier (din aia cu rama metalica), pe doua nivele, sa imi pot pune incaltarile jos, iar sus geanta si alte lucruri pe care la folosesc zilnic, ca sa nu le mai arunc in pat de fiecare data cand ma intorc acasa. As putea sa ii cer asta lui, caci Sonali i-a cerut o oglinda, o a doua noptiera si o masa de birou mai mica. Fetele imi spun ca nu ar fi nici o problema sa ii spun asta, mai ales ca platim o suma mai mare in comparatie cu alte persoane (ce-i drept, avem o casa super si proprietarii chiar se ocupa de noi, la nevoie).

- Week-endul asta l-am cam pierdut pt ca nu m-am simtit prea bine, cred ca racesc (mi-e cam somn, ma doar un pic in gat si am o tuse seaca uneori, dar nu am febra sau altceva). Sper sa fie o simpla raceala si nu gripa porcina, nah, la cati studenti internationali sunt pe aici, totul e posibil (desi nu am auzit de astfel de cazuri, iar peste tot sunt anunturi legate de prevenirea virusului). Am totusi pofta de mancare, deci nu toate simptomele corespund! :D

OK, acum v-am pus la curent cu tot ce trebuia sa stiti, in mare. Daca am uitat ceva, va povestesc data viitoare!

V-am pupat!


Last time I promised to tell you some stuff, so I'll try to do this now...I hope I'll transmit the essential stuff and I won't forget anything important:

- The house is fully booked. I live with 3 French people (1 guy, Guillaume, and 2 girls, Pauline and Fiona), 1 Polish guy (Chris) and an Indian girl (Sonali). I am really glad that we get along well, at least for now, even if just Sonali and I are Post Grads students (the rest are Undergraduates) and the age difference is not noticeable.

- In Coventry the French students are like the Spanish ones in Berlin - many!! And they kinda know each other. So there are many times when I get to spend my time with French people, this doesn't bother me however, they are nice, but it's not the same story as with my Spanish friends. I mean I don't understand too much of what they're saying, I should start all over with French language.

- But the French people have settled down a rule: whoever speaks another language but English in the house must pay (about 10 or 20 penny, depending on they're status - if they live in the house or not :P) in a box that we've made especially for this. Obviously they've regretted this the next day! But what's worse is that they do not stick to this rule...Well, it's their loss that they're not practising their English, even if sometimes they're really pulling an effort (and Pauline encourages them a lot to speak English)...

- I wanted to take some foreign languages classes (apart from the courses in my MA programme), mainly German and French (coz it's easier for me to learn Spanish by myself), but apparently this this is not possible for Postgraduate Students. I find it quite stupid, especially since at the beginning, when some important people held some speeches, they said we should take advantage of this period and develop our self in many areas (volunteering, foreign languages). It's true that I can always have access at the library of the Languages Centre or any other facilities alike, but this doesn't compare to a lecture held by a professor, especially when it comes to German...

- On Thursday I've been to an informal meeting (in a coffee shop) with some of my professors and colleagues and I've discovered there's a Romanian guy doing the same Master indeed. He's not from Bucharest, but he graduated there the National School of Political and Administrative Sciences (last year). Plus, he lives quite close to me (if he wants to take a shortcut to his place he has to pass my street). He gave me an tip: to fly with Aer Lingus from London to Bucharest, since is way cheaper than Blue Air (I checked on their website and it's true; now I just have to find out then is the winter break starting in order to book my ticket home).

- Speaking of Romanians, I think here there are more than I thought at the beginning, because a lot of people tells me that they know other persons from Romania or that they've met other Romanians etc.

- I don't know if I told you, but here the shops are really far away. There are some mini markets at the corners of the streets, very useful when you need some break or milk but they're a bit more expensive. Anyhow, we can take a bus from the corner of our street and get to Tesco, a hypermarket, after a 30 mins journey (only one way)! And then, when returning, we'll just carry loads of stuff, especially since we don't wanna go there too often! :P It was very funny when we wanted to go to Tesco, me, Sonali, Guillaume and Valentin (his French friend), we got in the bus stop, waiting for the bus and, suddenly, the boys crossed the street, saying that there was the right station. We, the girls, were very surprised by this and kept on saying that we were actually in the right station. But then we realised that THIS IS ENGLAND and everything is upside down here!!! The boys were upset that we've just lost the bus, by 3 mins, but I told them that the buses aren't always on time here, guess why - because THIS IS ENGLAND! hahahahaha (in another episode I'll tell you all about this thing THIS IS ENGLAND!).

- I've discovered some stores when you can buy many stuff (household, food, stationary etc) with 1 pound or 99 pence (depending on the store). So it's not a matter of prices (though it's a bit more expensive than Romania or Germany), just of proximity. And when you think about the fact that I had problems with cramming in the luggage my stapler and the roller balls...

- I found out how things work at the Uni and at the library (printing, loaning books etc) and I am soooo glad I'm in England (not Holland, Germany etc) and, basically, I have no communication problems. So now I have something to read, though I should get the book back on Monday (I'll probably renew the loan). Anyways, a professor recommended us to buy this book, so I'll probably order it from, I've seen is cheaper there and I even have a discount with a card from the Students' Union! ;)

- I got my packet from home (on Wednesday) so I am excited that Manishtushu is here in England, plus a stock of palinca! Thank you, dad! Accordingly, Wednesday evening has started with Romanian drink and it has ended with pasta at 03:30 a.m.! In the middle we had some clubbing (I finally discovered a club that I like, more rock'n'roll and less popisch stuff) where I've met, for the first time since being here, 2 guys born and bread in Coventry! I've also met a guy from Estonia, called Teet, so I was able to "practise" my Estonian and, unbelievably, he knows another Romanian girl named Oana...

- I cleaned my room on Friday and I am happy to have a wooden floor instead of a carpet (I don't have to carry the hoover upstairs) and the house, but from now on we should make a task division for the common areas. This cleaning stuff was right on time because on that very day the landlord came (it was an announced visit, as usually), he put a hanger on the back of my door and he fixed the locker of my room and I hope we'll come over again soon, as he needs to oil the handle (it makes a terrible noise when I open the door). I am considering to ask him for a furniture piece (one with a metallic frame), two-levelled, as I would like to put my shoes on the lower one and the bag and other daily stuff on the higher one (so I won't throw them on the bed each time I come home). I could ask him for this, since Sonali has asked him a mirror, a second night table and a smaller desk. And the girls say that it shouldn't be a problem - we pay more in comparison with other people (well, we have a super house and the landlords are really concerned about our life here).

- I kinda waisted this week-end on doing nothing because I wasn't feeling too good, I think I'm catching a cold (I'm a bit sleepy, I have a throat ache and I'm coughing, but no fever or something else). I hope it's not swine flu, you never know with so many international students around here (though I haven't heard of any cases and everywhere there are announcements about the prevention of the virus). I still have my appetite, so not all the symptoms match! :D

OK, now I've updated you with everything you were supposed to know. If I forgot something, I'll tell you next time!


Monday, October 05, 2009

Fetele din Berlin

Pentru ca nu ati avut parte de nici o alta telegrama ori de alte vesti din partea mea, o sa ma revansez dandu-va mai multe detalii despre week-endul trecut.
Am plecat destul de odihnita de acasa, asta si pentru ca nu a trebuit sa merg la facultate prea devreme. Dar normal ca, in stilul care ma caracterizeaza, am ajuns pe ultima suta de metri la statia de autobuz, cred ca nu m-as fi simtit bine daca faceam altfel...Eh, si autocarul care m-a dus la Leicester a intarziat, asa ca nu a fost panica.
Acum am calatorit in East Midlands care, momentan, mi se pare ca are peisaje mult mai frumoase decat ceea ce am vazut in West Midlands, cel putin cat am calatorit de la Londra in Coventry. Ma rog, am mai si adormit in autocar atunci, deci nu trag inca o concluzie in acest sens.

Din Coventry catre Leicester

Leicester este un oras cam de marimea si populatia Coventry-ului, la o ora distanta. Atat cat am apucat sa vad din autocar mi s-a parut foarte interesant si cu siguranta merita o vizita de o zi (mai ales ca biletul costa 6 lire/calatorie). Ceea ce m-a socat foarte mult a fost cartierul prin care am trecut la iesirea din oras: era plin de indieni, iar pe bulevardul principal erau PESTE TOT (nu exagerez) magazine cu haine specifice (evident, foarte "sclipicioase").

Banuiesc ca este Catedrala din Leicester

Spre Loughborough (Lufbra de acum incolo), destinatia mea, am luat un autobuz local ce oprea in mai multe statii si astfel un drum de 20 km a durat cam o ora. Bine, era pe punctul sa dureze dublu, caci mai aveam putin si ieseam din Lufbra, inapoi spre Leicester, si eu tot nu coborasem din autobuz, caci nu a oprit in statia indicata pe traseul pe care l-am gasit pe internet (a virat la dreapta chiar inainte de centrul ca mi-as fi dat seama ca ala era centrul). Noroc ca soferul a fost foarte dragut (englez, nu?) si a tras pe stanga chiar inainte de iesirea din oras si mi-a explicat drumul.

Practic a trebuit sa merg cinci minute pe jos, in linie dreapta. Asta ca sa va imaginati cat de mic este orasul. Oricum, mi-a placut mai mult decat Coventry (o sa va povestes cu alta ocazie de ce nu imi place Coventry, din punct de vedere estetic), chiar daca este un oras foarte mic, in care (probabil) m-as fi plictisit si mai mult - practic, nu e nimic de vizitat (abia am facut cateva poze), ceva cu tenta istorica, asa cum ma atrage pe mine la un oras, dar nici nu era asta scopul calatoriei :)

Dupa cum probabil stiti deja, am mers acolo pt ca tocmai sosise Kaisa din Berlin, inainte de a zbura catre Tallin. Ea nu era informata de venirea mea acolo, stia doar ca urma sa ma viziteze in Coventry sambata. Asa ca banuiesc ca va puteti imagina fata ei placut suprinsa cand m-a vazut intrand pe usa cafenelei unde era la momentul respectiv!!! Cred ca e un lucru extrem de placut sa iti revezi prietenii intr-un mod atat de neasteptat :)

Totul a parut asa de natural: reintalnirea cu fetel din Berlin - Kaisa, Krissy (care a fost gazda perfecta) si Grace (ea a sosit un pic mai tarziu, trebuia si asta sa fie o supriza pt Kaisa, dar cineva a stricat-o din greseala...). Noaptea ce a urmat a fost si ea destul de naturala - am petrecut-o intr-un club, evident! :D Asta dupa ce am asteptat o ora la coada, nici nu cred ca va puteti imagina cata lume era, deoarece era Returners' Night sau ceva de genul, plus ca a mixat Calvin Harris (asta da britanic care arata bine!). Poate ca nu a fost 100% perfecta noapte, dar ma bucur ca am petrecut-o cu persoane dragi si asta conteaza in final.

A doua zi (sambata) urma sa mergem in Coventry, dar fetele (Kaisa si Krissy) urmau sa se intoarca in Lufbra in aceeasi seara, caci duminica la pranz Kaisa avea avion spre Tallin, iar biletele de autocar spre Londra era deja rezervate, dar nu din Coventry... Insa nu am reusit sa gasim nici o modalitate de a ajunge repede si ieftin in Coventry, caci planul era sa avem ceva mai mult de 2-3 ore la dispozitie ca sa facem un tur al orasului, ca fetele sa vada unde stau etc. Asa ca am decis ca eu sa mai raman inca o noapte in Lufbra, mai ales acum cand Kaisa ma reintalnise...

Kaisa trebuia sa plece din Lufbra a doua zi de dimineata (la ora 4 a.m.), asa ca am considerat ca e ma bine se plec si eu o data cu ea, macar am impartit acelasi taxi (caci nu era de mers pe jos la ora aia) pana la locul de unde trebuia sa luam fiecare autobuzul sau si sa nu o punem pe Krissy de doua ori pe drum (nu ne-ar fi lasat sa plecam singure, separat). Kaisa a mers spre Leicester, de unde a luat un autocar catre Londra, iar eu spre East Midlans Airport (care, apropo, e muuult mai aproape de Coventry decat Londra!), unde am asteptat cam o ora sa iau autocarul spre casa...

Am ajuns in Coventry pe la 08:30 dimineata, era pustiu prin oras (doar era duminica), doar o veverita s-a gasit sa traverseze strada la un moment dat :)

Am realizat ca mi-am luat "La revedere" de la Kaisa de 4 ori pana acum, asa ca nu mai este atat de dificil, mai ales ca de fiecare data se adauga mai mult optimism. Am inceput sa imi doresc sa mai spun asta curand, pt ca inseamna ca ne vom intalni din nou. Cred ca acum e randul meu sa merg in Tallin :)

Hai ca aproape ca am scris un roman si s-a facut tarziu, chiar si aici. Voi reveni curand cu noi postari, pentru ca sunt muuuuulte lucruri pe care trebuie sa vi le povestesc.

Noapte buna!


Berlin Girls

Because you didn't get a telegram or any other news of me, I'll make it up to you and I'll give you more details about the last week-end.
I had pretty much rest before leaving home, that's because I wasn't supposed to be at the Uni too early in the morning. But obviously that, in my own characteristic style, I reached the bus station at the eleventh hour, I think I wouldn't have felt alright otherwise....Eh, the couch to Leicester was also late, so there was no panic.
Now I travelled to East Midlands which, for the moment, seems to have more beautiful landscapes than what I've seen in West Midlands, at least from London to Coventry. Well, I've been sleeping then, so I won't draw any conclusions in this matter.

Leicester is a city similar to Coventry in terms of size and population, a hour away. As far as I got to see from the bus it looked very interesting and definitely is worth an one-day trip (especially since the ticket is 6 pounds/one way). What shocked me a lot was the neighbourhood that we've passed by before exiting the city: it was full of Indian people, and on the main street there were EVERYWHERE (I am not exaggerating) stores with specific clothes (obviously, very "sparkling" ones).

To Loughborough (Lufbra from now on), my destination, I took a local bus that stopped in many more stations and so a 20 km road took almost a hour. Well, it was about to last double, because I was very close exiting Lufbra, heading back to Leicester, and not getting off the bus, because it didn't stopped in the station showed on the routing that i found on the Internet (it has turned right just before the town centre...not that I would've realised which is the centre). Luckily the driver was very nice (English, right?) and he pulled over before the town boarder and the explained me the way.

Basically I was supposed to walk 5 minutes in straight line. This is to imagine how small is the town. Anyways, I liked it more than Coventry (I'll tell you some other time why I don't like Coventry, aesthetically talking), even if it a very tiny town, where I would have (probably) got more bored - practically there is nothing to visit (I barely took some photos), nothing historically, as I like to see when I'm travelling, but this was not the purpose of the journey :)

As you probably know by now, I went there because Kaisa had just arrived from Berlin, before going to Tallinn. She wasn't informed about my arrival there, she only knew that we would've met in Coventry on Saturday. So I assume that you can imagine her pleasantly surprised face when I entered the door of the coffee shop where she was at that time!!! I think is extremely nice to see your friends once more in such an unexpected way :)

Everything was so natural: the reunion with the Berlin girls - Kaisa, Krissy (the perfect hostess) and Grace (she came a lil later that day, although her arrival was supposed to be a surprise as well, but someone else spoilt by mistake...). The following night was also pretty natural - we spent it in a club, where else? :D That was after we queued for a hour, I don't even think you can imagine how many people were waiting, because it was Returners' Night or something like that, plus Calvin Harris mixing (now that's what I call a good-looking British guy!). Maybe it had not been 100% perfect, but I am so glad that I spent it with dear persons and that's what matters in the end.

The next day (Saturday) we should've travelled to Coventry, but the girls (Kaisa and Krissy) needed to go back to Lufbra that very evening, as Kaisa had a plane to Tallinn on Sunday and the couch tickets to London had been already booked, but not from Coventry...We couldn't find any way to get fast and cheap to Coventry, because the plan was to have more that 2-3 hours available to visit the city, my place etc. So we decided that I would stay another night in Lufbra, especially now that Kaisa had met me...

Kaisa was supposed to leave Lufbra the next day in the morning (4 a.m.), so we considered it would be better that i should go the same time as her, at least we've shared the same taxi to the place where we took the buses and not to force Krissy to go two times in the same spot (she wouldn't have let us to go alone, separately). Kaisa went to Leicester from where she took a couch to London and I went to East Midlands Airport (which, by the way, is waaaay closer to Coventry than London!), where I waited about a hour to take a couch home.

I arrived in Coventry at 08:30 in the morning, the city was empty (it was Sunday), just a squirrel decided to cross the street at some point :)

I realised that I said "Good-Bye" to Kaisa 4 times by now, so it's not very difficult anymore, especially that every time we add some more optimism. I started to wish to say this soon, because it would mean that we're going to meet again. I think now it's my turn to go to Tallinn :)

OK, I almost wrote a novel here and it's getting late, even here. I'll return soon with new post entries, since there are sooooo many things that I want to share with you.

Good night!

Friday, October 02, 2009

Incepe sa imi placa locul asta...

Evident, pentru ca am inceput sa socializez. Asta dupa ce o intalnire/cina la Universitate (cu mancare & bautura), ce se anunta extrem de penibila din moment ce nu cunosteam pe nimeni acolo, s-a transformat intr-o seara super misto. Noroc ca se baga altii in seama, ca la cat sunt eu de timorata cand ma aflu intr-un mediu necunoscut...
Am ajuns intr-un bar (unde altundeva?) cu o "gama" foarte variata de persoane, desi nici una nu studiaza acelasi lucru ca si mine: din Slovacia, Italia, Franta/UK (nu am inteles exact originea), Iordania si Insulele Mauritius! Ultima tara nu o sa va mai para asa de exotica daca va voi spune ca in programul meu este un tip nascut aici, dar crescut in Trinidad-Tobago... Asta da diversitate culturala!
Pe langa faptul ca m-am simtit super bine cu ei, a fost timp investit eficient: am aflat o groaza de lucruri utile, multe adrese pentru diverse locatii, plus informatii despre piata bicicletelor second-hand din Coventry.
Cum totul s-a intamplat destul de devreme, dupa ce am ajuns acasa colegii mei de casa (francezii) m-au racolat si am mers intr-un club, Kasbah, unde am primit...patine cu rotile! Cool, nu? Si nu erau din alea in-line, ci de genul carora de care aveam prin clasa a IV a. Ale mele s-au nimerit alb cu roz, adica asa:

Dar cei din staff-ul clubului, saracii, erau asa de grijulii sa nu cumva sa ni se intample ceva: mereu ne intrebau daca suntem bine, ne deschideau usa ca sa trecem dintr-o sala in alta...Frumos din partea lor!
Si pentru ca noapte era inca la inceput, am mai mers intr-un pub irlandez, unde, supriza, la bar servea o romanca! Ea este aici deja de un an si trebuie neaparat sa mai iau legatura cu ea, caci si-a luat bicicleta cu 25 lire :D

O sa ma opresc aici cu povestitul, trebuie sa plec la facultate, pt o intalnire de o ora legata de aspectele financiare, iar apoi voi merge in Loughborough (unde invata Kristina, o tipa care a locuit in aceeasi casa cu mine in Berlin), caci a sosit Kaisa in UK, pentru cateva zile, dar ea nu stie ca ajung si eu in seara asta acolo :D Stie doar ca ne intalnim in Coventry (unde ne intoarcem impreuna sambata).
Asa ca cel mult veti primi o noua telegrama zilele astea...cel mult...
V-am pupat!


I am starting to like this place...

Obviously because I started to socialize. And this happened after a meeting/dinner at the Uni (with food & drinks), which looked extremely embarrassing since I didn't know anyone there, that turned out in a really cool evening. Luckily there are persons who like to mingle, otherwise I am too shy in an unknown environment...
I ended up in a bar 9where else?) with a very diverse "selection" of people, even none studies the same thing as I am: people from Slovakia, Italy, France/UK (I didn't exactly understand the origin), Jordan and Mauritius! The last country won't seem so exotic after I'll tell you that in my programme I met a guy born here, but raised in Trinidad-Tobago...that's what I call cultural diversity!
Above the fact that I enjoyed the time, I can say I made an investment: I found out many useful stuff, many addresses for different locations, plus info about second-hand bikes market in Coventry.
As everything happened very early, after I got home, my housemates (the French ones) roped me into going to a club, Kasbah, where we got...roller skates! Cool, huh? But they weren't in-line skates, just those type that I used to have when I was in the 4th grade. Mine were white and pink.
The ones in the club staff, poor ones, where very careful to us in order to face no problems: they were constantly asking is we are ok, they were always opening the door for us to pass from one room to another...Really nice of them!
And because the night was still young, afterwards we went to an Irish pub, where, surprise, a Romanian girls was working at the bar! She's been here for one year and I definitely have to contact here again, as she has bought a bike with 25 pounds :D

I'll stop here now, I have to go to the Uni, for a Finance Briefing and then I'll go to Loughborough (where Kristina is studying), because Kaisa is in the UK for a few day, but she doesn't know that I am also arriving there this evening :d She only knows that we shall meet in Coventry (where we'll all return on Saturday).
So in the best case scenario you'll get a telegram these the best case scenario...