Sunday, February 28, 2010

Prin Albion: Stratford-upon-Avon

La inceputul lui februarie ne-am hotarat, rezidenti ai 131 Humber Avenue & fanii nostri, sa calatorim un pic impreuna, iar ziua de nastere a Fionei (una dintre colegele mele de casa din Franta) a fost un alibi perfect pt a ne tine de cuvant.
Ne-am strans o mana (sau 2) de oameni si sambata dimineata, pe 6 ale lunii, am plecat spre oraselul lui Shakespeare, sa bem un ceai la el acasa. Eu am luat si un mic bagaj, pe care l-am lasat la statia centrala de autobuze/autocare din Coventry, caci urma sa ma intorc aici, sa il ridic si sa ma indrept spre gara (in aproximativ o ora). Destinatia mea finala a fost Manchester, unde Ana, prietena mea franceza pe care am cunoscut-o in Berlin face practica, iar Tamara, madrilena, a venit special in Anglia sa ne viziteze :)

Pentru ca nu sunt intamplari de povestit, o sa las (MULTELE!) pozele sa vorbeasca:

Pe acest loc a existat casa pe care Shakespeare a cumparat-o in 1597 si
in care a murit in 1616. Resedinta a fost demolata de catre autoritati in 1759.

Iata Casa Memoriala a lui Shakespeare (locul de nastere). Am refuzat sa intram, pentru ca biletul costa 11,5 lire! Fara vreo reducere pentru studenti. Jaf la drumul mare, categoric!

Oraselul este foarte bine prezervat si extrem de cochet, dar ceva lipseste cu desavarsire: barurile!


Mormantul lui W. Shakespeare

Jos cortina!


Around The Albion: Stratford-upon-Avon

At the beginning of February we (the 131 Humber Avenue residents & our fans) decided to travel a bit together and Fiona's B-Day (one of my French housemates) was the perfect alibi to keep our promise.
So we gathered almost a dozen of people and on Saturday morning, the 6th, we were of to Shakespeare's town, to have a cup of tea in his place. I took a small luggage and I left it in Pool Meadow Bus Station, because I was supposed to come back here, pick it up and go straight to the Railway Station (in approximately one hour). My final destination that day was Manchester, where Ana, my French friend that I've met in Berlin, is doing an internship, and Tamara, la Madrilenia, came to England to visit us :)

Stratford-upon-Avon is a well-preserved place and extremely coquette, but it definitely lack proper pubs. We haven't actually visited the Shakespeare Centre and his birthplace, because it the entrance fee is 11,5 GBP (and no student discount)! Total rip-off! Instead we decided to visit the Cathedral where he has been buried and the surrounding areas.

There ain't much more to tell, so I'll let the (MANY!) photos do the talking.

Curtains down!

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