Saturday, January 30, 2010

Recapitulare II: Revelionul in Danemarca

Dupa aproximativ 24 de ore petrecute in Anglia, dupa ce mi-am cumparat cea mai frumoasa si calduroasa jacheta din lume, dupa ce am dormit in aeroport (da, da, ati citit bine: am doar 22 de ani si deja am facut-o si pe asta! Cate lucruri voi avea de povestit nepotilor...), am reusit sa ajung si in Danemarca!!! Si zic eu ca aratam rezonabil!

Alex m-a recuperat din gara din Odense pe la ora 17:00 (desi asta trebuia sa se intample pe la 11:00). Cel mai rau mi-a parut ca era intuneric si nu am reusit sa vad prea mult din peisajele (de basm) daneze, plus ca practic am pierdut o zi intreaga...Oh, well, c'est la vie!

Dar am recuperat pe 31, cand am fost la plimbare prin centru, evident, pe biciclete! :D Doamne, departe mai stau copii astia!!! Iar eu tare mi-am pierdut conditia fizica! Mai ales ca am mers pe bicicleta lui Alex (caci cea "rezervata" pt mine avea saua prea inalta la momentul respectiv), care nu e asa "sportiva"...Nu stiu cum am rezistat sa pedalez atat de mult in ziua aia, caci apoi am trecut pe 'acasa' si am plecat din nou, doar eu si Gabel, pana intr-un centru comercial, pt niste cumparaturi de ultim moment si pt "jucariile" baietilor...

De Revelion "Masa si dansul" s-au tinut in Landsbrugsvej 105, ceea ce a insemnat ca, in principal, noi am fost coordonatorii pregatirilor, cu ajutor si de la ceilalti. Partea proasta e ca noi, fetele, nu prea am avut foarte mult timp sa ne pregatim (nu cat ne-am fi dorit). Dar nu m-a prins Anul Nou cu manichiura nefacuta! Am avut parte de mancare de prin toate colturile lumii (cati dintre voi ati incercat specialitati din Azerbaidjan pana acum? :P), pe cand bautura a fost "old school". Oricum, totul a fost in cantitati uriase, chiar a ajuns pentru 3 zile si 3 nopti!

Am fost bucatarul-sef al tortului! :D

Asa cum stabilisem, am fost si la Kerteminde, un orasel superb, cu iesire la Mare Nordului. Din pacate, vremea nu a fost deloc grozava (era ceata), asa ca nu am putut vedea podul care duce spre Copenhaga. In schimb, am avut parte de ninsoare si de un vant extrem de puternic, dar mi s-a parut si normal, tinand cont de locatie. In rest, pot sa spun ca temperaturile in Danemarca nu mi s-au parut arat de scazute, ba chiar muream de cald in momentale in care eram la ghidon.

Cu siguranta Kerteminde este unul din cele mai frumoase orasele in care am fost vreodata. Casele sunt atat de dragute si delicate; intr-adevara nu prea au perdele si/sau jaluzele, mizeaza mult pe transparenta (nu degeaba o fi Danemarca cea mai putin corupta tara din lume)!

Cand ne-am intorsc in Odense am mai avut timp sa ne plimbam putin si pe acolo, cat inca era lume pe strazi (caci pe la 17:00 magazinele se inchid si oamenii dispar in circumstante misterioase). Cateva minute chiar a nins foarte puternic si chiar speram sa se asterne (desi eram conditionati de biciclete), insa s-a oprit destul de repede.

Din pacate, vzita mea in Danemarca nu fost prea bine sincronizata, pt ca examenele la Southern University of Denmark incep foarte devreme in ianuarie, asa ca toata lumea a avut de invatat - chiar si eu (mi-am printat o groaza de articole la imprimanta lor). Alex insa incerca in mod constant sa se sustraga de la asta, chiar mi-a propus o plimbare cu bicicleta pe la ora 18:00, ca sa imi arate un parc din intuneric!!!

Am mai avut la dispozitie cateva momente de ratacit prin oras, caci nu se putea sa plec fara sa trec macar prin fata casei unde a copilarit Hans Christian Andersen. Daca nu stiati (si sigur nu stiati), faimosul scriitor si poet, fiul natiunii daneze s-a nascut chiar in Odense la inceputul secolului al XIX-lea. Data viitoare sper sa vizitam si complexul memorial...

De data asta, zborul a fost in regula, in drum spre aeroport, din autobuz, am vazut si celebrul
Legoland din Billund si chiar mi-ar placea sa-l vizitam cu proxima ocazie.
Per total, Danemarca mi-a placut. Mult. Si nu doar pt ca i-am vazut pe Alex si Gabel (caci de acum incolo cine stie cand ne mai reintalnim). Este o tara scumpa, intr-adevar, oamenii sunt putin ciudati (si faptul ca nu le intelegem limba este un dezavantaj), strazile devin pustii dupa o anumita ora, dar are un farmec al ei. Oamenii sunt mult mai relaxati, se imbraca frumos, pare ca traiesc decent (simplu), iar bicicletele sunt la mare pret. M-am hotarat ca vreau sa traiesc in Europa de Nord, asta incluzand si Germania...hai sa ii zicem Europa Germanica!

Apoi m-am intors la realitate, in Anglia, unde din nou m-am culcat foarte tarziu (caci am ajuns in Coventry pe la 03:10). Ca peste tot pe unde am calatorit iarna asta, am avut parte de multa zapada, strazi acoperite de gheata, lume panicata, zboruri/autobuze/trenuri anulate (noroc ca eu am sosit la fix) etc.

Mai am cateva lucruri restante de povestit, dar asta mai incolo, sa nu amestecam lucrurile...



After approximately 24 hours spent in England, after I've bought the most beautiful and warmly jacket in the world, after I've slept in the airport (yes, you've read it right: I'm only 22 years old and I've already done it! I'll have so many things to tell my grandchildren...), I managed to reach Denmark!!! And I might say I looked reasonable!

Alex picked me up from the Odense Rail Station around 17:00 o'clock (although this was supposed to happen at 11:00). I really regretted that it was already dark outside and I wasn't able to see too many of the (charming) Danish landscapes. Plus that I've practically lost an entire day...Oh, well, c'est la vie!

I recovered the time loss the next day, the 31st, when we went for a walk downtown, on bikes, evidently! God, these two kids live far!!! And I've definitely lost my shape! And I've been biking Alex's bike (the one "reserved" for me had a much too taller seat at that moment), which is not that "sporty"...I have no idea how come I actually managed to pedal for such a long time that day - after that we went 'home' and then left again, just me and Gabel, to a shopping centre, for some last minute purchases and the boys' "toys"...

On New Year's Eve 105 Landsbrugsvej hosted the party which meant that we mainly coordinated the preparations, with some help from the others. The bad part was that us, the girls, didn't have as much time as we would have wanted to get ready. But I did enter 2010 with a nice manicure! We had great food, from so many countries (how many of you have ever tried Azerbaijani cuisine before? :P), whilst the alcohol was "old school". Anyhow, everything came in huge quantities, enough for 3 days and 3 nights!

As we decided in advance, we went to Kerteminde, a super town at the Nord See. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't that great (it was foggy) so we couldn't see the bridge going to Copenhagen. On the other hand, we had snow showers and extreme wind, but I found that normal, considering the geographical location. Otherwise, I don't think the temperatures in Denmark are that low, I even got really hot while biking.

I can definitely say that Kerteminde is one of the most beautiful small towns I've ever been to. The houses are so nice and delicate; indeed the Danish people don't quite use window curtains, they are counting on transparency (perhaps that's why Denmark is the less corrupted country in the world)!

Back in Odense we had a bit of time to walk around the city centre, while there were still people on the streets (at 17:00 o'clock they mysteriously vanish). For a few minutes it even snowed and we were hoping it would accumulate (though it wouldn't have been nice when biking), but it quickly stopped.
Regretfully it wasn't the best timing for my visit in Denmark, since the exams at the Southern University of Denmark commence in early January and thus everybody had to study - including me (I printed loads of articles there). But Alex was constantly trying to weasel out of studying, he even proposed a ride at 18:00, in order to show me a nearby darkness!!!

We still had time to wander around the city in my last day, because I couldn't have left before at least passing by Hans Christian Andersen's house. In case you didn't know (and I'm sure you didn't), the renowned writer and poet, the son of the Danish nation was born right in Odense, at the beginning of the 19th century. Hopefully next time we'll visit his memorial compound...

On the way back everything was OK and I even got to see the famous Legoland while I was in the bus towards Billund Airport and I'd love to visit it sometimes.
Per totally, I enjoyed Denmark. A lot. And not just because I've met Alex and Gabel (and who knows when this will be possible again in the near future). It is an expensive country indeed, the people are quite weird (and we can't understand their language) and the streets get empty at some point, but it has its own charm. The Danes are more relaxed, they dress beautifully; it seems they live decent (simple) and effortless and bikes are valued. I have decided that I want to live in Northern Europe, including Germany....let's call it German Europe!

Then I went back to reality, in England, where I managed to go to bed really late again ( I arrived in Coventry at 03:10). Like everywhere I travelled this winter I had loads of snow, and extra icy streets, panicked people, delayed flight/coaches/trains (but I was lucky to arrive just on time) etc.

I still have some more stuff to tell you about, but not know, let's not mix things...


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Recapitulare I: Craciunul in Romania

Luand o mica pauza (ce va deveni mare) de la terorism si mass-media, am deschis blogul si m-am hotarat sa va povestesc despre Craciunul petrecut in Romania, pana ca evenimentele sa se invecheasca.

Dar trebuie mai intai sa mentionez ca, in Anglia, la mica distanta de Coventry autocarul s-a stricat si am stat in parcarea unei benzinarii mai bine de o ora, fara explicatii, pana cand alt autocar a venit si ne-a dus in Londra, de unde trebuia sa luam un tren spre Gatwick, pe care, evident, l-am pierdut (cu toate ca planificasem sa avem la dispozitie o ora intre cele doua mijloace de trasnport). Am cumparat alte bilete, pe care vrem sa le decontam de la National Express (abia saptamana asta mi-au raspuns la mail!)...Nu eram tocmai pe punctul de a pierde avionul, dar am avut ceva emotii, caci aeroportul este imens si am fost pe fuga, mai ales la partea cu mancatul...

Constat ca, din anumite puncte de vedere, am fost, totusi, tare norocoasa iarna asta, cu toate plecarile si zborurile, caci am aterizat la fix in tara - in noaptea de dupa a inceput sa ninga, iar ceea ce a urmat va imaginati ca a fost un cosmar pt traficul din Bucuresti si din tara. Pentru mine a fost de vis, iubesc iarna si chiar nu trebuia sa merg nicaieri in mod special/urgent in ziele de dupa. Am iesit insa pe afara si, in afara de faptul ca era foarte alunecos (cel putin pt cizmele pe care le luasem cu mine), nu am avut prea multe motive sa ma plang.

Masina asta nu a iesit de acolo pana am plecat eu din tara!

Era ora 15:00 si abia atunci au aparut utilajele de dezapezire! Incredibil!

Sa trecem, deci, la povestit. M-am intalnit cu multe persoane, desi as fi voit sa ma vad si cu altele, dar timpul prea scurt petrecut in tara nu mi-a permis. A fost extraordinara reintalnirea cu unele dintre colegele mele de liceu, care nu s-au schimbat prea mult, nici fizic (sigur le-as recunoaste pe strada :P), nici comportamental (tot aceleasi persoane scumpe au ramas):

Am iesit si in club cu Alina, in B52, unde muzica a fost neasteptat de buna. Am baut Salitos, de care chiar imi era pofta si dor :P, am dansat si am avut parte de reduceri la bautura fara un motiv anume (eh, suntem noi fete dragute :D):

A venit si Mos Craciun, dar nu stiu din ce motiv mereu rateaza usa si ajunge la vecini. M-am razbunat pentru asta si i-am scos ochiii :P

Am iesit de mai multe ori prin oras, nu va imaginati ca o data mi-a ajuns, dar nu am facut mereu poze. M-am intalnit si cu Sanzi si Alinuta, fostele mele colege de facultate (suna ciudat, nu?), Luiza nu a raspuns la apel :P

La final, in mod intentionat - sunt tare fericita ca am reusit sa ma vad, de mai multe ori, cu Aurash si Gabytza, prietenele mele cele mai bune, si am reusit sa recuperam timpul pierdut. Iata dovada:

Nu stiu ce ziceti voi, fetelor, dar poza asta e preferata mea :)

In rest, datoria de masterand cheama chiar si in vacanta, asa ca am mai citit (o carte intreaga chiar) pentru lucrarile pe care le mai am de pregatit in perioada urmatoare...

Si ca sa mai adaug ceva impresii non-vizuale (pt care nu am poze sau nu tin neaparat sa le adaug), iarna asta nu a prea fost sarbatoare in Bucuresti: fata de alti ani, luminitele de Craciun au fost sub asteptarile mele. Criza, criza, dar pt alte prostii avem bani, nu?
La metrou, pe una din magistrale (M1 cred) au pus ecrane care afiseaza ora la care va sosi urmatorul tren in statie. Este inca in teste si se ajusteaza 'din mers', dar chiar as vrea sa il vad functionand fapt, chiar nu as vrea :)
Mi-am refacut ochelarii de vedere, asa ca pot sa ii port pe cei pe care mi i-am cumparat asta-vara si de care nu m-am bucurat prea mult si mi-am pus lentile la cei de soare, de la Karl Lagerfeld. Misto, nu? :D

Per total, a fost bine si rau in Romania. Bine pentru ca este acasa, pt ca am fost rasfatata incat nici vasele nu a trebuit sa le spal (bine, ceva curatenie prin casa tot a trebuit sa fac :P) si pentru ceea ce ati vazut in poze. Rau pentru ca, in afara de momentele in care Bucurestiul a fost alb, tot un oras trist mi s-a parut, mai ales dupa ce zapada a inceput sa se topeasca. Plus ca nu prea mi-am gasit locul acolo, poate pentru ca nu am nici o ocupatie oficiala acolo (parazit social nu se pune, da?), desi as putea, daca as vrea...

OK, hai ca acum v-am rasfatat eu cu postarea asta! Revin cand voi avea mai mult timp :)


Recap I: Christmas in Romania

Taking some time off terrorism and mass-media, I opened my blog and I decided to tell you something about my Christmas in Romania, before things get too old.

But first I have to mention that, in England, not too far from Coventry, our coach broke down and we waited for more than 1 hour in the parking lot of a gas station for another one to pick us up and get us to London, from where we had to take a train towards Gatwick. We obviously lost the train, although we planned to have about an hour between it and the coach. We bought other tickets and we want to get form National Express the extra-money that we had to pay (they've just answered my e-mail, this week!)...We weren't actually close to miss the plane, but we've been a bit nervous, since the airport is quite big and we've been on the run, especially with the eating part...

From some point of view I can see that I'm quite lucky this winter, with all the flights, as I arrived right on time in Romania - the night I landed it started snowing and what followed was a nightmare for the traffic in Bucharest and around the country. For my it was a dream, I love winter and I really didn't have to go somewhere in particular/urgently those days. However, I went outside and besides the fact it was really slippery (at least with the boots I had with me) I had not too many reasons to complain.

Lets get to story-telling. I've met loads of persons, although I wished I've seen many more, but the short period ruined my plans. I had such a great reunion with some of my high-school colleagues, who didn't change too much meanwhile, physically (I'd surely recognise them on the street :P) nor behaviourally (they're still sweethearts).

I went clubbing with Alina, in B52, where the music was unexpectedly good. I drank Salitos, which I missed so much :P, we danced and we got no-reason discounts for drinks (well, we're nice girls, right? :D).

Santa came, but I don't know why he's a;ways missing the door and he ends up in the neighbours' place. I took revenge :P

I wen out many more times, not just once, but I didn't always took photos. I've meet Sanzi and Alinuta, my ex-uni colleagues (sounds weird, huh?), Luiza didn't answer my appeal :P
Finally, on purpose - I'm really happy that I managed to meet, several times, my two best friends, Aurash and Gabytza and we recovered the lost time. You have the proof above :)

Other than that, my student duty calls, even on holidays, so i had to read (an entire book actually), to prepare for the upcoming assignments...

In order to add some non-visual impressions (for which I don't have photos or I don't necessarily want to upload), I'd say that this winter wasn't too much of a holiday spirit in Bucharest: unlike other years, the Christmas lights didn't meet my expectations. OK, it's a crisis, but how come we have money for other useless stuff?

In the subway, on one of the lines (M1, I reckon) they've put some screens where you can see the hours when the next trains should arrive in the station. It's still on testing and it constantly adjusts itself, but I would really like to see it working well...actually, I really don't :)
I remade my glasses, so i can wear the ones that I've bought last summer but I didn't enjoy too much and I've customised my Karl Lagerfeld sunglasses. Cool, huh? :D

Per totally, it was good and bad in Romania. Good because it's home, because I was so pampered that I didn't even need to wash the dishes (well, I still had to do some cleaning around the house) and because of all you've seen in the photos. Bad because except for the moments when Bucharest was white, it still seemed a sad city, especially when the snow started melting. Plus, I didn't feel like fitting there, maybe because I don't have an official occupation there (social parasite doesn't count, OK?), although I could, if I'd want to...

I really spoilt you with this post! I got to go now! I'll be back when I'll have more time :)