Sunday, October 24, 2010

In Carusel

Stiu, stiu, nu sunt cea mai activa prezenta in blogosfera in ultima vreme, dar nici daca as fi fost platita pentru asta nu as fi reusit sa scriu ceva. Cum in Berlin mereu se intampla ceva, e pacat sa spui nu unor invitatii de socializare...

Imi place foarte mult camera in care stau acum, cu toate ca nu petrec prea mult timp in ea. Spre exemplu, saptamana trecuta am iesit in fiecare seara, ba la film ('The Social Network', filmul Facebook-ului), ba la opera (mai neconventionala,ce-i drept - opera taiwaneza -, dar cu multe persoane importante din Asia), ba la un eveniment ICD. Cam aceeasi schema am aplicat-o si saptamana asta care tocmai se incheie, numai ca am reusit sa profit vreo 2 (maxim 3) seri de intimitatea camerei mele. Am ajuns si la muzeu, desi am aflat, cu parere de rau, ca de acum incolo joia nu mai este intrare gratuita in 16 muzee si galerii de arta berlineze (dar nu ma deranjeaza sa platesc aprox. 5€ pt ceea ce vad, cum ar fi Brancusi, 'Pasarea'), am avut si o cina internationala la birou (vineri seara), unde am trisat de 2 ori: am cumparat sarmale de la turci si am spus ca eu le-am facut (dar mamaliga a fost 'autentica') si m-am prefacut ca sunt spaniola si am pregatit tortilla de patatas.

Urmeaza multe pe lista si saptamana urmatoare: Daniel m-a invitat la cina la el acasa, desi el nu gateste (!), dar mi-a spus ca vor fi mai multe persoane si ca va fi "ca in vremurile bune" (romani, mi se pregateste ceva, sunt convinsa!); miercuri e ziua mea si pregatesc o iesire intr-un club (numit 'Miercuri' - Mittwoch - si deschis doar Miercurea), plus niste bauturi inainte, la mine acasa; joi vom avea petrecerea de Halloween (stiu, e foarte devreme), si cum institutul este la origine american, se pune mare accent pe asta, mai ales pe costume (iar eu nu am nici macar idee cand voi avea timp sa ma ocup si de asta)...Asa ca intr-un fel abia astept sambata viitoare (deja!), pt ca stiu ca atunci va fi singura mea ocazie sa dorm!

La 'serviciu'totul e in regula, in ultimele 3 saptamani am tot vorbit la telefon, sunand diverse universitati, institutii si organizatii (initial din Romania, apoi Croatia, Danemarca si Marea Britanie), pt a le spune de evenimentul din noiembrie (si pt a ii invita, logic). Asta cu toate ca acum sunt in alta echipa, USA Meets Europe, al carui eveniment se va desfasura in ianuarie, in Washington si New York (dar momentan nu am nici o garantie ca o sa merg acolo). In rest, momentan lucrez 8 ore pe zi, sper ca mai incolo voi face ture doar de 6 ore, caci vreau sa incep si niste cursuri de germana. Astept insa sa treaca evenimentul din noiembrie, cand toata lumea din organizatie trebuie sa fie activa si disponibila. Pt asta chiar am fost rugata (mai mult aproape obligata) sa fi fiu sofer (adica sa iau invitatii de la aeroport, sa ii duc la hotem s.a.m.d.), dar am precizat ca nu am mai condus de 3 ani, asa ca voi fi doar co-pilot. Ceea ce nu imi displace, caci voi reusi sa mai stau de vorba cu invitatii (sigur eu si Mihai o sa ii 'recuperam' pe Emil Constantinescu si Vasile Puscas) si chiar ma gandesc sa imi fac niste carti de vizita cu ocazia asta...Sper ca am ce sa scriu pe ele, mai ales ca acum am aflat ca am obtinut 'Merit' pentru Master (adica 2.1 in Anglia), ceea ce nu ia chiar oricine...Aplauze, va rog! :)

Pentru ca vineri mi-am uitat incarcatorul de la laptop la birou (si nu mi-am dat seama mai devreme, caci puteam sa il iau cand am fost la cina internationala) si timpul de care dispun este limitat, trebuie sa ma opresc aici. Noroc ca am un frate technology-obsessed, care mi-a dat o baterie nou-nouta (asta pe langa laptopul in sine, cu imprumut!), caci altfel nu mai scriam nimic...Ar mai fi probabil 3465736356 de lucruri pe care nu le-am mentionat, dar dupa cum vi-ati dat seama probabil, viata mea este acum extrem de intensa, cateodata parca as privi prin ochii altcuiva...Incerc sa nu regret faptul ca nu dorm atat de mult pe cat mi-as dori (adica 8 ore in fiecare noapte, fara exceptie), sunt nca tanara (cel putin pana saptamana urmatoare) si imi permit :) Dar, da, e ciudat sa ai un serviciu (sau ceva asemanator, in cazul meu), sa te trezesti dimineata devreme si sa incerci sa ai si o viata sociala, sa scapi de rutina acasa-birou-acasa. Doar ca martea trecuta, cand m-am trezit mi-am dat seama ca ar fi ideal daca nu as lucra niciodata in viata :)


In a Carussel

I know, I know, I haven't been the most active person in the blogosphere lately, and I don't think I can perform better, even if I would get paid for doing this. And since in Berlin there is always something going on, it would be such a pity to pass some invitations to socialise...

I really love my current room, although I'm not spending too much time in it. For instance, last week I went out every evening, either to the cinema ('The Social Network', the Facebook film), either to the opera (a bit unconventional - Taiwanese opera - and with a lot of important persons from Asia), either to an ICD event. This week I kinda had the same 'routine', although I actually managed to take advantage of my room's privacy for 2 (maximum 3 nights). I went to a museum, but I sadly found out that from now on there is no more free entrance for 16 Berliner museums and art galleries on Thursday evenings (but I really do not mind paying around 5 € for what I could get, such as Brancusi's 'Bird'). We also had an international dinner party at the office (last Friday) and I actually cheated twice:"I bought 'sarmale' from a Turkish shop and I said that I made them myself (at least the 'polenta' was for real) and I pretended to be Spanish and I cooked tortilla de patatas.

There is more to come: Daniel invited me to dinner to his place, although he doesn't cook (!), but he said there will be more people and just like 'the good old days' (there is something going on, I have this feeling); on Wednesday it's my B-Day and I would like to go out in Mittwoch (a club open only on Wednesdays, as it's name suggests) and also to have some drinks in mine's in beforehand. On Thursdays we'll be having the Halloween party (since the institute has been originally founded in the US). So somehow I am very much looking forward to next Saturday already, because I know this will be the first occasion to have a proper sleep!

At work everything is quite OK, for the past 3 week I have been mostly on the phone, calling various universities and organisations in Romania, Croatia and The UK, in order to inform them about our event in November (and to invite them over, obviously). All this despite the fact that I swapped teams, I work for USA Meets Europe team now, who's event is going to take place in January, but in Washington and New York (although for the moment I have no guarantee that I'll be going there). Other than that, I am working 8 hours a day, on a daily basis, but I hope that soon I'll be doing 6 hours shifts, because I would like to start some German classes. I think this would happen after the event in November, when everyone has to be available during those days. For this event I have been asked to be a driver (to pick up people form the airport, to take them to the hotel etc), but I said that I haven't drove for 3 years now, so in the end I'll be a co-pilot :) Which is not that bad, because I'll actually have the chance to talk to the guests (I'm sure that me and Mihai will pick up Emil Constantinescu and Vasile Puscas, the two Romanian guests) and I'm actually thinking of making some business cards. I hope that I can write something on them, especially since now I found out that I got 'Merit' for my Master (that's a 2.1 in the UK), which is a bit better than the average :) Applause, please!

Last Friday I forgot the laptop charger in the office (and I didn't realise it on time, I could have got it back when I went for the international dinner) and my time was limited, hence the delay in translation. Luckily I have a technology-obsessed brother and he gave me a brand new battery. I think there are a gazillion thinks which I haven't mentioned, but my life here is so intense, sometimes I feel like I'm looking through someone else's eyes. I try not to regret the fact that I am lacking sleep a lot, I am still young and I can afford it :) But it's so weird to have a job (or something similar, in my case), to wake up early in the morning and to try to have a social life as well, to avoid the routine home-work-home. Just that last Tuesday, when I woke up I realised that it would be perfect if I would never ever work in my life :)

1 comentarii:

gabita said...

:)) of Oana Oana...imi pare rau ca de abia acum am apucat sa citesc mailul asta, felicitari pentru nota din Anglia si pentru tot ce faci acum!..esti tare:P...
PS. in sfarsit o sa am timp in seara asta sau maine sa iti trimit mailul cu "stii tu cine" :D
multi multi pupici dulci:*

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