Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nimic nou pe Frontul de Vest

Nu s-a intamplat nimic prea interesant zilele astea, nici nu ar fi avut cand sa se intample. La inceputul saptamanii am mai rezolvat niste lucruri administrative, cum ar fi sa ma inregistrez la Serviciul Medical (asa ca pot sa ma imbolnavesc linistita). 50% din casa este racita, nu a inceput de la mine insa, si vad ca se raspandeste si la cei care doar vin in vizita (va invit pe aici, nu plecati cu mana goala, garantat!).

Abia astept sa incep si eu cursurile (stiu ca in cateva saptamani o sa regret ca am spus asta), dar vreau sa ma simt si eu studenta, ca restul lumii, plus sa ma intalnesc mai des cu ai mei colegi. Marti abia am mai interactionat cu ei (chiar au fost niste fete noi), caci am urmarit impreuna, la facultate, filmul "Munich". Trebuie sa recunosc ca este una din cele mai bune productii pe care le-am vazut, cel putin in ultima vreme. Destul de dur, dar cu multa esenta, chiar daca in mare parte este fictiune. Mi-a ridicat multe semne de intrebare pentru ca nu l-am vazut doar ca pe o simpla pelicula, ci din perspectiva terorismului si contra-terorismului.

Oricum, primii pasi spre viata de masteranda, in sensul clasic al cuvanului, i-am facut deja, caci mi-am cumparat o carte, "Inside Terrorism" si am descoperit mai multe titluri interesante la libraria din fata bibliotecii. Astept, totusi, unele recomandari de la profesori pana sa mai fac alte achizitii.

Daca stau sa ma gandesc, ultimele doua zile (ieri si azi) au fost destul de productive...Am facut niste cumparaturi, caci am descoperit ca un Lidl este destul de aproape de casa noastre (15 minute de mers pe jos), asa ca am umplut un raft cu dulciuri pe care le stiu din Germania; apoi am aflat ca Alex si Gabel vor veni sa ma viziteze mai devreme decat stiam, trebuia sa fie o supriza, dar s-a dat tata de gol (serios acum, chiar nu ai invatat nimic din experienta Berlin, tata? :P). Pentru mine nu e nici o problema ca totul e public (imi plac lucrurile transparente hahahaha), mai ales ca vor sosi la timp pt petrecerea de ziua mea. Asa ca acum am doua lucruri importante de organizat: petrecerea si traseul pt "danezi".

Si azi am facut lucruri notabile - am comandat o saltea pt ei si pt viitorul meu oaspete, Alina; am primit, in sfarsit, comanda de la Yves Rocher (am inteles ca a sosit la 07:30 de dimineata, astia nu au somn!!!) si, mai ales, cardul bancar de la Nat West(era cam ridicol cand primeam o groaza de alte chestii de la banca si nu aveam cardul inca), plus vederea din cel mai vechi oras al vikingilor :) Ma rog, daca era dupa mine, nici acum nu af fi descoperit toate lucrurile care mi-au fost livrate azi, desi chiar ma uitam dupa corespondenta noua si nu am observat o ditamai cutie si toate plicurile, cu toate ca erau sub nasul meu :D

Probabil ca nu v-am spus pana acum, dar Pauline mi-a solicitat (mie si lui Sonali, de fapt) sfatul in bucatarie...mai exact m-a rugat ca data viitoare cand gatesc ceva sa o chem sa vada cum se procedeaza, caci vrea sa treaca de stadiul de paste. Este destul de ciudat, caci acum un an abia descopeream tehnica fiertului orezului, iar acum cei care ma vad gatind spun ca fac asta foarte bine...Degeaba le spun ca eu nu stiu sa gatesc, ei insista ca ma descurc foarte bine. Prespun ca acum condimentele fac diferenta :)

O sa cobor acum in bucatarie, sa ii mai "impresionez" un pic pe francezi, dar nu inainte sa va multumesc tuturor celor care imi cititi blogul! Imi pare foarte rau ca nu am mereu timp sa vorbesc cu unii prieteni si prin alte mijloace de comunicare (gen Skype), dar am fost foarte impresionata cand Tamara mi-a spus ca imi urmareste postarile. MULTUMESC!

V-am pupat pe tooooti!!!

PS: Puteti comenta oricand, daca simtiti nevoia ;)


All Quiet on the Western Front

Nothing interesting really happened these days, not that there has been any time for new things. At the beginning of the week I took care of some administrative stuff, like registering at the Medical Care Service (so now I can get sick easily). 50% of the people in the house is sick, I didn't start it though, but I can see it's spreading around to the ones who are visiting us (so you are invited here, I can guarantee you won't leave the house empty handed!).

I can't wait to start the classes (I know I shall regret saying this in a few weeks), but i want to feel I am a student, like the rest of the people, plus that I want to meet my colleagues more often. I've only interacted with them on Tuesday (I actually got to see new faces), when we watched together at the Uni the movie "Munich". I have to admit that this is one of the best production I have seen, at least recently. Pretty tough, but with a lot of gist, even if it's mostly a fiction. It has raised a lot of questions because i haven't watched it only as a movie, but I approached it from the terrorism and counter-terrorism perspective.

However, I took the first steps towards my Postgraduate life (in the classic sense of the world) and I have bought a book, "Inside Terrorism" and i have discovered a lot of other challenging titles in the book store in front of the library. Still, I would like to wait for some recommendations coming from our professors, before making other purchase.

If I get to think about it, the last two days (yesterday and today) have been quite productive...I did some shopping as we discovered a Lidl pretty close to our house (15 mins walk), so one shelf is full of sweets that I used to buy in Germany; then I found out that Alex and Gabel are actually coming to visit me earlier than I expected, it was supposed to be a surprise, but dad spilled the beans (really now, haven't you learnt anything from the Berlin experience, dad? :P). I have no problem with the fact that everything is public now (I like transparent business hahahaha), especially since they'll be here right on time for my B-Day party. So now I have to organise two important events: my party and the trip for the "Danish" ones.

And today I did some noticeable things - I ordered an air mattress for my future guest, Alina, I finally received my Yves Rocher products (I understood that they arrived at 07:30 in the morning, these people have no sleep!!!) and, more important, my Nat West card (it was quite ridiculous that I was receiving loads of other stuff from the bank without having my card), plus the postcard from the oldest city of the viking people :) Well, if it were after me, I wouldn't have noticed all these stuff until now, even if I was actually searching for new mail and I didn't notice a big box a lots of envelopes right in front of me :D

Probably I didn't tell you this until now, but Pauline asked me (me and Sonali, in fact) advices in the kitchen...precisely, she asked me to call her next time I shall cook something so she'll be able to see the process (she wants to go further than cooking pasta). It's pretty weird because a year ago I was just discovering the technique of boiling the rice and now the people who see me cooking tell me that I do it very well...In vain I try to tell them that I don't know hoe to cook in fact, they insist on saying that I do a good job. I assume that now the spices make the difference :)

I'll go downstairs now, to "impress" the French people a bit more, but not before I thank you, all the readers of my blog! I am really sorry that I don't always have the time to talk to some of my friends using other communication means (like Skype), but I was so impressed when Tamara said that she follows all my posts. THANK YOU!

Kisses to everyoooooone!!!!

PS: Feel free to comment ;)

3 comentarii:

all3x said...

Damn I don't know what I should do with even if you know the surprize please act surprised when you see us at the door :D and now that you know do we need to buy you a present?? haha :P
PS: prepare the french people...I can impress them more than you in the kitchen ... you wan't to make a bet on a cake?? :D

Oana said...

I will act suprised, don't worry! :P And, hell yeah I would like a present (I can't remember receiving any form you last year :P).

And with the cooking part, I know you do it better then me. I shall do the cake for the party, you shall do it for Tuesdal, alright?

Anonymous said...

Rusine tuturor bucatarilor francezi care se cred creme de la creme si fac retele alea fantastice alea lor daca poporul lor de rand nu stie sa gateasca:)). Bravo, Oana, u show them, ce mama draq! Multumindu-ti inca o data pentru achizitia saltelei, te salut si ma duc sa-mi spal rufe. C U (quite) soon:P!

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